Promar - Galasa Water

Started by mickey spillane, May 06, 2014, 08:49:30 AM

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Thank you Roger this is exactly what is happening in Llanos  del Peral . The 15 villas in  question still do owe promar money therefore are lucky to be able to have this amount deducted from their outstanding balance of their property.


I assume this is not Los Llanos de Arboleas (where there are no Promar houses) but Los Llanos de Peral in Zurgena.

Galasa require the payment of Derecho de Acometida which is a debt due by the builder, before installing a meter.
In every case in Arboleas this has been taken from the clients bank account for builders such as Mountain Oaks and Procoal.
The client gets a receipt from Galasa, to deduct the money from any money they owe the builder, if they are lucky enough to have retained any money, (which often they have not).

In Arboleas we are dealing with Promar differently, because they are working closely with the Town Hall (and we have their money tied in escrow accounts!!).


Looks like one for Mayor Done to explain the best way to handle ,as this must have cropped up befor.    :tiphat:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Hi Mickey (G) The promoter is NOT receiving the money. Like when you paid the 150 euro for license .His presence was there but he didn't receive the money. Galasa will be receiving the money because they do NOT trust Promar. The promoter in this case Promar has to give Galasa their signature for the 'CONNECTION RIGHTS'. The receipt Promar are signing will be the one YOUR solicitor has drawn up stating this fee YOU are paying, on the behalf of your promoter Promar, will be DEDUCTED from the outstanding balance of your villa which you owe. No money will touch Faustino's hands, payment directly to GALASA in Galasa's office with YOUR solicitors presence & yourself. You, Your neighbours & Galasa DO NOT trust Promar. this way Galasa get their Connection rights fee you & neighbours get the water they want & promar get NO money.


Paying direct to Galasa is the way to go.  I have sent you a PM with details of an incident concerning Promar and Galasa that I cannot put on the open forum. Suffice to say, make sure you get a receipt from Galasa yourself that you have paid it. 

What I do not understand is why it costs one group of people in La Perla, 150€ for a plumber to connect the water, plus 930€ to galasa and you are being asked for 254€ and 830€.


Not sure where you are but if you're in Arboleas area I suggest you go and speak to someone at the town hall first!

mickey spillane

Can i put a hypothetical question to all house owners who have/have not been connected to Galasa mains water supply.
We have been advised that following payment to Font Arboleas of 254 euros to prepare the site for connection on behalf of Galasa, It has been confirmed by Galasa that the connection rights per villa in Los LLanos are 850.56 euros for each property. This money is to be paid at Galasa main offices in Vera and will be deposited in the name of the promoter, therefore the promoter will issue a receipt to the homeowner stating that the said amount will be deducted from the final balance of the house. So why go to the office of Galasa to pay the promoter?
Has anyone come across this situation before as not wishing to be too skeptical alarm bells are yet again ringing.
Be grateful for any responses asap as the meeting at Galasa is tomorrow.