Its a bit rich ain't it !

Started by HogRider, January 30, 2009, 18:13:27 PM

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Variety is the spice of life. I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not necessarily to force it on everyone. I tend not to read the arguments that go on here as I find it quite depressing. I use this forum to gain advice about stuff and maybe give a little too. If someone has done a good job for us, I'll tell everyone, but if it's bad, then I don't want my friends being caught out as I have been. Everyone in our street here is new to the area and lots of us dropped lots of clangers when getting people in to do work and buy various stuff essential to a new house. Now if I want something done I ask who's the best bloke for the job. What does get up my nose is that the authorities here are in such a shambles. Our neighbours desperately want to get a pool built but have been told it's going to be yet another year before they will get permission. We ourselves wanted to build a brick shed but have been told we won't get permission and even if we did we would need an architects project which would cost somewhere in the region of 1,000€. Ludacrous. There is a whole estate near us that has no walls around their properties because they arn't allowed. One has hammered old motorway crashbar into the ground - a right mess, but at least it's legal. It Doesn't make sense that making the area look like a gypsey site is completely legal but to make it look nice would be illegal. Sorry - got into ranting mode. I still love it here though!


Oh dear - I didn't mean to get the PC brigade all steamed up once again.  It was just an innocent contribution to mention somebody that did a good job for a good price.  The fact that he is British was only a small advantage - we contacted him because he could come to our house and deal with the car.  I'm not bothered if he came from Timbuktu.  I have no idea who is legal and who is not.  I don't care - got it?   Other than the Administrators who need to police every remark that is made on the forum, there are the others who have no rights other than their own inflated opinions of what is or is not right.  In life there are the good, the bad, the indifferent and the PCs who class themselves as way above the good.  If you don't like it then tough.  

OK Karen - I'll join your growing band of anti-PCs any day.  I know I speak my mind and am not afraid of doing so, but believe it or not I do hold back sometimes because it's just not worth the effort.  In my working days I was used to dealing with such people and could have them for breakfast any day, so you don't scare me I just pity you.
You can't always control who walks into your life...but you CAN control which window you throw them out of.


Well, I manage to offend some members by just being here I think  :lol:


I agree with Karen, the number of times i've not commented on something just because I know someone will come back with a snide comment, even though I've said nothing nasty or offensive, it is very off putting   808


I agree with hogs all we want is, not to be rip off,be it spanish or british,a lot of us dont speak spanish, so we go for the english speaking worker, but then they charge british  prices on spanish wages or british pension,me am lucky, in that i can do most diy jobs,and try my hand at most things except electrics,but when you add up, license for this and that, when most of the spanish say, no don't need that or this,we end up looking like mugs.


You be "grumpy" all you like Karen. I'll join your crusade if you'll have me.
I'm a firm believer in if you've got something on your mind, get it out in the open. All this partial truths just colours the issue and leads to misundertandings as people try and fill in the blanks as they see it. All it really does is keep politicians and lawyers in business. (No offence to any peeps reading that are in those 2 professions, each to their own really).



I've had enough of the PC brigade - I'm going to start a major backlash - anyone care to join me?! I've well and truly had enough of eejits complaining of being offended by this, that or whatever. I don't think I've ever been deliberately offensive to anyone (well not for ages anyway!) so if someone happens to be offended by something which I don't intend to express in an offensive way, all I can say is - get over yourself! It only became trendy to be offended all the time when it became possible to claim vast sums of taxpayers' money in compensation. Next time I'm back in the UK  I'd quite like to be offended - could do with the extra money! Grr...being a grumpy old woman tonight!  :head


Jim, that's one of the things I like about Hogs. Not worried about the PC brigade and will call a spade a spade. That's such a refreshing thing to see, and I applaud him for it.

Hogs, once again a valid point and very succinctly put. I am in total agreement with you on this one. In the current climate, if someone can make some coin doing a good job, rather than just sit back, give up and claim social security, I would rather give them the chance to earn a living.  If you give the Govt. the money, they only give it away, waste it or lose it. Perhaps the future is in direct payments to workers, who knows.



At last some one with a point of view that is not worried about the PC brigade, or say "in the UK  we would never do that,it's illegal".
Now I don't think I'm out of order when I say that most of you out there have, especially in the UK, at some time in your life's, directly or indirectly employed someone who 's not paying the correct taxes.
Well you should be ashamed of yourselves, Spain would not be the country that it is (and you all decided to live here,) had it not been for all the Spanish paying like good little citizens, all there tax's.  
If you are recommended someone, tax paying or not then a recomendation is worth more than a tax paying thief who will go bankrupt and run of with your money or make your guarantees worthless.  :shakefist
Any sanctimonious pious do gooders care to answer :hat


"So my point is why do we, the British, well some of us any way, have to question "

yep,good point hogs,if thair not talking out thair rears  ,or being holyer than our lord JC his self, thair having a pop at somebody who may or may not be legal,in a legaly challenged country,sat thair in thair under declered houses,watching uk telly.

and whats even better is some folks even  think ! thay actually have rights,and its the same as the uk  :lol  S


Be legal and honest then there can be no arguments simple as that.

Bowel Bugle

I fully agree with you. It's hard enough trying to earn a crust without some nosy parker enquiring into your personal business. It's none of their business for god's sake. When in the UK you don't ask the guy repairing your washing machine if he's paying taxes do you? Cause not  :roll:


I've been watching the shenanigins of some of the 'Old fa*ts' trading insults in one of the forum topics and research into old posts leads me to believe that this is not the first time this type of thing has come up !

To what am I refering ? Well it is the thorny subject of a personal recomendation by a forum member, is it advertising or not and has the individual, registered as a business or not or does the business pay taxes etc etc etc !!!!!!!!!!

Well I think its a bit rich to make comments etc etc about Individuals who have provided a good service to somebody at a fair and acceptable price ! especially in Spain where, tax avoidance, unregistered businesses, shylocks, sharaltons, conmen, theives and vagabonds are a national passtime and one might even say national treasures ! Now I know that many spanish folk don't fall into any of the catergories mentioned above and they are decent, honest, law abiding folk and to them I offer my humble apologies.  

So my point is why do we, the British, well some of us any way, have to question anybodies business ethics, and the way service providors go about their day to day business !  Well I for one will say it's none of my bloody business how anybody else goes about their business, registered or not and paying taxes or not but if they provide me with a good and reasonably priced service, fantastic and I wish you all the very best of success in these testing and trying times !

Hogs  :thumbsup

PS When did 'Grumpy Old G*ts ' from the UK get appointed guardians of the spanish tax system or am I missing the point ?