Town Hall Latest and Foreign Residents Association

Started by Maura, November 08, 2017, 14:25:09 PM

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Hi .maura .I have just returned from the uk and so missed the bad storms here but noticed up the Salienti road as going through Locaiba there is a mirror on a bend for a hidden turning has been blown away  it is very dangerous and a accident waiting to happen just thought you could have a word in getting the mirror replaced.regards jb .


So, if this awning never gets replaced surely they will lose a fair bit of trade,the area is heaving in the summer months, we think the mayor is after  Brownie Points! He should concentrate on filling the many potholes in before digging up Albox !


Don't see it myself. Plaza was fine as it was and the Parillia have lost a very expensive shaded area so who is to compensate them, the tax payer? This was taken away as the road has turned into a two way one, an accident waiting to happen. Have seen many near misses as many drivers still use it as a one way road.


From what I see the plaza mayor will look much better when finished. With the awning gone from la parrilla there is a big improvement. Lots of projects ongoing in albox which are all making the town look better.


Yes, agree, total joke. Two men working on it yesterday, should take them until about 2020 to complete the way they were working.


We feel that Albox is just one large Experimental building site !! What tourist or a potential buyer wants to see such a mess !!!



Plaza Mayor worse than ever now. They are digging up the pavement in front of the Parillia and it is an eyesore as well as destroying their business. The whole of the plaza is in such a state, all dug up but no sign of it being put right.



maybe the mayor wants to have something he can refer to after he leaves office to say i was responsible for that  .  tarmac in pot hole wouldn't be quite as impressive in a photo adorning the new town hall reception area  .


This has now become an eyesore, no work being done and just piles of paving slabs.


We are wondering why oh why as well Rod given that this project was not foreseen in the budget. The Mayor says that it is merely maintenance and that he is using the maintenance budget line for the work. We have asked for the project plan, budget and timescales but as you will see from my next post regarding his understanding of accounting practices we will need to have a much more specific budget next year to avoid this sort of thing in the future.

I would rather he maintained a few roads myself.


Very interesting blog Maura. We were wondering why oh why was the Plaza Mayor being dug up as it was not that long ago it was done.
Does the Mayor have friends in the construction business?
We will await news of the Residents association and hope we will be able to attend the first meeting.
Thanks Maura for all you are doing for the residents of Abox.