Brits Leaving

Started by Red, August 30, 2018, 07:38:48 AM

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I don't know what PJL wants.

Everything that has to be said has already been said.  I suggests he spends a few hours salivating over the thousands of posts of the last two+ years and he will know the arguments for staying within the EU.

The democratic process has taken place and, like the result or not, we are where we are.  Just get on with it for God's sake and put us all out of our abject misery (or not, in my case, as I live day by day and worry not about the future as I individually can't change a thing).


In a few threads your response has been you are eager to read remainers replies.
I can just picture you salivating with fingers over your keypad.
Does it matter what remainers think?
You don't read the replies anyway, and you certainly give no credence to them.
As Tetley says, get on with it.
Germany has won this one due to the Uk retreating
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Quote from: ajc on September 04, 2018, 10:19:04 AM
I think the Germans are winning their third invasion of Europe only this time they arnt using weapons

assisted by UKIP...and Rabb C Brexit & Tory  Co   :laugh:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: ajc on September 04, 2018, 10:19:04 AM
I think the Germans are winning their third invasion of Europe only this time they arnt using weapons

Remainers reply please ???


I think the Germans are winning their third invasion of Europe only this time they arnt using weapons


Nobody's ignoring the drug problem in Spain, it's just that it's so big it's boring.


Quote from: Roger on August 30, 2018, 12:41:22 PM
The remainers will be happy that the UK is only leaving in name not in reality.
Some of the leavers are having second thoughts, and most have lost interest because they can't remember why they voted.
The only ones who will be angry are those who wanted to break all ties with the EU.
Her problem is that this is probably a majority of the Tory party members, but not the voters.

Oh Roger, that's a low blow,  leavers have bad memories !!
Wouldn't you have been angry it a government was delivering something totally different to the outcome of the vote, like remain winning and then deciding to leave ??


Quote from: Roger on August 30, 2018, 12:41:22 PM
The remainers will be happy that the UK is only leaving in name not in reality.
Some of the leavers are having second thoughts, and most have lost interest because they can't remember why they voted.
The only ones who will be angry are those who wanted to break all ties with the EU.
Her problem is that this is probably a majority of the Tory party members, but not the voters.

Agree totally. And this is the way it was going to be right from the start. The only thing is, as always, a large portion of the population listen to the bullshit they sell us from both sides and take is as gospel.

As you say, the brainwashed remainers will be happy and the brainwashed leavers will find something else to complain about. I can't even remember my original stance...perfect example.

Life goes on, gone are the times when governments did things for the people (would still like to see Corbyn, Iglesias,... have a go just for the fun of it mind).


Quote from: felipe on September 03, 2018, 20:17:55 PM
I never said Spain does not have a drug problem. Every EU country does. But not quite so bad here in the campo. I note that the blaming of the EU for drug problems has been ignored.
As to the WHO and drink is the UK part of Europe, in yeah it is. I am not talking about the EU either.

My point was more of a general one including drugs,  achohol  and standards, if you thought the UK  was going downhill, and this was while being in the EU, why not give it a change, because in your eyes it wasn't a country fit to live in.
Not so much blaming the EU as needing to change the countries circumstances,  new start.


Of course the UK is part of Europe. And the WHO figures state that the Europeans drink more alcohol than any other part of the world. So that includes the EU states  of which the UK is still a member.
I don't blame the EU for drug problems. They are part of life across the continent of Europe, as is the consumption of alcohol, and alcohol abuse.


I never said Spain does not have a drug problem. Every EU country does. But not quite so bad here in the campo. I note that the blaming of the EU for drug problems has been ignored.
As to the WHO and drink is the UK part of Europe, in yeah it is. I am not talking about the EU either.


Quote from: Roger on September 03, 2018, 18:24:15 PM
don't mention the war ... although I think that some here are still living it.

No not living it, but history is fact,  and the unknown is the future, not even you Roger knows what the EU will be in 10 yrs time ??


Correct, and Spain is hardly a country of tea-totallers !
According to the WHO, Europe drinks more alcohol than any other part of the world.


don't mention the war ... although I think that some here are still living it.


Quote from: PhillipJLloyd on September 03, 2018, 17:59:21 PM
Quote from: Roger on September 03, 2018, 12:31:00 PM
I have always believed that the most important reason for a strong EU is to balance the power of the USA and soon China.
With Trump we can see the real dangers for the world with a too powerful USA.
The EU is the only block which can stand up to the USA when it is necessary. And it is certainly necessary at the moment.

Hope no Americans  read this , because you're saying you would rather side with the Germans than the USA ??

the way kids keep getting shot at school in the USA i think Roger might not be on his own ie supporting Germany over the present Nit in the white house .
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: Roger on September 03, 2018, 12:31:00 PM
I have always believed that the most important reason for a strong EU is to balance the power of the USA and soon China.
With Trump we can see the real dangers for the world with a too powerful USA.
The EU is the only block which can stand up to the USA when it is necessary. And it is certainly necessary at the moment.

Hope no Americans  read this , because you're saying you would rather side with the Germans than the USA ??


I love Spain but the comments about UK having a drug problem i totally agree , however you need to open your eyes abit if you dont think Spain also has a bad drug problem , sorry if i have dashed anyones view of Spain but that is the truth.


The UK has issues stemming from PC interference in education primarily, the proliferation of the benefits culture and the extreme peer pressures generated by social media on the young.
Poor planning and short termism by governments of all persuasions. Multiculturalism that does not work.

Yes it's overcrowded and the rat race endured by those in work is relentless. Felipe's point about a safer upbringing for his girls is certainly a worthwhile reason.

Most of us who moved to Spain did so for the slower way of life, the cheaper lifestyle and the weather. Spain is truly a wonderful place but has its limitations, which is why some move back.

Note that none of the issues above mention the EU at all.....we've our own issues to fix once we are out.


Quote from: Roger on September 03, 2018, 12:31:00 PM
I have always believed that the most important reason for a strong EU is to balance the power of the USA and soon China.
With Trump we can see the real dangers for the world with a too powerful USA.
The EU is the only block which can stand up to the USA when it is necessary. And it is certainly necessary at the moment.

I agree, and would add Russia to that scenario where a weaker Europe would allow them to pick of the Eastern block countries (some of which retain communist sympathisers). Like Phil my principle reasons for voting remain was to maintain a strong Europe both in Military and economic terms.

Apologies for pursuing an off topic "conversation".


I have always believed that the most important reason for a strong EU is to balance the power of the USA and soon China.
With Trump we can see the real dangers for the world with a too powerful USA.
The EU is the only block which can stand up to the USA when it is necessary. And it is certainly necessary at the moment.


Oh come on. Really? You are blaming the EU for the drug problems in the UK, that really is pushing it a bit too far.  I voted remain because although I live here I still have family and friends in the UK that vote remain. Plus I firmly believe that a united Europe is a strong Europe. Something that may at some point in the future be necessary. In economic and military ways. When you have the likes of Trump dismissing trade agreements left right and centre, do you really think that he will agree to trade deals with the UK that would benefit the UK?


Quote from: felipe on September 01, 2018, 08:34:19 AM
Me, I came for the cultural change and to ring up my two daughters away from the temptations of drugs and alcohol. I am glad we did, because both of them have friends in Somerset that went down that route. It is called peer pressure and is rampant in almost every school. We did what we felt was right not just for us but for the two girls.

And because this is the way the country has gone while being in the EU,  the leave vote won.
Why vote remain when you could see your home country going downhill  ??


Quote from: PhillipJLloyd on September 01, 2018, 09:31:38 AM
Quote from: SusyQ on September 01, 2018, 07:52:46 AM
Let's be honest, Spanish life as in the UK has it's pros and cons but how many of us would be here if it wasn't for the weather.

Exactly,  the main other reason is cost of living,
The majority would be not here if it wasn't for these 2 reasons.

I agree, those are 2 very good reasons. What's your point?
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Well we aint here for the wether..... were here for the £200 quid a week non robotic family living....
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: SusyQ on September 01, 2018, 07:52:46 AM
Let's be honest, Spanish life as in the UK has it's pros and cons but how many of us would be here if it wasn't for the weather.

Exactly,  the main other reason is cost of living,
The majority would be not here if it wasn't for these 2 reasons.


We came here eighteen years ago. Our priority was to live among the spanish and embrace the way of life. We hear many tales of problems that arise on 'estates' - folk disagreeing and falling out - not for us. We now have delightful spanish friends who consider us their family. Their generosity and kindness is something one would rarely see in the old country - everyone kept themselves to their selves. Many want to live the uk way in another country and that is where many of their problems begin. No doubt some return to have family around them but ours are on the other side of the world! We have friends here in their eighties and nineties and would never dream of returning to the old country.


Me, I came for the cultural change and to ring up my two daughters away from the temptations of drugs and alcohol. I am glad we did, because both of them have friends in Somerset that went down that route. It is called peer pressure and is rampant in almost every school. We did what we felt was right not just for us but for the two girls.


Let's be honest, Spanish life as in the UK has it's pros and cons but how many of us would be here if it wasn't for the weather.


Quote from: GEman on August 31, 2018, 20:29:38 PM
Why do I post (infrequently) after I have left Spain , well why shouldn't I , I lived in the area for a number of years and like to see what is happening , I still have friends there who live in houses not yet legalised and I like to see how that problem is being tackled . I will continue to read and post occasionally that is if the forum police don't stop me

I'm sure we welcome your posts. Please continue with your insight and share your experiences
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Why do I post (infrequently) after I have left Spain , well why shouldn't I , I lived in the area for a number of years and like to see what is happening , I still have friends there who live in houses not yet legalised and I like to see how that problem is being tackled . I will continue to read and post occasionally that is if the forum police don't stop me



Entirely agree Phil, apologies for not pointing that out. There were a few jobsworths doing the moderating in those days, some were OK though.


I have investments in the area.


[quote . I can remember years ago on here, members that were relating their tales of woe about being caught up in the property scandal were not welcome either. Some were even banned for discussing the subject.

If that happened it was before we took over the forum. Because we have NEVER banned anyon e for discussing that.


I would think that 90% of expats in Spain, go there for the weather.
5% to escape something.
The other 5% for other reasons.

Two things I hate about the UK, one is it's gross overcrowding, with all that goes with it. The other is the winters.

Oh!!! I don't like our either.

There's loadsa things I like about Spain, particularly the weather, cheap beer aint bad either, Jameson's is cheaper too, but I've had a couple of monkey bottles of that over the years. :shocked:

All in all, I like both countries, I've spent a lot of time and money in both.

Us that don't live in Spain, have many friends that still do. It's a great way to keep in touch.
The only reason anyone begrudges that, is because of Brexit. I can remember years ago on here, members that were relating their tales of woe about being caught up in the property scandal were not welcome either. Some were even banned for discussing the subject.