May vote out

Started by PAULT, June 09, 2016, 09:31:08 AM

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Folk on here, Tets, quote the Daily Mail/Sun and we all know who they are for. Just look for unbiased views but they are few and far between.


Basikly its going to come down to wether people view media outlets like the Daily Express as factual and if the same people will be happy to pay higher home loan rates and personal loans ,as the BOE  jacks up rates after a Brexit.

there is one thing having a veiw,there is another thing paying an extra 100 per month on the morgauge for it.

ll be very suprised if peope vote for less money in ther pockets an uncertainty,the only thing for me that will drive the out vote is Tory & Camron arse kck day.

my vew 52/53 % IN.

If not welcome to planet Murdock.........and Brt plate London Bus seen on the moon......that should be a talkng pont in the UK  works canteeens...

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Spanish news this morning showing ref.poll as 53% remain 46% leave.


Quote from: Rod on June 20, 2016, 15:20:38 PM
Good news for all...

I new this would happen once i wired em through mi Acorn readings...,  :shocked:  every barmy buggers still getin reved up and its over were staying..... :))

get yer tablets off and get down the beech.... :biggrin:

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol



At last an expert opinion that makes sense, although some will refer to it as scaremongering again  :yawn:


Vida. Disfruta el viaje.



Hope the above link works
Please watch

If it does not open please search for Professor Michael Duggan University of Liverpool
Really worth watching
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Try this one but contains swearing and sexizmez

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


But Iceman, that is exactly what it's about, the UK. It's not about Spain or France, just the UK. Sounds like your farmer mate has a great life, get's paid a subsidy by us, but only wants to pay his workers peanuts, typical farmer :whistle: 


No one knows what will be the result of a out vote[/b], but those of us living in Spain can see some of the fall out ,You would need a visa to come to Spain your pension would be frozen like Canada and other country's, health care could be suspended, France could (as they have said) stop co-operating to stop the flood of illegal immigrants, send the border control personnel back to England, all goods exported to the EU would be taxed if even allowed.   I have a friend who is a Farmer in Lincolnshire and he can not get any Brits to work for him they just do not want to work and he also get a large subsidy from the EU. If this was to stop and the workers were sent back the his food prices would have to go up by 50% or he would go out of business.
All I can say to those who do not want to be in Europe then you should XXXXXX off back to the UK and leave us who love it here and are grateful to be living here alone.


Do you mean like in such countries as Australia, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, etc.etc.


Zilnor - anyone who wants or wished the UK was still a country ruled by it's indigenous population is classed as a racist.
It's the bleeding hearts and do gooders excuse for immigrants being allowed so much power.


Quote from: webejamin on June 16, 2016, 14:57:59 PM
Well here's a really positive post.
I'm hopeful of a "LEAVE" vote and I'm happy we have the opportunity to be able to vote.
The only reason I'm on here, using my time, is because Matron is out and don't come back till it's time to get us our tea :grin: 

Well hopefully Jams it will be an IN  coz otherwise yer might not see mutch of matron,as she will be busy with all the ex pats,im just hoping they speak english down the reception centre...... :))
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Well here's a really positive post.
I'm hopeful of a "LEAVE" vote and I'm happy we have the opportunity to be able to vote.
The only reason I'm on here, using my time, is because Matron is out and don't come back till it's time to get us our tea :grin: 


Both sides are as bad as each other, I'm really not sure why at this point in time people  are still posting, there really is little left to say.
There is very little that is posted here that is likely to sway a person one way or the other.
The majority of posting on both sides of the argument is negative and to be honest I think people simply have far too much time on their hands (he say's adding another comment to the post).


Why is it that the IN camp accuse the OUT camp of xenophic bigotry, because they want controlled immigration ?  Why does wanting immigration to be controlled make you a bigoted racist ?  I don't know any OUT supporter who is saying
" stop ALL immigration". The out lot are beng accused of mis-information. In my view, the stay lot are using similar tactics.


Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: ladyboyg1 on June 16, 2016, 10:46:10 AM
Quote from: Jollyboy on June 16, 2016, 09:03:46 AM
I expect there will be a lot of red faces on here after the vote. Could it be that many on here no longer work, no longer have mortgages and have nice pensions to see out their golden years? If people think that the list of IN supporters listed above represent the rich and powerful they are correct in as much as some of them provide employment for tens of thousands of people. On the OUT side there are a bunch of public school, inherited wealth politicos who have never had a proper job or ever had to worry about anything except having political power. It's a simple choice really and one that I expect will echo Bill Clinton's election mantra "It's the economy , stupid" the future of which the OUTers can only forecast with Acorns and engine oil it would appear. We'll see if common sense overcomes xenophobic bigotry but looking at the performance of the England football supporters I'm beginning to have doubts.

I think there is always A way that we feel we should vote and the way we actually vote.
Voting on principles is a luxury that the majority of  people simply cannot afford, and they are likely to vote on what affects their current standard of living.

In Shalla they will   :afro:,they may even wonder why the uk is the 5th biggest world econamy and the 2nd biggest in europe and if its been in the EU  has helped get the UK  up at the top of the charts......bit of a no brainer really away from the daily express bible of Imis under the bed.

hey ho,were on Triumphs ti day in the sun  brum brum  :thumbsup:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Lynden, I am not saying everyone who wants out is a xenophobic bigot but the major themes of the OUT campaign are around immigrants being responsible for our economic ills and underperforming health service, that Johnny Foreigner is stopping us running the country and a prediction that once unfettered by the EU our economy will magically surge forward with trade deals all over the world despite no hard evidence to support this.

If you were in the position of having a family and a mortgage to support would you honestly want to bet it all on giving Boris and his cohorts, plus the murky power brokers behind him, to keep your job safe based on set of opinions rather than hard facts.

Everyone is entitled to their view. Mine is that the OUT campaign is based upon fuelling xenophobia and bigotry and a set of economic assumptions based upon theories rather than facts.

Tetley, I agree it will be close but I expect IN to win if the workforce stop and think about their jobs.


Quote from: Jollyboy on June 16, 2016, 09:03:46 AM
I expect there will be a lot of red faces on here after the vote.
Don't think there'll be any red faces JB, it's called democracy, what most of the "LEAVE" people want. A "STAY" vote will be democratically achieved, as would any other result, by voting by the people, something they don't have in the EU. :tiphat:


Quote from: Jollyboy on June 16, 2016, 09:03:46 AM
I expect there will be a lot of red faces on here after the vote. Could it be that many on here no longer work, no longer have mortgages and have nice pensions to see out their golden years? If people think that the list of IN supporters listed above represent the rich and powerful they are correct in as much as some of them provide employment for tens of thousands of people. On the OUT side there are a bunch of public school, inherited wealth politicos who have never had a proper job or ever had to worry about anything except having political power. It's a simple choice really and one that I expect will echo Bill Clinton's election mantra "It's the economy , stupid" the future of which the OUTers can only forecast with Acorns and engine oil it would appear. We'll see if common sense overcomes xenophobic bigotry but looking at the performance of the England football supporters I'm beginning to have doubts.

I think there is always A way that we feel we should vote and the way we actually vote.
Voting on principles is a luxury that the majority of  people simply cannot afford, and they are likely to vote on what affects their current standard of living.


Quote from: Jollyboy on June 16, 2016, 09:03:46 AM
I expect there will be a lot of red faces on here after the vote. Could it be that many on here no longer work, no longer have mortgages and have nice pensions to see out their golden years? If people think that the list of IN supporters listed above represent the rich and powerful they are correct in as much as some of them provide employment for tens of thousands of people. On the OUT side there are a bunch of public school, inherited wealth politicos who have never had a proper job or ever had to worry about anything except having political power. It's a simple choice really and one that I expect will echo Bill Clinton's election mantra "It's the economy , stupid" the future of which the OUTers can only forecast with Acorns and engine oil it would appear. We'll see if common sense overcomes xenophobic bigotry but looking at the performance of the England football supporters I'm beginning to have doubts.

:clap: :clap:
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.



The out list seems to be made up of
Leader of UKIP
Britain First
Boris Johnson, who probably doesn't really care either way, but knows he'll become Prime Minister if the country votes to leave
A former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions who carried out a brutal regime of cuts to benefits and essential support for the poorest in society as well as the disabled and sick
The guy who was Education Secretary and every single teacher in the country hated with a furious passion for the damage he was doing to the education system.
Donald Trump
David Icke
Keith Chegwin


Quote from: Jollyboy on June 16, 2016, 09:03:46 AM
I expect there will be a lot of red faces on here after the vote. Could it be that many on here no longer work, no longer have mortgages and have nice pensions to see out their golden years? If people think that the list of IN supporters listed above represent the rich and powerful they are correct in as much as some of them provide employment for tens of thousands of people. On the OUT side there are a bunch of public school, inherited wealth politicos who have never had a proper job or ever had to worry about anything except having political power. It's a simple choice really and one that I expect will echo Bill Clinton's election mantra "It's the economy , stupid" the future of which the OUTers can only forecast with Acorns and engine oil it would appear. We'll see if common sense overcomes xenophobic bigotry but looking at the performance of the England football supporters I'm beginning to have doubts.

Jolly  bang on.

i think it will be very close probably 1 or 2 % in it,wich will make the" never end em run" for years,but i find it impossible to belive that people are going to vote themselfs into higher intrest rates and the knock on effects.

full jobs a load of daily express bollxcks.

hopefully the Brits will turn the media off and look at the smaller picture,ie there own and then vote.


plan B

just boot Germany OUT  bin the EURO  get people back on there own currencys & exchange rates and Bin the fedral state failing dream.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Jollyboy, it is your kind of language that is helping the OUT campaign. Everyone who wants out are NOT xenophobic bigots, nor are they economic dullards either.
In the end common sense will prevail. If the verdict is OUT then the EU will not make life difficult for the UK, they will do everything they can to preserve their own economies by trading as usual. Whatever deals are made will take years to finalise. It is a childish view to think that Germany will put trade barriers up against the UK; they have too much to lose. The Germans hold the power in the EU, make no mistake about that.
All this scaremongering from both points of view on here is quite frankly ridiculous. Stop demeaning yourselves with your extreme views and let's have some considered debate.


I expect there will be a lot of red faces on here after the vote. Could it be that many on here no longer work, no longer have mortgages and have nice pensions to see out their golden years? If people think that the list of IN supporters listed above represent the rich and powerful they are correct in as much as some of them provide employment for tens of thousands of people. On the OUT side there are a bunch of public school, inherited wealth politicos who have never had a proper job or ever had to worry about anything except having political power. It's a simple choice really and one that I expect will echo Bill Clinton's election mantra "It's the economy , stupid" the future of which the OUTers can only forecast with Acorns and engine oil it would appear. We'll see if common sense overcomes xenophobic bigotry but looking at the performance of the England football supporters I'm beginning to have doubts.


Quote from: zilnor on June 16, 2016, 08:24:36 AM
You left two very notable people off the out list
The JCB boss and Dyson.
Wonder why you left them off ? Two very successful businessmen,

But lets be fair,it was Bamfords Father that rolled the job first,would he have set up JCB  on his own from scratch as a kid ? im suprised at his OUT Veiw,to me in a world wide buisness the less paperwork the better and Bamfords paperwork will increas on an OUT at some point.

Great machines Tho and a wonderfull Brand of engineering  for UK PLC.

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


You left two very notable people off the out list
The JCB boss and Dyson.
Wonder why you left them off ? Two very successful businessmen,

Challenger 383

Osborne doesn't do well under scrutiny, as his emergency post brexit budget falls apart under examination. Even if he's still Chancellor after the 23rd, it's will never be passed by parliament, with the tory rebels, labour, and the snp at odds with cameron and Co.

While your at it you should watch Ed Vaizey's car crash interview with Andrew Neil, over the emergency post brexit budget.


Quote from: Neanderthal on June 15, 2016, 19:30:58 PM
Transferred from someone on Facebook:

A good friend of mine came up with a great idea. If you don't have the time/inclination to find out all the facts about the EU referendum (I don't blame you) and are possibly unsure which way to vote, perhaps knowing how other notable people are thinking could help out.

Here are a few that strongly believe the UK should remain a member of the EU:

• Governor of the Bank of England
• International Monetary Fund
• Institute for Fiscal Studies
• Confederation of British Industry
• Leaders/heads of state of every single other member of the EU
• President of the United States of America
• Eight former US Treasury Secretaries
• President of China
• Prime Minister of India
• Prime Minister of Canada
• Prime Minister of Australia
• Prime Minister of Japan
• Prime Minister of New Zealand
• The chief executives of most of the top 100 companies in the UK including Marks and Spencer, BT, Asda, Vodafone, Virgin, IBM, BMW etc.
• Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations
• All living former Prime Ministers of the UK (from both parties)
• Virtually all reputable and recognised economists
• The Prime Minister of the UK
• The leader of the Labour Party
• The Leader of the Liberal Democrats
• The Leader of the Green Party
• The Leader of the Scottish National Party
• The leader of Plaid Cymru
• Leader of Sinn Fein
• Martin Lewis, that money saving dude off the telly
• The Secretary General of the TUC
• Unison
• National Union of Students
• National Union of Farmers
• Stephen Hawking
• Chief Executive of the NHS
• 300 of the most prominent international historians
• Director of Europol
• David Anderson QC, Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation
• Former Directors of GCHQ
• Secretary General of Nato
• Church of England
• Church in Scotland
• Church in Wales
• Friends of the Earth
• Greenpeace
• Director General of the World Trade Organisation
• World Bank

Here are pretty much the only notable people who think we should leave the EU:

• Boris Johnson, who probably doesn't really care either way, but knows he'll become Prime Minister if the country votes to leave
• A former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions who carried out a brutal regime of cuts to benefits and essential support for the poorest in society as well as the disabled and sick
• The guy who was Education Secretary and every single teacher in the country hated with a furious passion for the damage he was doing to the education system
• Leader of UKIP
• Britain First
• Donald Trump
• Keith Chegwin
• David Icke

So, as I said, if you can't be bothered to look into the real facts and implications of all this in/out stuff, just pick the list that you most trust and vote that way. It really couldn't be more simple.

And if you are unsure about leaving, don't.
Neanderthal, maybe the people on your big remain list have a different reason than the masses.


I've been looking into me engine oil again Tets, (100% right so far) and it's "out" by quite a bit :shocked: Some people need to ask seemingly clever people for answers, I just look into me engine oil, it's all there, bit murky at times, but in the end, never slips up :wink:


Fear not Mi Out Luvlys ,mi Majic acorns are smilling on yer at the mo.... :shocked:  the rest of us are up..... snit creek.... :snowball:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol

jabba the cat

how many of these associations received payments from the EU or benefit from it by being in or on the gravy train, just tells me how much the cancer has spread throughout all walks of our life. :tiphat: