Little India

Started by Jedslam, August 09, 2015, 19:29:39 PM

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Sharron T

Amanda,  If we had locked it earlier we would have been accused of locking to soon, so therefore we can't win can we.

Topic now being locked!

Amanda Oakley

So, how come this post has been allowed to "rant" on ??????????????????
Amanda Oakley
ALO Services (Zurgena)
Conveyancing and General Legal Services
Tel 950 449179 / 667 994682


Sorry had to reply one last time...............

The truth as said by who????????????? There are always two sides to a story and we will believe one of them be it right or wrong but hey ho that's life!!!!

Enough now said on this topic!!!


Senior Villian, please don't tell me what I am and am not interested in. As I have said before and will say again the truth will come out in the end, it always does.
You go and visit this restaurant and I hope you have a lovely meal. I'm sure I will read about it on a forum. By the way whilst your there you could gather your bit of evidence/ information and then make your own mind up. Nothing like getting it straight from the horses mouth.

Senior Villain

 It seems some people are happy with half stories and hearsay information,  So Lizzie it's pointless you saying " the truth always comes out" when your really not interested in the truth at the end of the day are you?

Looking forward to visiting this restaurant and try it for myself, but dont worry I shall not bother posting a review.

Phil lets not let the truth influence a good story hey!!





Jedslam, do you have a receipt to prove you went in for a takeaway ?  :lol: :lol: :lol:



I am extremely happy with my life thank you very much! We did not go the Indian to gossip, we were in there to order a takeaway and the owner volunteered this information quite freely.  We had not heard of any altercation until we went in there so certainly did not go in there to "Gossip" as you say but just to get a takeaway (which we enjoyed very much)!!   

I will not comment on the matter any further.


Jedslam said what he was told. The only reason this has carried on is because it was said that the owner was going to come on here and put the record straight.It should have been left at that, but no, posters had to start posting stuff like it would be good to hear what the owner has to say.
Just leave it,if he comes on, he comes on. If you really want to know from him what happened then go and ask him :head :crazy:


Jedslam the Jubilado bit came from a post by Jubilado referring to the incident as s/he seems to have actually been there, while you had only heard about it.  I suppose if the owner wants to explain further he can come on here and do it. However the discussion between him and the person referred to by you seems to be a different matter. Perhaps it would have been better not to go to a restaurant and start gossiping with staff about others who had been there? Why would you want to do that in the first place? Oh I forgot, this area is a hotbed of gossip and rumour mostly fuelled by people who seem to be very bored with their own lives and much more interested in talking about everyone else. I hope you remember this when the tables are turned and some gossip-monger starts spreading rumours about you!
Maybe everyone would be better minding their own business!

phpBB Senior Member
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Re: Little India
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2015, 11:03:45 AM »
Tried it for the first time last, moderately busy. Drinks order taken and poppadums reasonably early but no menus available, yet!
Eventually got menus but ages before order taken.
Starters arrived 1 hour 15mins after we sat down.
When the food arrived it was excellent, but by then we had finished our wine and the water was warm.

Air con was struggling with heat also.
Table behind had a confrontation and left without paying! Dont know what their problem was but they seemed to have eaten most of their food!
Think we will go again but when its cooler,  holidaymakers have gone home and midweek.


This is one of the reasons why we rarely allow businesses to be discredited as it can be one person's point of view. Although in this case the original poster is only posting what he was told by the owner of the restaurant. Why would he make it up?


Like I said it was an opinion given at the time by what we were told by the owner.  If he then decided to say that was not what happened then that is up to him.  It is on the conscience of both parties involved as to what really did happen and only they know. I do not post on here as any other name so where "jubilado" comes from I do not know.  If the owner of the restaurant and the other person involved have settled it then that is great.

Senior Villain

Lizzie 1201 your right I have read one side of the story and i for one would like to read the other side, too often allegations are made on a public forum and we only seem to get one side of an allegation or complaint.

Having worked in the criminal justice system for 40 years I do believe that evidence/information from both sides must be available to all of us so we can make an informed decision.

I dont believe in "never let the truth get in the way of a good story"




The other party, ie the restaurant, is free to come on and support this. However Jedslam, I really think that calling people "scumbags" when you weren't even present is the one thing likely to give the English a bad name. It is disgraceful, reprehensible and in very, very poor form to resort to this kind of posting, when you have no evidence to back up your views.
It makes you look like a snide little gossip with nothing better to do but try to stir up anger by spreading rumours.
Unless you are also posting as "jubilado" then what exactly do you know about it? If you want to start some scurrilous gossip then I'd be very careful if I was you - by putting things in writing on a public forum you leave yourself open to accusations of libel, not to mention the possibility that karma might hunt you down!


This is directly from the person involved who was disappointed with the meal, having just returned from the restaurant again at about 11.20pm last night:

I have just come back from speaking with the manager/owner of the restaurant..  
This is what he has said... Not word for word..  But close enough...
He admitted the starter was frozen,  he admitted we did not eat our mains,  and we did not have 8 pints plus various other drinks..  He also admitted that we offered to pay for what we had...  But they insisted we didn't.
He also admitted that we spoke to them quietly at the bar and did not kick up a fuss..  
I showed him exactly what was said on the other forum,  and he is as unhappy about it as I was!!!  
After the conversation I had a drink with him,  he did me a chicken jalfrezzi to take away (which was quite nice and piping hot)..   We shook hands and left, we parted as friends and I have offered him to advertise with us.  
He is going to join the other forum tomorrow and put the record straight...  Will be interesting to see if he is allowed to???!!

I accepted his apology,  and I accepted his reasons for what happened..  And I will go back and give it another go..  After all,  he is just another business trying to make a living..  And as has already been said,  every one deserves a second chance..


Let's be very, very honest  :D The two parties involved are never going to come on here and give their views. I could be wrong but I don't think so. I also believe that like myself you have already read one side of the story or what ever you want to call it and that's probably the only one there is going to be. :crazy:

Senior Villain

Jedslam thanks for your response,

So far we have described people as "Scumbags" on hearsay evidence and for me I would like the two parties involved give their explanations then as you say Lizzie the truth will come out.




Totally agree with you Senior Villain, just an opinion gained by what we were told.

Senior Villain


I think to save a major argument and disrupt any of the other diners the staff at Little India let it go but we told them they should of called the Guardia as these "scumbags" showed a great deal of disrespect and have yet again given the English a bad name!!!

This kind of statement would not be acceptable as evidence, it's what you think and may be no where near the truth.

As karen say's let's hope the people involved can post their view on the issue.






I would be more interested in what the people who walked out had to say



I agree Karen. I still believe the truth always comes out in the end.


It would be good to hear what the restaurant manager/owner has to say.


The truth always comes out in the end :clap: :clap:
Well done Jedslam :tiphat:


Went there tonight for another takeaway (had one last week and was great) and was talking to the owner about what had happened with regard to a table of people refusing to pay. 

These people had had at least 8 pints of larger and other drinks and had eaten all of their meal and then complained the food was no good.  I think to save a major argument and disrupt any of the other diners the staff at Little India let it go but we told them they should of called the Guardia as these "scumbags" showed a great deal of disrespect and have yet again given the English a bad name!!!