New medical centre

Started by Greggers, September 04, 2017, 09:54:13 AM

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Blimey Malcolm don't mention free cava and tapa, the 'twirles' will be queuing up.  :72:


Just imagine the posts on this page if TH gave guided tours of the new medical centre. I can see glamorous girls offering cava and tapas waiting to show you round. You will want to know who's paying for that and not worrying who's coughing up for what looks like a brilliant facility for Arboleas.


There is a video giving a full tour of arboleas including the inside tour of the med centre on the town hall Facebook site 
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Ogo..... play nice you are a tad nasty with your comment !!!
Be nice to each other, you don't know what's round the corner.


Quote from: Peter.Pilot on September 06, 2017, 11:17:35 AM
Hi Roger, Is there any chance of having an open day so we can see what it looks like on the inside before any equipment is installed or will we have to wait until we are carried in on a stretcher. I am sure a lot of people would be interested in having a look at where all the money has been spent.   
you silly silly many new medical centres/ hospitals do you know have had an open day back in good old Blighty...catch yourself on..its not even your money


Comments like that you will probably get carried in sooner than you thought. There have been lots of pictures of the inside on the TH Facebook page.


Hi Roger, Is there any chance of having an open day so we can see what it looks like on the inside before any equipment is installed or will we have to wait until we are carried in on a stretcher. I am sure a lot of people would be interested in having a look at where all the money has been spent.   



Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men




Samantha, if you cannot post in a civil manner then please do not post at all. Your comment towards Roger was uncalled for and has been deleted for the thread.


Hairybiker, as you say you are new to the area and welcome by the way, roger works on everyones behalf but as there is a large expat population here and as he speaks the lingo then  he spends a lot of time sorting out the vast amount of problems that mainly the expats have encountered since they got here. So of course he doesent work solely for the expats but i pay ibi etc so expect him to act on my behalf when necessary.  Anyway as he says if brexit comes to pass in full then you will find out  how much work roger and others have done in the town hall in recent year as there will be no one to complain about or to and the spanish  wont be too worried about you.


I would remind people that before I and others decided to change the political face of Arboleas, we had a Mayor who said that if we did not like it here we should go home.
We had 300 illegal houses, many more on temporary water and electric, many without all their documents although legal. Plus a Council over 3 million in debt. And a medical centre not even started, and with a plan which had no disabled access.

Job not yet finished, but we are in a lot better position than 6 years ago.

As for Sophias, the Council has by law to put ALL contracts out to tender. This includes the internet service, the bar, the Spanish classes, the gymnastics salon and the gym.
The problem is that being Spain it is all last minute and a fast approaching deadline of 30th September.
The legal officer is currently working on the legal tender documents, which have to be published, tenders received, and possible contractors interviewed, prior to a final decision in each case.

I am working with the legal official to try to speed up the process as far as the gymnastics and the gym is concerned.
But with the gym it is very complicated.
To cover the legal obligations on the Council we have to approve contracts of employment and Social Security documents, plus insurance cover.
We also have to approve relevant qualifications which have to be registered in Spain under EU regulations, and fees charged to clients for various activities.
The specific problem with Sophias is that they have been working outside the existing contract for 4 years, and as a public organisation we have to ensure that we have the ability to correctly monitor all activities in a public building.
We have yet to work out how to monitor the activities in the gym.

Anyway, if the UK maintains its current position post Brexit, we will lose our right to vote at local elections so you will have no British Councillors to complain to, and no reason why future Spanish Councillors will bother because you will have no vote.


Sorry I am confused does Roger work for the xpats in this area. 


I totally agree with the above. Thank goodness for the likes of Roger and the other hard working and above all honest councillors.  :bravo_2:


Well said raysun :clap: :clap:


Well said Raysun (from a non-Arboleas resident, but someone who is also getting fed up of Roger being constantly battered on here for doing what is right!).


 Samantha, the usual comment from friends of sophias. Roger has worked tirelessly on behalf of the expats mainly including you and yours and its sad to see that type of comment. Roger doesent run the government and is not the all powerful head of all that goes on in arboleas. Direct your wrath to the other members of the town hall. It was the mayor that issued an order to sophias to cease activities that were neither passed by the town hall  Or with the correct qualifications to operate many proceedures. The medical centre as tetley said will be opened when everything is in place and will provide a proper ( legally qualified ) medical sevice into the future. If i need a medical proceedure or medical advice the i will make sure its properly qualified person with all SPANISH qualification and not someone with a certificate  which i could print up at home. Sorry to be longwinded but im sick of the roger bashers who should know better. Samantha im sure roger has better things to be doing on behalf of us residents than replying AGAIN to you about the hard working sophias. Sic.
happy tuesday


to clarify what Tetly said,
You cannot just register with the local doctor.
You have to first register with the Spanish Health system, IF you are eligible.
ie. as a pensioner with a S1.
Then you are given a Spanish Health Card and can register with the local doctor.
If you are not a pensioner, or otherwise eligible for transferable health cover, you will need private insurance and a private doctor.


Quote from: Lynden on September 05, 2017, 09:25:56 AM
Quote from: Tetley on September 05, 2017, 09:17:22 AM
The Med centre oppening date wil get there when its ready,more of a concearn is that at the moment,both the EU & UK only have a

" mapping of the alignment between the  UK&EU"  for post March 2019 ie nothing yet is singed & sealed up in a medical deal.
Tets how is that relevant to the question....
To Samantha; Roger has indicated what the issue is, but as with everything bureaucratic in Spain, it will happen when it happens. Outside of his control.

everything is relevant however admittlee some things are more relavant than others

Hairy biker  Welcome

if your under retirment age ,yer will have to pay  private meds

if yer nearly at retirment point you will need to pay  private meds to get yer green over 90 day stay sheet to register with the meds when you come onto your pension

if your on pension,you will need the S1 ( I  think ) from newcastle to get you green over 90 day permission sheet then you can regist  for the meds

what bike have you got,i luv Triumph,s
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I have just moved to the area and wondered how I register for the Drs here.  I have moved to Arboleas and look forward to joining in with the forum and gathering as much useful advice as possible.


Quote from: Tetley on September 05, 2017, 09:17:22 AM
The Med centre oppening date wil get there when its ready,more of a concearn is that at the moment,both the EU & UK only have a

" mapping of the alignment between the  UK&EU"  for post March 2019 ie nothing yet is singed & sealed up in a medical deal.
Tets how is that relevant to the question....
To Samantha; Roger has indicated what the issue is, but as with everything bureaucratic in Spain, it will happen when it happens. Outside of his control.


The Med centre oppening date wil get there when its ready,more of a concearn is that at the moment,both the EU & UK only have a

" mapping of the alignment between the  UK&EU"  for post March 2019 ie nothing yet is singed & sealed up in a medical deal.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Roger.  I understand that anyone has the right to register (or remain registered) with Albox if they so wish, you didn't mention this. Is this correct? Also, I understand that if one is registered with say Albox that after 3 months they can transfer to say Arboleas if they wish.  They do not have to stay permanently with a Centre they are not happy with. Is this so? This is the advice I received from the local Chemist in Arboleas a short while ago. Your reply would be appreciated to clarify. Thanks  p.s. Still no def date for new Centre then??


If you live in Arboleas you should be registered in Arboleas not Albox.

The problem was many years ago when the Arboleas medical centre was not functioning well
in that you could not get advance appointments.
Now the current Arboleas centre works very well.
When the new one is opened (just waiting for the Salud architect to sign it over)
it will be better because acecss will be very good.

So the answer to your question is yes.
We are asking any Arboleas resident registered in Albox to transfer to improve the service in Arboleas.

I will check on the process.


hello can anyone tell us if we can change from Albox Centro de Salud to the new centro in Arboleas?
And how must we do that.

Thanks for the replys.


It looks finished and pedro in the pool bar cant wait for it to open. Should be very soon unless they  are waiting for the mini medical centre in sophias to get sorted at the end of the month.


Hi, does anyone know the latest news of when it will open, seems to have gone all quiet lately.