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F1 grand prix

Started by lmj52, March 19, 2016, 13:54:07 PM

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IMO this track is far too dangerous. Its bad enough with no run off areas but this track has too many tight blind corners. It only a matter of time before a tragedy. 😎


Quote from: Johnny73 on December 04, 2021, 18:41:38 PM
Disaster for Verstappen , Hamilton just needs a quick getaway tomorrow and Bottas
to hold up Verstappen and an interesting race in store.

.Barring a disaster, its Hammys.   :grin:


Disaster for Verstappen , Hamilton just needs a quick getaway tomorrow and Bottas
to hold up Verstappen and an interesting race in store.


Hamilton quickest in second practice after a 150mph crash by Leclerc but emerged unscathed. Verstappen finished in fourth.


Hamilton quickest around the new Saudi track in first practice just ahead ofMax Verstappen. Battas was 3rd quickest on the track the driver seemed to like.
I fancy Hamiltons chances this weekend. 😄


Quote from: joanie on November 22, 2021, 10:47:57 AM
Nice one Fernando
Agreed both, great to see him back! His grin said it all
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Quote from: joanie on November 22, 2021, 10:47:57 AM
Nice one Fernando

I thought FA had a great drive, good to see him perform well in a fairly uncompetitive car.  :grin:



So an eventful race with tyre burst the order of the day. Very close now after Hamiltons easy win. Both the Drivers and the Constructor Championship have not been this close for a while, especially after Bottas retirement near the end of the race.


Quote from: Angleseyite on November 20, 2021, 22:02:18 PM
Verstappen, Bottas and Sainz called to see the stewards after yellow flag violation.

The complaint comes as Max did not slow down during a yellow flag area whilst trying to get a quicker time on his last lap. The stewards could award him a penalty of 3 grid places but if they just took his lap away he would still start in the same position due to his earlier lap. 😎


Verstappen, Bottas and Sainz called to see the stewards after yellow flag violation.


Hamilton takes pole by half a second ahead of Verstappen.  Next came Bottas and Gasly in fourth. 😎


Bottas quickest around the track in second practice followed by Gasly, Verstappen then Hamilton.


The governing body, the FIA, have decided that there is no new evidence, (even though an inboard car video camera footage which was not available earlier has been presented as evidence of wrong doing. So the case is closed. 🙄🙄


So I understand Dunders.
Verstappen should be given a penalty in my book.


Stewards are to make a decision today on whether to penalise Verstappen after Mercedes brought a claim that their driver was forced off the track will an attempt was made by Hamilton to overtake him.

Meanwhile, Verstappen was the quickest around the track in first practice today


They have asked for the forward in camera video  from Verstapens car but not forthcoming so far.
Not surprising as it will cost him points .


What an incident packed weekend.
An incredible drive by Hamilton, and yes Verstappen should have been penalised.
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Quote from: Johnny73 on November 14, 2021, 19:15:59 PM
What a performance by Lewis   , despite Verstappen almost running him off the road he still came out on top.
And they took no action against Verstappen.  No surprise there !!!

Great race by Hammy et al.. Moanstappen lucky not to be given a penalty in my opinion...


What a performance by Lewis   , despite Verstappen almost running him off the road he still came out on top.
And they took no action against Verstappen.  No surprise there !!!


Quote from: lmj52 on November 13, 2021, 17:32:24 PM
While agreeing that the wing failed the test because something had "gone wrong", the FIA decided to penalise Hamilton and Mercedes, adding: "it shall be no defence to claim that no performance advantage was obtained. Therefore, the Stewards order the usual penalty for technical non-compliance of disqualification from the qualifying session."

Furthermore, Hamilton has a five-place grid penalty, for taking a new Mercedes engine, which will apply in Sunday's Grand Prix.

Verstappen therefore has a prime chance of adding up to three points to his 19-point lead over Hamilton while, if both Red Bulls take top three finishes in the Sprint, Red Bull could pass Mercedes in the constructors' standings on Saturday.

With  Mercedes having only a 2 point advantage over Red Bull at the start of the race its going to be tight. But it needs Hamilton to have the drive of his life and Bottas to do the same.
Its never been so close since the days of Lauder and Hunt or Senna and  Prost. 😎


While agreeing that the wing failed the test because something had "gone wrong", the FIA decided to penalise Hamilton and Mercedes, adding: "it shall be no defence to claim that no performance advantage was obtained. Therefore, the Stewards order the usual penalty for technical non-compliance of disqualification from the qualifying session."

Furthermore, Hamilton has a five-place grid penalty, for taking a new Mercedes engine, which will apply in Sunday's Grand Prix.

Verstappen therefore has a prime chance of adding up to three points to his 19-point lead over Hamilton while, if both Red Bulls take top three finishes in the Sprint, Red Bull could pass Mercedes in the constructors' standings on Saturday.
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


You are correct, I read that early this morning, almost word for word on the BBC F1 webpage 🤣


Hamilton quickest in first practice in this weekends race but has been given a five place grid penalty after exceeding the number of engine parts to his car. As he is currently lagging Verstappen by 19 points so this makes his quest for this year's Championship even more difficult as there is only 107 points available over the four races left. But the plot thickens as both drivers are now under investigation. Hamiltons car for the qually sprint shot into pole position and has been accused of an infringement on the rear wing and is being investigated by the stewards.
Verstappen is to be investigated by the stewards this morning after work was being done to his car after qualifying and also fined for touching Hamiltons car after qualifying.
Looks like a good race this weekend with Lewis having to make up ground on his new rival who wants his crown. 😆😆
Hamilton had been disqualified from taking part in Qually, due to his rear wing alterations and will start at the back of the grid. In the sprint race Bottas took pole with Verstappen alongside.


Bottas on pole in Mexico followed by Hamilton. On the second row its Verstappen and Perez.


Practice sessions in Mexico is like Musical Chairs with the top 3 drivers. In first practice it was Bottas quickest followed by Hamilton then Verstappen. Second practice had Verstappen quickest followed by Bottas then Hamilton. Both Hamilton and Verstappen said they will drive cleanly against each other after the various clashes in the past. 😄


Not as eventfull as it could have been. But a race dominated by tyre choices and when to change. 😎
So Max leads the Championship.


Max on pole with Lewis alongside him. Could be eventfull. 😀


This weekends race is looking good in the U. S. after strong feelings shown between the 2 leading rivals.
Bottas was slightly quicker in first practice than Hamilton and Perez quickest in the second practice. Hamilton was battling with Vestappen during practice not only in the bends but also side by side down the pit lane ending up with Vestappen calling Lewis "a stupid idiot" and giving Hamilton the bird. 😅😅.
Takes me back to the Senna days of rivalry between the top 2 drivers. 😎


It was an exciting race. Mercedes got their strategy and tyre choice spot on, a brilliant call to bring Hamilton in.
Norris should have been ordered in to change tyres, instead of asking him, an amazing drive by Verstappen
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Well the Russian race was at least entertaining but fortunate for Lewis at the end of the race. Good strategy from Red Bull putting Max in the frame. Good drive from Norris, he is the future in this sport. 😀


The sprint race is a complete joke. Gasley, who qualified well, crashes out and now starts at the back of the grid. HamIlton, who qualified second, because of a crap start in the sprint, now starts the main race in 4th. What a ridiculous waste of time, the FIA and Liberty media are making F1 a complete farce.


So it's Max Verstappen on pole for tomorrow's race with Bottas at the back of the grid following a engine change.
Hamilton starts in 4th after a bad start in the sprint.


Bottas was the quickest around the Italian track to get pole position for the Sprint Race today.
Hamilton was just behind followed by Max. In the title race there is only 3 points between Max and Lewis. 😀


The practice session in Holland didn't go according to plan for Hamilton as he missed most of the second session with his car stopped on track after only 1 flying lap. The 2 Ferraris posted the quickest laps followed by Ocon, Bottas, Verstappen and Alonso.