
Started by 1dezza2, October 04, 2016, 14:54:38 PM

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As from Monday the 31st of October there will be a change to the opening hours at the Arboleas recycling centre.
The new opening hours will be as follows:-
Mon, 9am-3pm.
Tue, 9am-3pm.
Wed, closed.
Thu, 9am-3pm.
Fri, 9am-3pm.
Sat, 9am-1pm.
Sun, closed.

Thank you and please spread the word on the change in opening hours.


I know that there has been an ongoing problem in Los Carrascos with people dumping garden waste on a vacant site, well now we are developing an even bigger problem in Los Torres. Can't understand the mentality of some people, do they think that because it is garden waste that it won't encourage vermin and flies, well it will. Takes just one to start and the rest of the sheep follow, don't they have more pride in their neighbourhood. They might not have to look at it but we all have to drive/walk past it. I have a good idea who some of the culprits are, problem is catching them at it. Stig is very accommodating, I once took a small hatchback full of garden waste to him and he only charged me one euro. I was more than happy with this, can they not afford one euro, don't even need to make a special journey just drop it off on the way to the village or wherever.   


Wel done Stig.  :clap: :clap:
The people of Arboleas are fortunate to have a person such as yourself who is willing to do more than his job, and takes unpaid time to improve the appearance of local communities, for the benefit of all the residents.  :tiphat:


Quote from: Stig of the dump on October 08, 2016, 12:38:14 PM
Quote from: Tetley on October 08, 2016, 08:59:30 AM
Quote from: Stig of the dump on October 08, 2016, 06:40:59 AM
Thank you Tetley and doreen1 for your comments.

I had never heard of Captain Planet until I looked on the internet, even he needs help from some friends called Planeteers to save the planet. So my message to the residents of Arboleas is that Captain Planet may be able to save the planet but I cannot save Arboleas on my own as I am not a super hero. There must be Planeteers out there that see the benefit of cleaning up our area and how it will benefit everyone one way or another.  

just out of intrest do you do all this work for Arboleas on a voluntary basis,or have the town hall given you an employment contract & salary to manage the Arboleas wast unit/waste ?


I am paid by the Town Hall on a self employed contract to manage the recycling centre. The rubbish collections from houses, streets etc is all done in my own time using my own vehicle and I pay for the fuel.

Well done  :clap:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: Tetley on October 08, 2016, 08:59:30 AM
Quote from: Stig of the dump on October 08, 2016, 06:40:59 AM
Thank you Tetley and doreen1 for your comments.

I had never heard of Captain Planet until I looked on the internet, even he needs help from some friends called Planeteers to save the planet. So my message to the residents of Arboleas is that Captain Planet may be able to save the planet but I cannot save Arboleas on my own as I am not a super hero. There must be Planeteers out there that see the benefit of cleaning up our area and how it will benefit everyone one way or another.  

just out of intrest do you do all this work for Arboleas on a voluntary basis,or have the town hall given you an employment contract & salary to manage the Arboleas wast unit/waste ?


I am paid by the Town Hall on a self employed contract to manage the recycling centre. The rubbish collections from houses, streets etc is all done in my own time using my own vehicle and I pay for the fuel.


Quote from: Stig of the dump on October 08, 2016, 06:40:59 AM
Thank you Tetley and doreen1 for your comments.

I had never heard of Captain Planet until I looked on the internet, even he needs help from some friends called Planeteers to save the planet. So my message to the residents of Arboleas is that Captain Planet may be able to save the planet but I cannot save Arboleas on my own as I am not a super hero. There must be Planeteers out there that see the benefit of cleaning up our area and how it will benefit everyone one way or another.  

just out of intrest do you do all this work for Arboleas on a voluntary basis,or have the town hall given you an employment contract & salary to manage the Arboleas wast unit/waste ?

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Thank you Tetley and doreen1 for your comments.

I had never heard of Captain Planet until I looked on the internet, even he needs help from some friends called Planeteers to save the planet. So my message to the residents of Arboleas is that Captain Planet may be able to save the planet but I cannot save Arboleas on my own as I am not a super hero. There must be Planeteers out there that see the benefit of cleaning up our area and how it will benefit everyone one way or another. 


Yes well done Stig. Our very own Captain Planet  :clap:


Quote from: Stig of the dump on October 07, 2016, 13:25:07 PM
Quote from: Tetley on October 07, 2016, 13:03:30 PM
Quote from: Stig of the dump on October 07, 2016, 06:41:26 AM
I have never been a Greenpeace warrior but since working for the Ayuntamiento at the recycling centre I have realized the difference we can all make to our area. If everyone could see what I have seen entering the recycling centre in the three months since opening they would be as amazed as I am. There has been too many things to list that would have otherwise been dumped in our area and I know that there is more that can be done if we all work together.

This subject is not open for debate, there is only one way and that is forward for Arboleas as a whole, it is called evolution. The recycling centre like a baby has learnt to walk, now the child is growing fast and will soon be an adult, an adult that can make a difference to its world. It is never too late to make changes, everyone can do it and reap the rewards that will follow.

Rant over, now off to work picking up dumped rubbish on my way, have a nice day.

have the council bought you a waste disposal truck or are you having to use your own car ?


I use my own truck, collect things in my time and pay for the fuel. Just trying do do my little bit for the community.

Very public spirited, :clap:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: Tetley on October 07, 2016, 13:03:30 PM
Quote from: Stig of the dump on October 07, 2016, 06:41:26 AM
I have never been a Greenpeace warrior but since working for the Ayuntamiento at the recycling centre I have realized the difference we can all make to our area. If everyone could see what I have seen entering the recycling centre in the three months since opening they would be as amazed as I am. There has been too many things to list that would have otherwise been dumped in our area and I know that there is more that can be done if we all work together.

This subject is not open for debate, there is only one way and that is forward for Arboleas as a whole, it is called evolution. The recycling centre like a baby has learnt to walk, now the child is growing fast and will soon be an adult, an adult that can make a difference to its world. It is never too late to make changes, everyone can do it and reap the rewards that will follow.

Rant over, now off to work picking up dumped rubbish on my way, have a nice day.

have the council bought you a waste disposal truck or are you having to use your own car ?


I use my own truck, collect things in my time and pay for the fuel. Just trying do do my little bit for the community.


Quote from: Stig of the dump on October 07, 2016, 06:41:26 AM
I have never been a Greenpeace warrior but since working for the Ayuntamiento at the recycling centre I have realized the difference we can all make to our area. If everyone could see what I have seen entering the recycling centre in the three months since opening they would be as amazed as I am. There has been too many things to list that would have otherwise been dumped in our area and I know that there is more that can be done if we all work together.

This subject is not open for debate, there is only one way and that is forward for Arboleas as a whole, it is called evolution. The recycling centre like a baby has learnt to walk, now the child is growing fast and will soon be an adult, an adult that can make a difference to its world. It is never too late to make changes, everyone can do it and reap the rewards that will follow.

Rant over, now off to work picking up dumped rubbish on my way, have a nice day.

have the council bought you a waste disposal truck or are you having to use your own car ?

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I have never been a Greenpeace warrior but since working for the Ayuntamiento at the recycling centre I have realized the difference we can all make to our area. If everyone could see what I have seen entering the recycling centre in the three months since opening they would be as amazed as I am. There has been too many things to list that would have otherwise been dumped in our area and I know that there is more that can be done if we all work together.

This subject is not open for debate, there is only one way and that is forward for Arboleas as a whole, it is called evolution. The recycling centre like a baby has learnt to walk, now the child is growing fast and will soon be an adult, an adult that can make a difference to its world. It is never too late to make changes, everyone can do it and reap the rewards that will follow.

Rant over, now off to work picking up dumped rubbish on my way, have a nice day.


Sorry about the remark norrie, but the offence was intentional, not intentionally directed at you, but at those that dump rubbish everywhere and dislike for some reason the concept of a recycling centre. You seemed to dislike the concept from the beginning for some reason. As for taking the time to learn how to capitalize letters and use an apostrophe correctly! LOL!!!!  for me it,s the difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts, and who cares, but trying to use the 14 punctuation marks correctly now norrie, sorry, but it,s to late for me, i have enough trouble trying to type, so thinking about spelling or grammar police never really enters my head. The Punto Limpio is an excellent service and a benefit to have in your local area, and should be welcomed and used correctly by all.


By Internet, perhaps?  If I was not here that would be a real problem for my wife.  No car and cannot drive because of an eye condition.


NorrieM...........how on earth do these people with no car manage to do their shopping,banking etc etc ?


Here we go again, love and peace boys love and peace :luv:
Nibbler :sun:


Macc - I did not suggest that not having a car was an excuse for dumping. Simply making the point that to get to the tip is really difficult for some.

As for my mental capacity, that remark was offensive and not necessary. Charity begins at home, my friend.  Take the time to learn how to capitalize letters and use an apostrophe correctly!


There is one guy running the Arboleas recycling centre, and from what i have seen he is doing an absolute fantastic job. Not only at the centre, but for the whole area. What a great place and person to have on your doorstep. Bringing garden waste mixed with building rubble is a huge problem, it,s not a tip, its a facility to dispose of waste correctly. Who were you expecting to separate it for you. You must of had a tipper, because mixed waste, rubble and garden, is very very difficult to move with a shovel. Rubble goes in one place, and garden waste in another, very simple. So Pops, where did you dump your rubbish in the end. As for rubbish left around the bins by idiots, they are just idiots, fools, who don,t care in any way for the area they live, or maybe they like to appear as if they do by dumping outside the area they nest in.  
Quote from: NorrieM on October 05, 2016, 10:20:17 AM
Not all of us have cars or can drive!
That,s no excuse for dumping, or joining the idiot club, and ruining your local area. If you don,t have the mental capacity to dispose of, or organise disposal of your waste correctly, i suppose, that,s understandable.


Quote from: pops on October 05, 2016, 13:38:58 PM
recycling what a load of rubbish i took a load of garden waste to the arboleas recycling place only to be told its mixed with some builders rubbish take it to albox tip so off i went to albox when i got there i was told them plants are too big you must get them cut into small pieces its a joke no wonder people use ramblers

The Arboleas recycling centre accepts all types of unwanted items but they have to be put into the different bins according to what materials they are. Builders rubble is builders rubble and garden waste is garden waste, so what bin should they be tipped into? I cannot comment on your visit to Albox recycling centre as I was not there but as you quoted you were told the plants were too big and had to get them cut into smaller pieces. So what did you do with your load of mixed rubbish as both Arboleas and Albox recycling centres did not accept your load. Unfortunately, rules are rules, the Arboleas recycling centre is doing a good job in being a place to take unwanted materials for disposal instead of dumping them and littering our area but they have to be separated as we do not have an industrial machine that sorts the items. As for your quote "no wonder people use ramblas", that is not the attitude to take or promote as this can result in fines up to 600,000€ for fly tipping. I look forward to your next visit to the recycling centre where I will be as helpful as ever to what the rules and my job allows me to do.   


Quote from: olly on October 05, 2016, 10:37:10 AM
Spoke to a guy yesterday, who was tipping garden waste out of buckets into the green bins, in La Judea.
Told him you were'nt supposed to tip garden waste in the bins, said he'd never seen a notice stating that, so would carry on.
After we'd put our rubbish in, went down to Arboleas centre, and there he was, parked in the disabled space, showing a blue badge, and getting 2 dogs out of the car, then walking them over to Pablo's.
MMMmmm' not saying he did'nt have a blue badge for a reason, but it makes you wonder, what with his attitude at the bins and such.
I apologise fully if he is genuine, but it does make me wonder.

I bet it was a UK badge, as you have to be nearly dead for a Spanish one. :lol:


recycling what a load of rubbish i took a load of garden waste to the arboleas recycling place only to be told its mixed with some builders rubbish take it to albox tip so off i went to albox when i got there i was told them plants are too big you must get them cut into small pieces its a joke no wonder people use ramblers


The area by the bins in Los Higuerales is a disgrace. Piles of garden waste dumped during the last day or 2 as well as someone/some people who are constantly dumping bags of rubbish by the bins instead of in them, makes you wonder what their houses are like!! We have moved loads but more and more appears so we've given up.


Someone left a large broken sheet of glass next to the bin in La Cueva a few days ago.  It is now totally broken with shards of glass on the ground.  It is so dangerous.  I despair of the mentality of people at times


 Spoke to a guy yesterday, who was tipping garden waste out of buckets into the green bins, in La Judea.
Told him you were'nt supposed to tip garden waste in the bins, said he'd never seen a notice stating that, so would carry on.
After we'd put our rubbish in, went down to Arboleas centre, and there he was, parked in the disabled space, showing a blue badge, and getting 2 dogs out of the car, then walking them over to Pablo's.
MMMmmm' not saying he did'nt have a blue badge for a reason, but it makes you wonder, what with his attitude at the bins and such.
I apologise fully if he is genuine, but it does make me wonder.
If your not meant to have midnight snacks, why do they put a light in fridges?
                        Pete. Oliver.


Not all of us have cars or can drive!


There is no need to dump anything anywhere, the Arboleas recycling centre has been put in place to deal with all unwanted items. With little effort we can all get our unwanted items to the recycling centre one way or another, there is no excuse for dumping.

As Roger has posted, the only way to deal with fly tipping is with photographic evidence showing the offence and registration number of the vehicle, the police will then be able to make a prosecution, job done.


I don't think the driver will be reading this forum.
Take a photo showing the reg no and report it to the local police.
Job done!


 I thought dumping rubbish in the rambla was forbidden!  Spanish JCB down again today after numerous runs on Saturday morning. La Perla area.