Started by Monty1, July 21, 2018, 08:21:18 AM

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Quote from: Cielos on July 21, 2018, 09:04:36 AM

EU law shows that Galasa is flouting practically all of their directives with regards to water supply

Galasa has no obligation under EU law.  The onus to supply water rests with the town hall not Galasa.  Galasa is only acting as an agent.  That is why the town halls have had to bail Galasa out.

A few years ago we applied to drill a well.  These requests are usually refused.  However, as we have no water supply the Town Hall could not turn down our request as we have the right to water.  Even so the day the drilling stopped the Police came round (we are deep in the countryside!) and checked that we had permission to drill.


Sorry to bang this drum again, but it's time we stopped accepting this appalling situation as part of living in Spain

Most of us have water deposits but a significant minority (including some of our elderly Spanish neighbours) do not

In the 21st century, in a developed country, access to safe clean water should be a given

Apart from the constant problems with the actual provision of water, it is generally not fit to drink - just try getting Galasa to state in writing that it is!
This is a real concern, as washing in it/cooking with it etc. means that we are possibly storing up serious health problems in the future
Personally we would never cook with it and our animals all drink bottled water
Seems extravagant but in the long run it's definitely not - just ask the local vets about the number of animals they treat for kidney problems

I urge everyone to register onto the Galasa site and start to report any problems in service - including leaks, of which my village currently has 6 and nothing has been done, despite us being constantly told how precious water is

Galasa should notify customers of planned water cuts 48 hours in advance
EU law shows that Galasa is flouting practically all of their directives with regards to water supply

We all know that Galasa is bankrupt and we know why
Time to take this matter out of local hands and put the responsibility on the Junta's shoulders and if necessary, the government of Spain


In Limaria ours is going off most days from about 5.00pm until 11.00pm sometimes shorter sometimes longer. This is where the water deposit comes in handy. Same most summers.


Out of interest has anyone else got water supply issues and what areas are you in.
Since the beginning of June we have had very little water, some days nothing at all, some days a few hours in the early hours and occasionally a lucky day with water all day. We have never had this problem before apart from once when the valves were adjusted to try and give a better supply to different areas but that was quickly resolved.
We are in Los Cojos and we understand the problem is affecting other areas along the Arroyo Aceituno