Brits Leaving

Started by Red, August 30, 2018, 07:38:48 AM

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Very wise Dave, its now been done to death.

Dave and Sue

Yet another sensible post reverting to "" Brexit" "

Thought there was a separate place for this!!!!!

Having lived and worked here for over 15 years had an opinion but won't waste my time !!!

Still living the dream after 20 years


off topic

but why do the brains behind electronic names allow themselves to be reved up.... the full electronic world is bollxcks but it passes the time during the working day between tea brakes.

as for the brexit.......its a good electronic  knock  abought similar to a 1970,s works tea table,the main thing its highlighted for me is the clue less ness of polatics compared to running a buisness were if yer X up...yer loose yer home.

brits is leaving,brits is moving in and brits will be staying once the uk firms up what it wants to do...and this will be guided by big buisness and the unions/coin same as always its all abought the   $ & $

evening mi european luvlies & (english Moggis) :smiley: x   :wink:

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: Floss on September 09, 2018, 18:12:55 PM
So let?s start acting as grownups......please

2 years and they're still at it and to be fair it gets so embarrassing reading the same 3/4 still defending what they cannot change and they cannot except that they live in a backwater area in Spain while the locals who don't care a F**K about the EU and in fact probably don't care with what going on regards the EU.
Too many Jack of all trades and windup merchants on the forum now.  

You joining the club too then  ??


Floss , kettle,pot,black spring to mind.


Quote from: Floss on September 09, 2018, 18:12:55 PM
So let?s start acting as grownups......please

2 years and they're still at it and to be fair it gets so embarrassing reading the same 3/4 still defending what they cannot change and they cannot except that they live in a backwater area in Spain while the locals who don't care a F**K about the EU and in fact probably don't care with what going on regards the EU.
Too many Jack of all trades and windup merchants on the forum now.  

It?s a forum and you?re entitled to your opinion
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


So let?s start acting as grownups......please

2 years and they're still at it and to be fair it gets so embarrassing reading the same 3/4 still defending what they cannot change and they cannot except that they live in a backwater area in Spain while the locals who don't care a F**K about the EU and in fact probably don't care with what going on regards the EU.
Too many Jack of all trades and windup merchants on the forum now.  


Quote from: JessicaH on September 09, 2018, 16:07:40 PM
Really cannot believe forum folk are still niggling 🤯 at one another over the reasons for a vote that neither the pro or anti MP?S understood the ramifications of because NO-ONE can see into the future.

Whatever we voted for..the vote is CAST...and like everything else in life people will get on with their lives regardless.

So let?s start acting as grownups......please
Well there?s common sense for you....


Really cannot believe forum folk are still niggling 🤯 at one another over the reasons for a vote that neither the pro or anti MP?S understood the ramifications of because NO-ONE can see into the future.

Whatever we voted for..the vote is CAST...and like everything else in life people will get on with their lives regardless.

So let?s start acting as grownups......please


Quote from: GEman on September 09, 2018, 14:41:23 PM
Quote from: Lynden on September 08, 2018, 22:21:45 PM
Quote from: lmj52 on September 08, 2018, 21:54:16 PM
Another one of your facts Lynden? Lol  :))
I think the reffo showed that to be the case IMJ.....
I wouldn't be too sure about that ,most of the leavers didn't know what they were voting for
Of course all the remainers did....another throwaway idiotic line yet the remainers rule book. If they don?t agree with us then they?re stupid, racists, bigots or didn?t really should consider that the reverse may be true.


Quote from: Lynden on September 08, 2018, 22:21:45 PM
Quote from: lmj52 on September 08, 2018, 21:54:16 PM
Another one of your facts Lynden? Lol  :))
I think the reffo showed that to be the case IMJ.....
I wouldn't be too sure about that ,most of the leavers didn't know what they were voting for


Quote from: lmj52 on September 08, 2018, 21:54:16 PM
Another one of your facts Lynden? Lol  :))
I think the reffo showed that to be the case IMJ.....


Another one of your facts Lynden? Lol  :))
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Quote from: lmj52 on September 08, 2018, 17:10:58 PM
Quote from: raysun on September 08, 2018, 17:03:36 PM
Wish they would hurry up and leave.

I feel sorry for the 65 million EU residents living in the Uk who will be stripped of their rights.

Crocodile tears and quite most of them are quite pleased to lose their EU ?rights?


Quote from: raysun on September 08, 2018, 17:03:36 PM
Wish they would hurry up and leave.

I feel sorry for the 65 million EU residents living in the Uk who will be stripped of their rights.
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Wish they would hurry up and leave.


And Brits staying should remain unaffected - so all is well.


Thing is the title is Brits leaving

yes brits are leaving and more brits are coming

the only real debate is wether brits will carry on buying in IF  they loose the EU Citizenship,e111,/pensioner meds and free movment.....and any new restrictions.


brits leaving should remain un effected.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol

Dave Stewart

Sorry, I didn't mean to provoke anyone with a continuous agenda into a pointless argument.
I thought I was answering a genuine question.

I'll leave it there, if that's OK.


Not sure what fredup point is about unemployment.

June 2018 figures for unemployment  rates in the EU are :
Greece.  20.2%
Spain.    15.2%
Italy.      10.9%

UK is low at 4.1%

Germany even lower.

Youth unemployment rates are much higher in Greece Spain and Italy.

But all is well across the EU.  :grin:


Mr copy and paste is back


Quote from: Dave Stewart on September 07, 2018, 18:58:18 PM
Yes, I am entitled to another passport, but I only put that in the post so as not to be deceitful about the fact (I wasn't being smug, just pointing it out)
I have no interest in taking up that option as it happens.

I take no pleasure in the thought that anyone (on either side of the Channel) might lose their job.
At the moment I don't see much evidence of that happening and all the job losses that the media are talking about add up to the annual National average of job losses for the past 4 decades. Of all the possible reasons for those job losses, Brexit is the easiest for failing bosses to give, rather than own up to their own mismanagement.
Jobs are being created at a faster rate than they are being lost at the moment, but that doesn't make sensational headlines or sell papers.
Employment in the UK is actually currently at an all time high, so perhaps we should wait for Armageddon to really happen before we start blaming anyone or anything for something that hasn't actually occurred.

I wonder if the Bankers and Speculators that caused the 2008 crash felt any need to self-flagellate whilst they were running off to the Bahamas whilst we all suffered? (Off topic I know)

On balance I think the whole thing will turn out to be one massive compromise on both sides and I think that is probably a fair outcome.
52% to 48% wasn't exactly a landslide, but it was a majority.
With a slim majority like that the victors should be prepared to compromise to a fairly large degree in order to recognise the rights of those on the other side of the argument.
A winner takes all attitude is not appropriate and everyones future must be looked after regardless of what any of the political buffoons say.

On the one hand Jacob Rees-Mogg will not be happy with anything less than an iron fortress in isolation and Vince Cable will not be happy with anything less than a return to full EU membership.
I am quite happy for them both to end up crying in their beer as long as a sensible solution that suits the common people is reached, which I think it will be.

I voted OUT, but I still consider myself to be a European Citizen, just as those from Montenegro, Gibralter, Macedonia, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Serbia, Bosnia, Hertzegovena, Andorra and plenty of other nation states doubtless do. None of them are EU members, but they all have sensible partnerships with the EU.
Europe is a place, not a Federal Entity.

The news is full of the mistakes the politicians are making, but the deal will be brokered by civil servants in the background, who are generally a lot more competent than their political masters.

Regards and Brexit commiserations  to anybody with family members that could be  losing there jobs and homes in the future or may need a visa and full private medical insurance to use there Holiday home within the EU.


Dave Stewart

Yes, I am entitled to another passport, but I only put that in the post so as not to be deceitful about the fact (I wasn't being smug, just pointing it out)
I have no interest in taking up that option as it happens.

I take no pleasure in the thought that anyone (on either side of the Channel) might lose their job.
At the moment I don't see much evidence of that happening and all the job losses that the media are talking about add up to the annual National average of job losses for the past 4 decades. Of all the possible reasons for those job losses, Brexit is the easiest for failing bosses to give, rather than own up to their own mismanagement.
Jobs are being created at a faster rate than they are being lost at the moment, but that doesn't make sensational headlines or sell papers.
Employment in the UK is actually currently at an all time high, so perhaps we should wait for Armageddon to really happen before we start blaming anyone or anything for something that hasn't actually occurred.

I wonder if the Bankers and Speculators that caused the 2008 crash felt any need to self-flagellate whilst they were running off to the Bahamas whilst we all suffered? (Off topic I know)

On balance I think the whole thing will turn out to be one massive compromise on both sides and I think that is probably a fair outcome.
52% to 48% wasn't exactly a landslide, but it was a majority.
With a slim majority like that the victors should be prepared to compromise to a fairly large degree in order to recognise the rights of those on the other side of the argument.
A winner takes all attitude is not appropriate and everyones future must be looked after regardless of what any of the political buffoons say.

On the one hand Jacob Rees-Mogg will not be happy with anything less than an iron fortress in isolation and Vince Cable will not be happy with anything less than a return to full EU membership.
I am quite happy for them both to end up crying in their beer as long as a sensible solution that suits the common people is reached, which I think it will be.

I voted OUT, but I still consider myself to be a European Citizen, just as those from Montenegro, Gibralter, Macedonia, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Serbia, Bosnia, Hertzegovena, Andorra and plenty of other nation states doubtless do. None of them are EU members, but they all have sensible partnerships with the EU.
Europe is a place, not a Federal Entity.

The news is full of the mistakes the politicians are making, but the deal will be brokered by civil servants in the background, who are generally a lot more competent than their political masters.


"although I don?t see having access to another EU passport is necessarily good or useful".

Neither do I - but at least it keeps those who are entitled to dual nationality happy.

Thankfully, they will be absolutely in the same position as we poor single nationality people.


Crikey Fredup you actually typed something new this time.....although I don?t see having access to another EU passport is necessarily good or useful.


Quote from: Dave Stewart on September 06, 2018, 18:19:45 PM
Well, if you go back to the original topic:-

Yes, some Brits are leaving, and they probably always have done so for various reasons.
The house we bought was owned by Brits who went home, but we have moved from Britain to Spain to replace them, so I guess that's 2 in 2 out........

We both have access to EU passports from other countries, but both voted to Leave in the referendum because we thought it was in the long term interests of our adopted country.
We understood all along that it would be tough in the short to medium term and that would probably adversely affect our business and income.
Our business is still based in the UK, so we are prepared to suffer the consequences of our actions without complaint.

Not all leave voters went into the polling booths with rose tinted glasses you know and I think there were probably an equal number of ill informed people on both sides of the fence.

I personally like the ideal of an Open Europe (and rest of the World to be honest) but I do not like the idea of a Federal Europe and that was a deciding factor for me.

Some of the problems associated with EU Membership & Regulations were brought about by the ingrained British way of obeying regulations without question, whereas other more easy going nations just obey the bits they feel are sensible. This turned a lot of people off of the EU even though it was probably a self-inflicted wound by over zealous councils and a myriad of Health & Safety consultants who saw it as a way to make money by scaring employers into spending cash on their services.

A case in point is that in my business we need to have staffing levels set by European Standards without which we cannot start an event.
In France & Spain those levels are still written into the regulations, but are largely ignored (often through plain common sense solutions) and this skews the playing field against us making it more expensive for us to run exactly the same events.

I won't identify Spain as an example even though I could, but in Greece, Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Macedonia I have seen bare mains electric cables hanging down in public areas and no one bats an eyelid. The rules in those countries are the same as every other EU country, but nobody can be bothered with the expense of complying with the law.

I actually prefer the more laid back approach to a lot of regulatory stuff, but it irritates quite a few people. Perhaps that's a result of over stringent potty training as toddlers? (That's a joke btw)

An interesting point Dave however not all ex pats are in such a good position of having the back up of a 2nd EU State to fall back on even tho some of the ex pats voted for Brexit.

Regards and Brexit commiserations  to anybody with family members that could be  losing there jobs and homes in the future or may need a visa and full private medical insurance to use there Holiday home within the EU.



Open and honest post Dave.

Reminded me of the numerous times that my Dutch and Belgium work colleagues asked me why us British got so wound
up about the EU and their rules.

They said that "treasure island" (as Great Britain is referred to by many European businesses) should just nod their heads in agreement
of EU rules & regulations and then IGNORE them like everyone else in mainland Europe does.
What is important is not only to attain victory for democracy, it is to retain democracy.
Nelson Mandela.


Quote from: webejamin on September 07, 2018, 10:22:59 AM
Yeah, I like Dave's post too. It'd be a bit hard to knock any of it.

Why can't they all be like that?????? :shocked:


Yeah, I like Dave's post too. It'd be a bit hard to knock any of it.


Excellent post Dave. Balanced and sensible.


Another common sense post Dave. It's encouraging that the forum has some who just tell it like it is without all the usual histrionics.

Dave Stewart

Well, if you go back to the original topic:-

Yes, some Brits are leaving, and they probably always have done so for various reasons.
The house we bought was owned by Brits who went home, but we have moved from Britain to Spain to replace them, so I guess that's 2 in 2 out........

We both have access to EU passports from other countries, but both voted to Leave in the referendum because we thought it was in the long term interests of our adopted country.
We understood all along that it would be tough in the short to medium term and that would probably adversely affect our business and income.
Our business is still based in the UK, so we are prepared to suffer the consequences of our actions without complaint.

Not all leave voters went into the polling booths with rose tinted glasses you know and I think there were probably an equal number of ill informed people on both sides of the fence.

I personally like the ideal of an Open Europe (and rest of the World to be honest) but I do not like the idea of a Federal Europe and that was a deciding factor for me.

Some of the problems associated with EU Membership & Regulations were brought about by the ingrained British way of obeying regulations without question, whereas other more easy going nations just obey the bits they feel are sensible. This turned a lot of people off of the EU even though it was probably a self-inflicted wound by over zealous councils and a myriad of Health & Safety consultants who saw it as a way to make money by scaring employers into spending cash on their services.

A case in point is that in my business we need to have staffing levels set by European Standards without which we cannot start an event.
In France & Spain those levels are still written into the regulations, but are largely ignored (often through plain common sense solutions) and this skews the playing field against us making it more expensive for us to run exactly the same events.

I won't identify Spain as an example even though I could, but in Greece, Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Macedonia I have seen bare mains electric cables hanging down in public areas and no one bats an eyelid. The rules in those countries are the same as every other EU country, but nobody can be bothered with the expense of complying with the law.

I actually prefer the more laid back approach to a lot of regulatory stuff, but it irritates quite a few people. Perhaps that's a result of over stringent potty training as toddlers? (That's a joke btw)


We all agree phillip ?? Yeah right !!


Quote from: lmj52 on September 04, 2018, 15:34:41 PM
Quote from: byrney on September 04, 2018, 14:51:12 PM
I don't know what PJL wants.

Everything that has to be said has already been said.  I suggests he spends a few hours salivating over the thousands of posts of the last two+ years and he will know the arguments for staying within the EU.

The democratic process has taken place and, like the result or not, we are where we are.  Just get on with it for God's sake and put us all out of our abject misery (or not, in my case, as I live day by day and worry not about the future as I individually can't change a thing).

Yep. Get out, live with the consequences ffs. Well said bryney  :))

Glad we all agree !!!


Quote from: byrney on September 04, 2018, 14:51:12 PM
I don't know what PJL wants.

Everything that has to be said has already been said.  I suggests he spends a few hours salivating over the thousands of posts of the last two+ years and he will know the arguments for staying within the EU.

The democratic process has taken place and, like the result or not, we are where we are.  Just get on with it for God's sake and put us all out of our abject misery (or not, in my case, as I live day by day and worry not about the future as I individually can't change a thing).

Yep. Get out, live with the consequences ffs. Well said bryney  :))
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.