1.9 Sat Dish are they good

Started by Monty1, September 23, 2014, 10:19:08 AM

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phileas fogg

Wife has the zapper for all her soaps, hospital soaps the lot


Why not reconnect your android and use mash up on that? Saves messing with your laptop!
Regards Andy

phileas fogg

We have a 1.9 dish and a humax box, get all channels around UK except one which shows as a weak signal. Lost most yesterday due to electrical storm for around 5 minutes. Perfect picture and some in HD  as well. To be honest I was fed up with the Android system buffering and loss of film on, so 6 months ago had this system installed and got the Humax box from Amazon via Suer which took half a dozen phone calls to get them to get it to me. Now if I want to watch anything else when the repeats are on I put on "mashup" and away I go on my laptop,My android box is disconnected and back in its box.


I have a 1.9 dish and Sky+HD. We get excellent service with the exception of one BBC channel - mainly during the day, regardless of the weather. No problems since installing a few weeks ago. We don't miss any programmes as we simply put another regional BBC1 channel on instead if we can't get our preferred region.

No - I'm not from Huddersfield, before anyone asks.. :)


Anyone with 1.9 dish having any problems with reception now we have had some cloud and rain.
I had heard some comments about breaking up if it was cloudy