
Started by doreen1, November 13, 2015, 22:12:57 PM

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Ahhh, so Nosuns real identity is Katie Hopkins, reality tv personality, love it.


No sun, have to agree with most of your comments  :clap:


Nice to see you Nosun ;) welcome back :handshake :clap: Downstairs for a pint then :drinks:

Brilliant piece Nosun :clap:

Challenger 383

Quote from: Tetley on November 15, 2015, 13:49:19 PM
Quote from: MELEE on November 15, 2015, 13:12:44 PM
Why Tetley - will YOU be flying an Isreali flag the next time
a Palastinian kills an Israeli in the street or by firing their blasted
rockets into Israel
That too is a genuine question

I  wont be flying any flags,i will however say a few words to my own  "human energy spirit" in private away from the crowds  for all the folks that are been jailed ,butcher and maimed......daily in the name of.... "whatever "occupies the masses at the time,wether it be Putin & Camron, or " the tooled up " brain washed now OFF  the lead, have nowts, now free to roam the EU.... on mass all thanks to the EU iDOTS running the EU..... Asylem


I have to agree Tetley,  the Commission and our European governments have created this mess by their inability to make decisions in case it might offend, their dithering has shown the world Europe does not speak with one voice, does not act in unison, but was more than happy to break it's fundemental policies and freedoms, and simply does not know to handle a very dangerous situation in its own back yard, yet it happily  removed various heads of state when it suited. They are stabbing in the dark, state is turning on state, but even now nobody has come up with a coherent strategy and time is running out, the union is falling apart, EU countries are doing their own thing, and not following the dictate as laid down by the commission looks like the Germans have lost for the third time.


Gus, my man says give him a gun , preferably a Kalisknikov, and he would shoot anybody  who poses a serious threat to his loved ones. That is me, ( his wife) his three children, his two grandsons , and his three great-grand children.  He is 87 years old and he means every word he says and he would die to protect us. Our lily livered do -gooder politically correct politicians need to take a long hard look at themselves. If push cones to shove, my 87 year old husband and a few thousand of his elderly age group are more willing  to fight terrorism than our ****  governments. Just saying  :lol:


Quote from: zilnor on November 15, 2015, 13:38:14 PM
Israeli intelligence pass this info onto their military, who make a big effort not to retaliate in those areas. What sort of people would place bombs in their own schools ?

The same that used to throw their children into the tank tracks so they could claim compensation off the brits when they were  in Aden.
Tetley if it is going to go on for years then I'm going to be wanting me own gun.  :wave

Three Blind Mice

I prob haven't made my self clear, tis a habit I have.
I honestly don't believe a passport was found at all, highly conveinient for those who want to restrict the influx of refugees, not that that is a bad thing.
Just my humble opinion.
What have Celtic and Rangers got to do with anything ?


 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I don't get this "war" thing at all. It's not a war, there are wars going on in the world but not in Paris. These Muslim perverts have declared a war on their own, in the name of their religion, therefore it's a "religious war" fought only by them in the only way they know how. Even ordinary Muslims will tell you it's about religion, they should know. Just because some of us can't get the religion bit, they certainly can.
Sometimes I wish I was religious, just to feel what it's all about, but I aint, so I can't. ??? Fink if I walked into church I'd burst into flames :o


Quote from: Karen4 on November 15, 2015, 11:53:26 AM
I disagree Hogs, I don't believe it is a religious war, any more than the conflict in Northern Ireland was a religious war, or that rape is about sex. What they all have in common is not some over-developed ideology about a "god" - imaginary or otherwise - but it's simply about power and control, and probably money. In my opinion hat's their religion, nothing to do with the Quran, or the Bible, or any other religious text.
I think it certainly SUITS them to have everyone believe they are fighting a religious war, as, especially in the traditional Islamic countries, the population tend to slavishly believe everything that's told to them by their "holy" men, thus they are able to rule through fear, in much the same way that an affluent institution like the Catholic church always did, and to a certain degree, still does with the less educated peoples.

I totally agree here, the fact that these knuckle dragging scum want everyone to follow their God doesn't make it a religious war, Celtic, Rangers, Catholic, Protestant, Quran, Bible...these are sub humans, no conscious, brain washed beyond belief. They need stopping, it should be a royal pain in the ass getting into any country these days, we wouldn't like the delays and stuff but if it helps keep us safe then it's a necessary inconvenience
Fidget Midget
Wer'e all going on a European Tour - Up The Clarets!


Quote from: Three Blind Mice on November 15, 2015, 15:36:14 PM
Well, if the highly trained ones, trained by the americans, are kept back to plan etc, they wouldn't allow them to carry their passports.
My mates son is in the special services, when they are out and about, even when off duty, they carry nothing that will identify them, nothing whatsoever, it's common sense.
But Sky and the BBC said so, so it must be true
thats exactly what I am saying,the guys in Paris were not highly trained,they were just your normal canon fodder hence why very possible that one or more had ID papers of some type,dont forget that in most countries you have to carry ID at all times so they would carry it to the meeting place just before doing what they do,
yep agree about your mates son the 'specialists' are trained that way,they dont even do what bears do without taking it with them for 'safe' disposal


The point is, they would normally not carry a passport in a theatre of war, but Paris aint. If they were stopped before committing their heinous crimes they could end up getting nicked without their ID, even I have to carry my passport in France :tiphat:
I suppose there could be a perfectly innocent reason for the Passport being there, coz there were others killed nearby, but the logical assumption is that it was the bombers, until of course proven otherwise. :tiphat:   

Three Blind Mice

Well, if the highly trained ones, trained by the americans, are kept back to plan etc, they wouldn't allow them to carry their passports.
My mates son is in the special services, when they are out and about, even when off duty, they carry nothing that will identify them, nothing whatsoever, it's common sense.
But Sky and the BBC said so, so it must be true


Any way there should be one thing we can all agree on....

its going to get a lot worst and has little chance of getting any better  :handshake

 and the terrorst wepons will be no doubt now be on  the drawing board to make " Dirty bombs " wether it be chemical or Plutonium so they can take out hundreds in western citys,wich probably explains why the USA,UK,Russia will be working together be hind the scencs and Camron has left the blanket bombing to Putin,especialy know he has a political scape goat....... Comrade  Carbyne......... in the commons..
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: Three Blind Mice on November 15, 2015, 13:25:28 PM
Sorry but I don't agree.
The last thing they will want is for those left behind to be identified, these people are highly trained killers, think about it.

sorry,but these are not 'highly' trained killers these are just the average 'foot' soldier same as a squaddie in any army and therefore it would be feasable that they carry ID as they are 'brainwashed' to carry it in their own countries under normal living.
the 'highly' trained ones are kept in reserve to train/arm/plan etc


Quote from: MELEE on November 15, 2015, 13:46:12 PM
Those who want Israel to look like the big bad wolf because they don't think Israel has the right to exist

I iwsh this country had the same ethic as Israel - to protect it's OWN people no matter what

yep strange that, isis are only attacking the weak western countries(as in leadership)they leave israel well alone as they know what the retaliation would be

Three Blind Mice

Quote from: webejamin on November 15, 2015, 13:47:00 PM
Quote from: Three Blind Mice on November 15, 2015, 13:25:28 PM
Sorry but I don't agree.
The last thing they will want is for those left behind to be identified, these people are highly trained killers, think about it.
Why not? they'll be dead anyway and they'll want others to be proud of them.
The other thing is, if it's not his passport, how did he get it, who is without one, and have they (because they are presumably innocent) told the authorities they've lost it :whistle:
another thing, they're just shown how to hide, load and fire the weapons, monkey's can do that. They should have more practice at blowing themselves up though, before setting out on their glorious and brave deeds, in fact I highly recommend it. :tiphat:

If you really believe that, fine.
They have stated that they are at war with the west, a war that they will do everything within their power to win, and giving their enemy info is not on their list, imo.
But you carry on believing  :tiphat:


Quote from: MELEE on November 15, 2015, 13:12:44 PM
Why Tetley - will YOU be flying an Isreali flag the next time
a Palastinian kills an Israeli in the street or by firing their blasted
rockets into Israel
That too is a genuine question

I  wont be flying any flags,i will however say a few words to my own  "human energy spirit" in private away from the crowds  for all the folks that are been jailed ,butcher and maimed......daily in the name of.... "whatever "occupies the masses at the time,wether it be Putin & Camron, or " the tooled up " brain washed now OFF  the lead, have nowts, now free to roam the EU.... on mass all thanks to the EU iDOTS running the EU..... Asylem

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: Three Blind Mice on November 15, 2015, 13:25:28 PM
Sorry but I don't agree.
The last thing they will want is for those left behind to be identified, these people are highly trained killers, think about it.
Why not? they'll be dead anyway and they'll want others to be proud of them.
The other thing is, if it's not his passport, how did he get it, who is without one, and have they (because they are presumably innocent) told the authorities they've lost it :whistle:
another thing, they're just shown how to hide, load and fire the weapons, monkey's can do that. They should have more practice at blowing themselves up though, before setting out on their glorious and brave deeds, in fact I highly recommend it. :tiphat:


Those who want Israel to look like the big bad wolf because they don't think Israel has the right to exist

I wish this country had the same ethic as Israel - to protect it's OWN people no matter what


We have friends who live in Israel and it is not all one sided, as Melee says. The Palestinians place bombs along perimeter fences of their schools hoping that if an Israeli rocket hits them, they can say the Israelis did the damage. Israeli intelligence pass this info onto their military, who make a big effort not to retaliate in those areas. What sort of people would place bombs in their own schools ?

Three Blind Mice

Sorry but I don't agree.
The last thing they will want is for those left behind to be identified, these people are highly trained killers, think about it.


Quote from: webejamin on November 15, 2015, 12:44:15 PM
Quote from: Karen4 on November 15, 2015, 11:53:26 AM
I disagree Hogs, I don't believe it is a religious war, any more than the conflict in Northern Ireland was a religious war, or that rape is about sex. What they all have in common is not some over-developed ideology about a "god" - imaginary or otherwise - but it's simply about power and control, and probably money. In my opinion hat's their religion, nothing to do with the Quran, or the Bible, or any other religious text.
I think it certainly SUITS them to have everyone believe they are fighting a religious war, as, especially in the traditional Islamic countries, the population tend to slavishly believe everything that's told to them by their "holy" men, thus they are able to rule through fear, in much the same way that an affluent institution like the Catholic church always did, and to a certain degree, still does with the less educated peoples.

Come on Karen, that's a bit of a pompous post, implying that people, and you picked out Catholics, are a bit thick. I'm nothing, but if I was I'd be right insulted by your post. I know plenty of people that have a religion, but aint fick. :tiphat: 

Webe  :clap: :clap:


TBM, they were suicide attackers so I don't suppose they cared if their passports were found. And maybe they wanted them to be found to prove where they originated, and put yet more fear into the infidels !


Why Tetley - will YOU be flying an Isreali flag the next time
a Palastinian kills an Israeli in the street or by firing their blasted
rockets into Israel
That too is a genuine question


Tetley, the truth is that we only really care about our own loved ones. Paris is too close to home for the rest of Europe so obviously, we are all very concerned about the events of the last couple of days.


" Religion " is only a word. But we understand what is meant by it .  I have to agree with Hogs, that ISIS are using their religion to wage war against the west.
Karen, you are right also, that it is about power, but in the case of ISIS
they use their power to enforce their religion on others and if they do not submit, death is the result.

Webe, spot on about the Imans standing back and letting the young brainwashed men do their dirty work.

All nations have made mistakes in the past and have blood on their hands. But we have to solve this dreadful problem affecting the world, NOW, in the hope that less rather than more innocent people are murdered in the name of Islam.
Close all borders.
All suspected sympathisers of terrorist groups should be interred in secure camps, immediately. Close down all Mosques. Arrest all Muslims who spout their hatred of the West on the streets of England, and across Europe.
Identity cards should be made compulsory. If you have nothing to hide, what is the problem?  Ignore the Civil Liberty

European leaders must all grow balls and stop worrying about being accused of racism and abuse of human rights.
Fof fifty years or more, Human Rights and Civil Liberty activists , and Race Relations groups have been allowed to erode our national security. And look where it has got us .

Roger, it is European politicians of all parties since WWII, together with the USA sticking their oar in,  who have allowed this worldwide crisis to happen. No wonder the majority of the electorate have lost faith in politicians.
Spain will not escape . The radical Muslims have not forgotten that their ancestors were expelled from Spain in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

Three Blind Mice

I find it quite incredible that people will actually believe that someone who is a professionally trained killer, would take their passport along on a killing spree.
I can just picture it now, right men, don't forget your passports, the enemy will need them to help to identify the cell you have left behind.
Aye right  :head


And the other bit  is,this solidarity  flag flying after these tragic events

will every body be flying a Palestinian flag,the next time Isreal goes in and levels the place and kills kids on the beech wile swiming

or are the Palestinian  muslim types  just" calatral  damage "with parents that dont cry.

genuine question.

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I think you have missed the point somewhere?! Perhaps I should have explained better that my reference to the Catholic church was when it was the only church in the western world, and I mean from its instigation but particularly through the period we call the middle ages. Why do you think all major religions have always had a problem with an educated populace, preferring to keep people in the dark so they would believe whatever their "priests" told them? It applies to Druids, Catholic priests, Muslims, Jews etc from a very, very long time ago, but times have been changing as more and more people have been questioning their religious leaders.
I think you well understand this and your reply to me was a little disingenuous!  :lol:


Quote from: Karen4 on November 15, 2015, 11:53:26 AM
I disagree Hogs, I don't believe it is a religious war, any more than the conflict in Northern Ireland was a religious war, or that rape is about sex. What they all have in common is not some over-developed ideology about a "god" - imaginary or otherwise - but it's simply about power and control, and probably money. In my opinion hat's their religion, nothing to do with the Quran, or the Bible, or any other religious text.
I think it certainly SUITS them to have everyone believe they are fighting a religious war, as, especially in the traditional Islamic countries, the population tend to slavishly believe everything that's told to them by their "holy" men, thus they are able to rule through fear, in much the same way that an affluent institution like the Catholic church always did, and to a certain degree, still does with the less educated peoples.
Come on Karen, that's a bit of a pompous post, implying that people, and you picked out Catholics, are a bit thick. I'm nothing, but if I was I'd be right insulted by your post. I know plenty of people that have a religion, but aint fick. :tiphat: 


If it is not a religious war then what are they fighting for? Money & power? Yes possibly, but that is only part of it. The main reason is religion using it as a means to an end whereby ending up with the best of both worlds. Money and power plus their desire for global sharia law. They have spoken out stating that they want the entire world living under sharia law. Every Muslim, Christian and non believer to obey sharia law or else. If that is not a religious war then what is.


Its also worth bearing in mind,that the carnage on EU  streets,is only whats been happening in the middle east for years....,anybody that thinks Bush & Blairs "shock and Ore" was a couple of rockets must be prety mutch in the picture that the "western elite" have sown ,and now were all going to" reap it " on buses,trains,shops,bars,football matches.......

this will go on for years....

as for the war....its a  "Ideology power game "fronted by up with religion" & Trooped by the brain washed ,

it certainly isnt a clash of civalizations,as  there all perfectly civalised happy to drive 190d German made Mercs over there with the od can of Larger thrown in..........
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I disagree Hogs, I don't believe it is a religious war, any more than the conflict in Northern Ireland was a religious war, or that rape is about sex. What they all have in common is not some over-developed ideology about a "god" - imaginary or otherwise - but it's simply about power and control, and probably money. In my opinion hat's their religion, nothing to do with the Quran, or the Bible, or any other religious text.
I think it certainly SUITS them to have everyone believe they are fighting a religious war, as, especially in the traditional Islamic countries, the population tend to slavishly believe everything that's told to them by their "holy" men, thus they are able to rule through fear, in much the same way that an affluent institution like the Catholic church always did, and to a certain degree, still does with the less educated peoples.

Three Blind Mice

The brits are slow when it comes to stopping the building of mosques it seems.