Goodbye to you all - End of the world 21st Dec

Started by Talking Heads, December 20, 2012, 07:02:37 AM

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sleepy john



Quote from: byrney on December 22, 2012, 13:50:58 PM
Sorry Elle,  afraid hell in Spanish would probably start with a J so you don´t get out of it that way !! :lol:
Damn! :D
I'm not easily distracted, I just... ... ... Oh look!! A puppy!!
Find me on Facebook. I don't bite... often.


Sorry Elle,  afraid hell in Spanish would probably start with a J so you don´t get out of it that way !! :lol:


Quote from: felipe on December 21, 2012, 17:41:33 PM
You have been watching FRINGE Elle :)
Was just about to ask you what you were on about... as I hadn't posted in this thread. Then I saw you were talking to Elle Sid. Not many of us about (And for me it's Elle as in "hell" not Ellie as in "jelly").
Elle xx
I'm not easily distracted, I just... ... ... Oh look!! A puppy!!
Find me on Facebook. I don't bite... often.

The Boss

so heres the story... world recassion, the struggling euro, Barack Obama, global catastrophies, rafael benitez @ chelsea now the end of the world is here !   and the Travellers Inn is STILL OPEN   :tiphat:  :clap:

Cowboy Builder

Has anyone elses' world ended yet?

Mayan hasn't.


Elle Sid

Oh you poor fools!!

Don't you all realise, it's happened? It happened at 11 am as predicted. We are no more, the world is no more.

Don't you all realise we are now all in a parallel universe?

It will all become apparent when you realise that Spain no longer has any beaurocracy, the men in green are handing out Christmas presents for speeding, and anything you want done will be immediately and efficiently undertaken.


Quote from: ramblarider on December 21, 2012, 12:27:28 PM
"The galactic bridge has been established," spiritual leader Alberto Arribalzaga said earlier this week.

"The cosmos is going to take us to a higher level of vibration... where humanity is in glory, in joy," he added"

Does that mean that Lidl will actually have enough stock of their special offers, then?

What about the village in France the police :police: had to seal off to stop the hippies trying to access the garage where there is :alien: inter-galactic transport available . :rofl:


I have just realised that perhaps the Mayan's calendar did not account for the number of leap years between 3114BC and now. Which is 1281 extra days.  So the real date is sometime on 1st June 2016 is the end of the world. So we still have another 3 and half years before the end of the world. :clap: :clap:


Galactic Bridge????  Doesn't he mean the bridge at Los Carasoles?  Bridge is OPEN NOW!!


"The galactic bridge has been established," spiritual leader Alberto Arribalzaga said earlier this week.

"The cosmos is going to take us to a higher level of vibration... where humanity is in glory, in joy," he added"

Does that mean that Lidl will actually have enough stock of their special offers, then?


All very distressing. Can we talk about this tomorrow. Haha!


Spookiest thing.....our electric went off at 11.11.!!
If I had to live my life over, I'd live it over a pub.

Windows was unable to locate the requested file. Would you like a glass of wine instead?


REPORTS OF A BIG RED FLASH IN THE SKY....hold 'on hold 'on.......PHEW ITS ONLY SANTA :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



is anybody there? ? ? ?



Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


Well I've cut the fan palms, dug out a dead mandarina, cleaned & mopped the house , repaired the chip cooking thingy & now need to go out. I'll wait 'till after quarter past just in case.   ++= :lol:

Talking Heads

Not Long now !!

My head is inbetween my legs and im kissing my a*se goodbye lol

DJ to the Almeria Stars..............

King saint 76

Just realised I spelt armageddon wrong.....    still, not the end of the world is it!!!!!



Quote from: CT on December 21, 2012, 07:24:02 AM
It's 12.11 Spanish time it happens

WHAT? I'll never get all my housework done in 2 hours! Never mind Christmas shopping!

They'll have to postpone it!



Just hasn't happened yet.
It's later on today.
Wake me up when it starts....wouldn't want to miss another one.


As Armageddings go, that one was pretty quiet.
Slept right through it.
Kettles on.


Quote from: saint 76 on December 20, 2012, 17:53:40 PM
Armergedding will soon be here
Armergedding depressed now - - - - :(
Malayan proverb - Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm.

King saint 76


Quote from: gus-lopez on December 20, 2012, 17:23:03 PM
Now tomorrow is the shortest day .Will it be even shorter depending on when it ends ?
What time is it likely to end as I've just done the Euromilliones & It 'll be just my luck to win when it's no use. :'( 11..11 am acording to the mayans :whistle:

well 11..11am according to the mayan creeps up on you so quick ..i have so much to do :rofl: :crazy:


Now tomorrow is the shortest day .Will it be even shorter depending on when it ends ?
What time is it likely to end as I've just done the Euromilliones & It 'll be just my luck to win when it's no use. :'(


Hi Cantabrian,
yes its great craic!
No sign of soreen....yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???

King saint 76

Quote from: cantabrian on December 20, 2012, 16:34:07 PM
I hope dirtbox goes FIRST!!!!!!!!

Any connection you had with the real world ended quite sometime ago CB.


Quote from: doreen1 on December 20, 2012, 16:48:48 PM
well I am opening my Christmas presents, eating mince pies and drinking whiskey.......hope its the end of the world every day :crazy:

Typical southern paddy,!! Did you find the Soreen i sent !!!!


well I am opening my Christmas presents, eating mince pies and drinking whiskey.......hope its the end of the world every day :crazy:



Senile - you´ll probably forget about it anyway!!