Started by CT, June 26, 2014, 15:54:03 PM

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God works in mysterious ways  :angel:


Yes I saw it on the telly, it looked like God pushed the other blokes shoulder into his teeth :whistle:


It wasn't his fault he says. He lost his balance then got a strong pain in his teeth. :whistle:


Quote from: Three Blind Mice on June 27, 2014, 07:59:00 AM
What Suarez did was wrong on so many levels, but a bit of perspective is required.

Take a player who deliberatly goes out to injure another player, he could quite easily end the career of another, and he gets a 3 tops game ban, something wrong there.

Suarez has a problem for sure, but the over reaction is way over the top.

There is a youtube compilation of some of his worst tackles doing the rounds, each and every one is more deserving of a greater punishment than he has had for his biting incident, yet he has never been sent off, hypocricy rules the day.

Still, he can enjoy wimbers while eating an apple through a tennis racket.

Suarez DID deliberately injure the Italian - you can't bite somebody on the shoulder by accident!

He's no better that any player who deliberately commits a nasty tackle or puts the elbow in - he's a thug and should be banned for longer.


Very important point made there byrney, biting is a filthy thing to do. My son was bitten by a drug crazed woman when he was a young copper, she was charged for it, but went back to the station and told them she had aids. The weeks of worry were a nightmare until he was cleared medically and later she admitted that it was a malicious claim that she had aids, but you never know, it could happen. >:(   


Don't full agree with that Three Blind Mice.

Presumably the poor people who have been bitten by this animal will have to wait weeks for the results of tests to see if they have now got AIDS, which is rather more dangerous than losing their careers.

A life ban is the only proper punishment.

When my son was around 12 years old, he played for a junior team.  They had an absolute star centre forward who popped goals in like no business.  A fantastic player with tons of skill and ability.  He definitely could have made it.  Unfortunately, I reckon he'd been watching too many recordings of Leeds back in the seventies, and liked to "niggle".  He got banned from the entire League, for antics no worse than this "grown man".

Three Blind Mice

What Suarez did was wrong on so many levels, but a bit of perspective is required.

Take a player who deliberatly goes out to injure another player, he could quite easily end the career of another, and he gets a 3 tops game ban, something wrong there.

Suarez has a problem for sure, but the over reaction is way over the top.

There is a youtube compilation of some of his worst tackles doing the rounds, each and every one is more deserving of a greater punishment than he has had for his biting incident, yet he has never been sent off, hypocricy rules the day.

Still, he can enjoy wimbers while eating an apple through a tennis racket.

Pompey Blue

Have it on good authority that he is leaving Liverpool and signing for MUNCHengladbach.
Man cannot live by bread alone, there should be a beverage involved.


ABSOLUTELY not long enough!  He should have been banned for at least 1 year and only allowed back on condition that he has extensive therapy for his fetish in the meantime.

Liverpool are bleating that it is not right that they should suffer - well sorry - they have defended him through 2 major misdemeanours including the previous biting incident and the
nasty racist remarks made to Patrice Evra - they chose to put success before morals so now they also have to pay.   Suarez is lower than an animal, he is smug and cynical and the
sooner he is out of the premiership the better.


He should get some kind of treatment. I know a great bloke that could help him, Hogs, you out there?!!!!  :tiphat:


Only 4 months?! Disgraceful! He should have been banned for life! Pre-school age children get expelled from nursery for this, I can't understand why he isn't out on his ear! Oh wait, of course I CAN understand....the love of money is the root of all evil.