Bankia Closing

Started by antas10, September 11, 2013, 15:38:57 PM

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Went to Cajamar yesterday opened a new account they will re arrange all my direct debits. Just have to close Bankia. I wonder what they will charg to close the account ??i


Went to the Mojacar branch today and was told the 25th October is closing day.  Feel really sorry for the guys there - they have been really helpful to us.
We are going to open a new account next week, and the Mojacar staff offered to print out a full list of all our Direct Debits, so we can pass them on to our new bank.  We will leave the account open until about a week before they close, to ensure that all DDs are paid and changed over.
Not really very happy with all this, but we have little choice when withdrawals at ATMs in Albox cost us €1.20 per €100!


Quote from: ramblarider on September 12, 2013, 07:52:54 AM
Rather than close an account, it is often better just to keep it open and open another one elsewhere. Always good to have a backup... just use the "old" one in such a way that charges are minimal. I agree this is going to be a real pain as the charges from using other bank's cash machines are outrageous these days. You can hardly drive to Almeria or Murcia just to withdraw cash....

The Mojacar branch always seemed very busy, and also helpful. Too bad. I shall also be investigating the alternatives...

Even if you "close" it with some banks, if a payment is made to the account it will be accepted , & they even embargo closed ones. :rofl: I've seen it with friends. You couldn't make it up.


Rather than close an account, it is often better just to keep it open and open another one elsewhere. Always good to have a backup... just use the "old" one in such a way that charges are minimal. I agree this is going to be a real pain as the charges from using other bank's cash machines are outrageous these days. You can hardly drive to Almeria or Murcia just to withdraw cash....

The Mojacar branch always seemed very busy, and also helpful. Too bad. I shall also be investigating the alternatives...

Amanda Oakley

I was "unoficially" told about the branches in Vera and Mojacar closing last week by a personal friend who is a Branch Manager..... closure is meant to be on the 25th October and the nearest Bankia branch will be in Almeria....I did not ask about Murcia area. All account holders should be notified in writing in early October (not sure in reality if this will happen much before closure as with previous experience, banks tend to leave us mere clients until the last minute to avoid accounts being closed....) the advice from a personal friend was to move my account and just leave my mortgage payments setup via direct debit from an alternative bank.... I am trying not to say too much as I do not want any repercussions for the person who has advised me but am very aware of the logistical issues with the nearest branch being in Almeria - and the obvious communication problems.
I believe that Spectrum posted on Facebook yesterday but said the closures were going to be end of September.
As account holders we should also bear in mind that this is a really tough time for the employees who have a tough time ahead!!! Lets all remember it is not their fault!!! sunrun 
Amanda Oakley
ALO Services (Zurgena)
Conveyancing and General Legal Services
Tel 950 449179 / 667 994682


This is true and has been confirmed by Mojacar branch........there is a branch in Murcia or one in Almeria city...and there is nothing on their website either, and you can bet they will not offer us refunds on the 1.20 we have to pay to withdraw our own money from cajeros belonging to other banks.......


I heard this on the radio yesterday - we are going to see our Bank Manager tomorrow!  Can't keep paying to withdraw money at €1.20 for every €100. A visit to either Vera or Mojacar branch (withdrawals free!) every month is not a major issue for us, but Almeria once a month is not on.  I heard there will be 2 branches remaining open in Andalucía, but not sure where the other one is! 
We haven't heard anything 'officially' either.  Really bad treatment for customers!  We will be moving our money asap.

Lesley and Pete

Which 'social website' is this information from.  I receive regular updates from their Facebook page, and there is nothing about it on there.


Just heard today that all local branches of Bankia will be closed from next month. The nearest branch will then be Almeria. Just thought i'd let u all know as i have just found out via a social website, and had to ring my branch to confirm this. No letter to customers nothing!