May vote out

Started by PAULT, June 09, 2016, 09:31:08 AM

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As if the leave voters give a rats backside for the ministers of India, China, Canada etc etc let alone the President of
the USA and the leader of Sinn Fein, a bloody out and out terrorist - this must be another of dodgy Dave's tricks


Oh my God!!! if this is true I must change my mind and vote to stay :shocked: I mean, if someone on facebook got those facts, it must be right.
Thank God for facebook :clap: :clap: :clap:
Nigel!!! Nigel!!! I need to ave a word wiv ya :grin:


Transferred from someone on Facebook:

A good friend of mine came up with a great idea. If you don't have the time/inclination to find out all the facts about the EU referendum (I don't blame you) and are possibly unsure which way to vote, perhaps knowing how other notable people are thinking could help out.

Here are a few that strongly believe the UK should remain a member of the EU:

• Governor of the Bank of England
• International Monetary Fund
• Institute for Fiscal Studies
• Confederation of British Industry
• Leaders/heads of state of every single other member of the EU
• President of the United States of America
• Eight former US Treasury Secretaries
• President of China
• Prime Minister of India
• Prime Minister of Canada
• Prime Minister of Australia
• Prime Minister of Japan
• Prime Minister of New Zealand
• The chief executives of most of the top 100 companies in the UK including Marks and Spencer, BT, Asda, Vodafone, Virgin, IBM, BMW etc.
• Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations
• All living former Prime Ministers of the UK (from both parties)
• Virtually all reputable and recognised economists
• The Prime Minister of the UK
• The leader of the Labour Party
• The Leader of the Liberal Democrats
• The Leader of the Green Party
• The Leader of the Scottish National Party
• The leader of Plaid Cymru
• Leader of Sinn Fein
• Martin Lewis, that money saving dude off the telly
• The Secretary General of the TUC
• Unison
• National Union of Students
• National Union of Farmers
• Stephen Hawking
• Chief Executive of the NHS
• 300 of the most prominent international historians
• Director of Europol
• David Anderson QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation
• Former Directors of GCHQ
• Secretary General of Nato
• Church of England
• Church in Scotland
• Church in Wales
• Friends of the Earth
• Greenpeace
• Director General of the World Trade Organisation
• World Bank

Here are pretty much the only notable people who think we should leave the EU:

• Boris Johnson, who probably doesn't really care either way, but knows he'll become Prime Minister if the country votes to leave
• A former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions who carried out a brutal regime of cuts to benefits and essential support for the poorest in society as well as the disabled and sick
• The guy who was Education Secretary and every single teacher in the country hated with a furious passion for the damage he was doing to the education system
• Leader of UKIP
• Britain First
• Donald Trump
• Keith Chegwin
• David Icke

So, as I said, if you can't be bothered to look into the real facts and implications of all this in/out stuff, just pick the list that you most trust and vote that way. It really couldn't be more simple.

And if you are unsure about leaving, don't.


Latest Majic Acorn Reading.... after Boy Georgie Boys gon an upset the Spirits....... 43.67 %  remain........ the  tory tit... :hole: :rain:

stay tunned for more hup dates as the reading come in...... :biggrin:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Spot on Nosun  :clap: :clap: :clap:


Zilnor maybe the "British" motor industry will go back to producing great cars like the Austin Princess or the Hillman Imp.
You have also hit the nail on the head can the EU allow the UK to leave

Challenger 383

You really think  the EU will do nothing if the UK does well outside the Cosy club? It's intentions will be to make the UK fail from the 24th of June if we vote to leave, it simply can't afford any other scenario. Whether from a trading point of view or or other member states weighing up their options to leave. The later would be the end of the project purely from a financial funding point of view, as the richer northern states would logically want to leave, crippling the financing of the EU, which would be left with a flood of new poor states entering with almost no chance of being able to bridge the financial black hole.


We buy more from France and Germany than they buy from us. They should remember that we don't have to buy Mercedes and BMWs , or French wines and cheeses. I have been buying reasonable wine from Chile recently.  :lol:

jabba the cat

Wonder why the EU has no trade with the biggest markets. :tiphat:

On safety, we might lose a little co-operation from our continental neighbours, although surely it would not be in anyone's interest for this to happen. But by controlling our own borders, we should be able to increase our capacity for keeping out the wrong people. On trade deals, obviously 28 countries have more clout taken together than only one – even though we are the fifth largest economy in the world – but getting 28 countries all to agree to sign up to the same deal has proven extremely difficult. This is why the EU currently has no trade deal with China, Japan, India, Australia or the USA.

- See more at:


Quote from: PAULT on June 15, 2016, 10:37:59 AM
Tetley Politics and public relations, I was quite a good con artist hence the job choice.

Wonderfull Paul,will be in Touch if i run for election   :biggrin:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Tetley Politics and public relations, I was quite a good con artist hence the job choice.


Quote from: Challenger 383 on June 15, 2016, 10:25:07 AM
As I see it, the EU's plan B is to shun and bankrupt the UK if there's a vote to leave, as a lesson to other member states, the tory plan is to make sure that the UK fails if there's a leave vote, without even giving it a chance. Hoping that in the 2 year separation period we will be integrated back into obscurity in the club, with none of the make believe concessions Cameron fought so hard for(NOT) are ratified, end result we have no further say in the EU, but are subjected to the restrictions of the EU and bail them out with the extra money osbourne has collected in the higher taxes. And we all live unhappily ever after.

they carnt do any other than to slap the UK wich has been my point from day 1 abought the ex pats been on the rexit front line,however at some point a deal will need to be done,it always is as world brass  & banks controll the job and markets.... guide politicals example soverign borrowing loan intrest costs, if there high the countrys punters get shafted to pay,if there do able every bodys happy ( ish )

intresting times   :tiphat:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol

Challenger 383

As I see it, the EU's plan B is to shun and bankrupt the UK if there's a vote to leave, as a lesson to other member states, the tory plan is to make sure that the UK fails if there's a leave vote, without even giving it a chance. Hoping that in the 2 year separation period we will be integrated back into obscurity in the club, with none of the make believe concessions Cameron fought so hard for(NOT) are ratified, end result we have no further say in the EU, but are subjected to the restrictions of the EU and bail them out with the extra money osbourne has collected in the higher taxes. And we all live unhappily ever after.


Quote from: webejamin on June 15, 2016, 09:32:06 AM
Quote from: PAULT on June 15, 2016, 09:24:02 AM
Recent survey carried out among a group of friends on facebook 8000+ out, 337 in, 400 do not know.
jabba the cat  this shows how crap Osborne and his mob are, they started this which also shows how stupid they are.
BUT not as stupid as the working man who voted for them.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
The next thing may be, in the event of a "LEAVE" vote, Cameron & co will refuse to accept the result and put the army on the streets :shocked: sounds ridiculous? but so does his latest threats. He forgets that he's talking to the "STAY" brigade as well.
Mornin all :tiphat:

there is one thing Jams this rudderless crew wont be able to run troops on uk streets,they will probably hide some were in the house of commons ladys toilets.......... recon yer right tho,the commons might bght the bullet and not act on a Rexit vote.

very intresting times.

thnk il buy a brit plate motor..... :))
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Honest has no place where money and politics are concerned JTC :tiphat:

jabba the cat


Quote from: PAULT on June 15, 2016, 09:24:02 AM
Recent survey carried out among a group of friends on facebook 8000+ out, 337 in, 400 do not know.
jabba the cat  this shows how crap Osborne and his mob are, they started this which also shows how stupid they are.
BUT not as stupid as the working man who voted for them.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
The next thing may be, in the event of a "LEAVE" vote, Cameron & co will refuse to accept the result and put the army on the streets :shocked: sounds ridiculous? but so does his latest threats. He forgets that he's talking to the "STAY" brigade as well.
Mornin all :tiphat:


Quote from: PAULT on June 15, 2016, 09:24:02 AM
Recent survey carried out among a group of friends on facebook 8000+ out, 337 in, 400 do not know.
jabba the cat  this shows how crap Osborne and his mob are, they started this which also shows how stupid they are.
BUT not as stupid as the working man who voted for them.


are yer gonna tell us all what yer dd for a job,in the UK , i read yer post,s and yer remind me of my friend Yan,a Socalist  and a uni trained  Architect but ended up black listed by the Industial Soc in the 70,s so ended up been a driller in a machne shop.

Fireman ?

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol

jabba the cat

Well Pault can't argue with that but i would say were Labour a good choice to the Uk public at the time. :tiphat:


Recent survey carried out among a group of friends on facebook 8000+ out, 337 in, 400 do not know.
jabba the cat  this shows how crap Osborne and his mob are, they started this which also shows how stupid they are.
BUT not as stupid as the working man who voted for them.

jabba the cat

Another load of facts from the chancellor

Osborne is finally dropping the Remainders' dead cat – which was expected by many next week – the idea is it is so visceral, so extreme, the papers will talk about little else. It may well work on the broadsheets, they may well talk about little else. The Times leads on his dire warnings:

2p added to the 20p basic rate of income tax
3p added to the 40p higher rate of income tax
5p on the rate of inheritance tax, taking it from 40p to 45p
A 5% jump in fuel and alcohol duties
£2 billion cut from the pensions bill
2% cuts to the "protected" NHS, schools and defence budgets
5% cuts in budgets like policing, transport and councils
This is the Remainders' ultimate "Project Fear" gambit, a quantum politics derived nuclear bomb – the Anti-Vow – whereas the Scottish Referendum's Solemn Vow promised milk and honey, the Brexit Anti-Vow is for hell and damnation. Alongside Alistair Darling, George Osborne will swear the political establishment's fiscal pain vow on a scale not seen even in Greece. All because we voted to change our trading arrangements over a 2 year negotiation after implementing Article 50 of the EU Treaty. Only one gigantic logical flaw. Following a Brexit vote he won't be Chancellor and there would never be a majority in parliament for this even if he were. This is the political equivalent of Schrödinger's dead cat. When we open the Brexit box it won't be there. :tiphat:


Quote from: Nosun on June 14, 2016, 21:23:02 PM
Good one Jabba  :tiphat:

:clap: :clap: :clap: Oh how clever Nic. You are so funny you naughty little crayon chewer you  :clap: :clap: :clap: That would be no real argument from you then  :tiphat:

I can be wrong you know, The other half tells me I am regularly.  

A Mr J C Juncker awaits our vote. He's going to save us all from the dire financial mess our successive governments have got us in to (whilst paying him and his cronies a bung each week). The only draw back is once he's in, there will be no out, ever, and he and his gang have no allegiance to the British in fact quite the opposite. THEY alone will hold the purse strings and rule of law. I suppose only until we commit will we know what we all mean to these people.

Personally, as bad and bent as they are, I'm for staying with being ruled by our own, shaking off the binds of the EU, and having to ask permissions to trade with other nations, and getting into the big world rather than being frightened by my own shadow and needing the apron strings of the corrupt EU to cling to .

Good luck everybody.  :tiphat:

Ha ha....naughty little crayon chewer......I guess you got that one from the Keyboard Warrior's insult manual !
Maybe one day you can crawl out from behind your laptop and say that to my face 🙋


My vew was 18 months ago,it would split the Torys wide open,wich it has,and on the vote day would be Tory Arse kick day by all,wich its now looking like,wch may lead to a rexit vote

for me the main tragedy in all of this,is it has shown the total contempt by the British Elite and ruling classes including Labour and Lbrals for the inteligence of the British person and undermined British polatics to the core showing it for the spin and bollxcks it is to controll the masses ( or attempt to )

its so barmy could even lead to the election of Carbine as PM..........As the Tory party implode over takes the daily Blair right under mineing of OLD Socalist Labour under Carbine.

hold on ti yer Ats folks if ts a brexit a week on Friday,shares,currencys,and them bloody Brits Again.

morning campers   :tiphat:

todays majic acorne reading is..... 47.86 %  remain ( wich has improved but no doubt some political tit will cause a disturbance in the spirits again !and chuck em out of balance  :rant: )
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: gus-lopez on June 15, 2016, 07:45:57 AM
Quote from: jabba the cat on June 14, 2016, 19:28:58 PM
Just found this on the net true or false :tiphat:,

Today france jailed an English supporter for 2 months and also banned him from entering France for 2 years.I want to ask how can France ban an English national a EU citizen from entering France for 2 years. when we can not ban EU Citizens who commit far worse crimes in the UK from here. it seems to me one rule for us another rule for them. this is just another reason to convince us to vote out of this unjust corrupt european state. surely France are breaking the EU law for the free movement of people. or am I missing something. (Andy) Admin

No, the law is the same for all EU states . The maximum he could be banned for is 3 years. Different scenario if he was a Registered foreign resident of the country.

As the UK refuse to use the EU registration for foreigners ,like Spain & other nations do , then all EU nationals in the UK are treated as residents & can't be banned.
It isn't the EU rules that are the problem but the scum politicians in the UK who have no idea how to implement the legislation, if they even have any idea that it exists, & to use it in the manner which it was designed for.

Gus beat me to it. But this is yet another case of issuing false information often based on hearsay or assumption. The exit lot are doing it all the time hoping that no one will check up on them. Much of the way the UK responds to EU is down to the lack of knowing exactly what can and cannot be done. Also there is an element of fear in the powers that be in upsetting the minorities for fear of a backlash. Cowards is what I call them.

Also the Human Rights Act is nothing to do with the EU it is a UK law that was introduced in 1998 by the Labour Government and encompassing the European Convention on Human Rights that ALL European countries signed in 1951, not just EU members.


jabba the cat

Heres another fact from our beloved Leader Cameron. :lol: :lol: :lol:

jabba the cat

Quote from: gus-lopez on June 15, 2016, 07:45:57 AM
Quote from: jabba the cat on June 14, 2016, 19:28:58 PM
Just found this on the net true or false :tiphat:,

Today france jailed an English supporter for 2 months and also banned him from entering France for 2 years.I want to ask how can France ban an English national a EU citizen from entering France for 2 years. when we can not ban EU Citizens who commit far worse crimes in the UK from here. it seems to me one rule for us another rule for them. this is just another reason to convince us to vote out of this unjust corrupt european state. surely France are breaking the EU law for the free movement of people. or am I missing
something. (Andy)

No, the law is the same for all EU states . The maximum he could be banned for is 3 years. Different scenario if he was a Registered foreign resident of the country.

As the UK refuse to use the EU registration for foreigners ,like Spain & other nations do , then all EU nationals in the UK are treated as residents & can't be banned.
It isn't the EU rules that are the problem but the scum politicians in the UK who have no idea how to implement the legislation, if they even have any idea that it exists, & to use it in the manner which it was designed for.

Thanks Gus


Saw a leave tv ad a couple of days ago. It showed someone waiting in Emergency dept. with an EU "in" banner under it, she was waiting until the cows came home. In the other one it showed her getting virtually straight through to her bed with an EU "out" banner under it. Do they seriously think that the Uk electorate will be fooled by this? It also stated that they could build a new hospital every week but no word of who would staff it or how we could pay them, just blatent misinformation.

Challenger 383


There is a one sentence that shows the EU and it's true values, it's true reaction to competition, and it's intentions that " Making Brexit a success will be the end of the EU. It cannot happen".

What have they got to fear? I mean the EU is the best thing since sliced bread, isn't it? They have at last rumbled the fact that the UK doesn't want to fit in with their plans, and the contagion might well be the order of the day. So they will try to bankrupt the UK, to keep would be defectors in line, and people are happy to remain in a union where concern and genuine alarm at what's happening to the EU is at best ignored....What a sad crazy world we live in.

Now I'm not saying EU leaders shouldn't plan for a Brexit but to set out to destroy a country that has sort to leave a despotic club is a step to far.


There are no FACTS for out.
The only FACT is that we know is what is now.
I suppose the only FACT for out is that everything will change, but the there are still no FACTS of how things will change.


Quote from: jabba the cat on June 14, 2016, 19:28:58 PM
Just found this on the net true or false :tiphat:,

Today france jailed an English supporter for 2 months and also banned him from entering France for 2 years.I want to ask how can France ban an English national a EU citizen from entering France for 2 years. when we can not ban EU Citizens who commit far worse crimes in the UK from here. it seems to me one rule for us another rule for them. this is just another reason to convince us to vote out of this unjust corrupt european state. surely France are breaking the EU law for the free movement of people. or am I missing something. (Andy) Admin

No, the law is the same for all EU states . The maximum he could be banned for is 3 years. Different scenario if he was a Registered foreign resident of the country.

As the UK refuse to use the EU registration for foreigners ,like Spain & other nations do , then all EU nationals in the UK are treated as residents & can't be banned.
It isn't the EU rules that are the problem but the scum politicians in the UK who have no idea how to implement the legislation, if they even have any idea that it exists, & to use it in the manner which it was designed for.


George Osborne is now throwing the kitchen sink at the campaign. Raising taxes cutting spending etc etc.

I hear the Archbishop of Canterbury is also due to announce the following today:
Upon Brexit.....
A plague of locusts will sweep the country
Crops will fail
Seas will rise and swallow the country
Massive storms and torrential rain will lead to unprecedented floods ( this is already happening)

Whatever next....Jeremy Corbyn will become Prime Minister?

Seriously both sides need to wind their necks in, stop exaggerating and try to predict sensibly to give average folk a chance to understand it all.
It may well be that with both sides making ridiculous claims, it will be the least worst campaign that prevails. I'm sure most are fed up with the rubbish spouted by the politicians.


Quote from: Nosun on June 14, 2016, 18:50:23 PM
People who wish the UK to leave the EU : Maj Gen Juilan Thompson, Gen Sir Michael Rose, Sir Ian Botham, Sir Michael Caine, Sir Stuart Wheeler, Tim Martin, Stuart Wheeler, John Caudwell etc

People who wish the UK to remain : Jean Claude Junker, Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, David Cameron, Peter Mandelson, Gerry Adams, Martin McGuiness and Nic Spato  :grin:

Say no more  :tiphat:

I'm actually still undecided, so you got that one wrong !
Then again, I'd join any side as long as a dick like you was in the opposite corner 💗

jabba the cat

Just found this on the net true or false :tiphat:,

Today france jailed an English supporter for 2 months and also banned him from entering France for 2 years.I want to ask how can France ban an English national a EU citizen from entering France for 2 years. when we can not ban EU Citizens who commit far worse crimes in the UK from here. it seems to me one rule for us another rule for them. this is just another reason to convince us to vote out of this unjust corrupt european state. surely France are breaking the EU law for the free movement of people. or am I missing something. (Andy) Admin