Genuine offer to anyone fed up with Android TV

Started by oldbirchy, September 01, 2014, 16:56:20 PM

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Do you know Andy..  For once I actually agree 100%.. everything you say there makes sense.... BRAVO!!!!!

And yes we do offer an android box on our web site, As we have always said, We are trying to offer a complete service, and everyone has different needs...   Android does have its place, and for watching series and films it is a very capable box... But lets be honest here, its very easy to download a film and then watch it on your TV... You don't need Android to do that..any old laptop will do the same job..
Sometimes an Android is beyond the older age groups as they are not the easiest things to use if its new to you, So I would never advise anyone to go Android if they are looking to watch live TV...easily... press a button... Emmerdale/eastenders.. or whatever your desire.

And yes, the people that I have spoken with, that are unhappy with android are without doubt all trying to watch live TV.. So again, We are on the same wavelength.



Well I am an android user and don't agree with your last statement.

If you want access instantly to live TV just !like in the days before the big change, then yes, you are right but to me, that's not what android is about.
What it gives is 24/7 access to quality TV series and fims.The picture quality is superb and having been hooked on the recentbbchit The Honourable woman, I sat and watched all 8 episodes back to back without a glitch.

If you are talking about live UK BBC ITV etc using filmon, again I Agee with you the picture quality is poor, just about acceptable but to me this NOT what android is about.

I know that you are trying to sell what is probably an excellent replacement for what we used to have and I applaud the range and variety of alternatives on your web site.
Oh by the way, one of those alternatives is an android box!
I am not saying android is for everyone. It isn't!
What I am saying is that if you have made the investment in buying one, please make sure that you have explored and learned how to get the best from it.

Regards Andy


I was a MCSE (Microsoft certified systems engineer) and was involved in TV broadcast and IT, Have been technical for most of my working life, So I am very aware of the limitations on internet TV. I was designing and building the electronics for satellite decoders in the 90's, running my own web servers, and watching internet TV and downloading films on a 56Kbps modem way before most people even knew it was possible.  I have played with Xbox, PS3 and Android for a while, so I am not a newbie to the topic ..   So here is my 2 penneth...

The quad core android boxes are ok, dual core are a waste of money.. And yes they can be made to work within reason. But I run one in my house alongside the other systems I have, and to be honest it has never been, nor can it be 100%.. but then neither can satellite. I run them all just to keep finger on the pulse

Fact is that you may be able to get an android box to work within reason for now..      BUT.. and its a big BUT....

The communication infrastructure available in Spain is just not there to support masses of people watching streaming video. You only have to look at the speeds offered by providers to see that.. The UK has had 100mb for 18 months, and I will state now that no matter how fast YOUR connection is, there is always going to be bottle necks at peak times, whether that is in your house with more than one person online, at your providers gateway, or the links to the internet backbone.. Spain is just not equipped for it. 
And guess what.. winter is coming, nights are drawing in... that will equal more people online using up valuable bandwidth, So the problem maybe able to be improved for now... but it will come back very soon...   FACT... You cannot watch internet TV around the clock without glitches, just like you cant 100% guarantee satellite TV in a storm..
My advise, and yes I am biased... If you want quality TV, then Satellite is the only way to go. And that opinion is backed up by every Android user I come into contact with... 


Hi All
From the last few posts it is obvious that there are android box owners who have a real frustration with their system!

I have installed dozens of boxes over the past months and have vast experience of what their faults are and how to get the best from them.

Regards Andy