Limaria Bar y Tapas

Started by Tetley, April 15, 2022, 15:29:00 PM

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Quote from: lmj52 on October 20, 2023, 21:20:21 PMMore info coming
Hey byrney you'll be no doubt happy to hear that the new sign went up this morning,  it's now called the bon tacky.

Loads of surf boards... expect the tsunami in the coming days  ::)


Got to say we never had a bad meal there, but how the hell does he manage to hide in plain sight AND advertise himself if so many people are after him ???
There can be only one


It's now back on the market,  conmen need not apply.

Or as Byrney and some of you guys were so keen on spending your hard earned there perhaps club together 😅👍


Seems he's popped up in Casares, a little place just outside of Estapona,  he's also recently registered with the Facebook group "Jobs, Costa del Sol"

Infobel data: click the telephone link for his (unconfirmed by me) number.


Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Well there you go. So Pedro tried warning people and just got abuse. Karma.
Any apologies forthcoming?. :cry:

When I read remarks saying he was a lovely chap, I just laugh. That's how con artists and scammers are. They build up trust then stitch you up.
There was a builder local to me, I saw through him pretty quickly. Lots of Facebook posts recommending him. Well he did a runner with people's deposits, jobs left unfinished. He's now set up another building company in the Uk.  :evil:
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Quote from: OGM on October 20, 2023, 09:29:44 AMWow a serial scammer. How is he not serving time and allowed to set up business after business?

If he'd done me for the sums talked about, I'd have gone biblical on his ass.

I hope everyone he owes money too, get it back, but given his history, I wouldn't hold my breath.

The few times I spoke to him, he seemed to be a genuine guy. I guess that's what a scammer needs you to believe.

he would have fitted in great 23 years ago .....we had a few character's back in the day anything  from Building & flogging houses, to building  renovations to car dealings the od wacky farm here and there,in fact it was a bit like the wild west at times ,including the od gun fight and bar roll at pistol point for the valuables    ...... ::)

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Wow a serial scammer. How is he not serving time and allowed to set up business after business?

If he'd done me for the sums talked about, I'd have gone biblical on his ass.

I hope everyone he owes money too, get it back, but given his history, I wouldn't hold my breath.

The few times I spoke to him, he seemed to be a genuine guy. I guess that's what a scammer needs you to believe.

Bert Pelgrims

xavier pauwaert from bar Limaria is a Belgian criminal and scammer who keeps going bankrupt and stealing people's money, eventually he paid back my €800. Pedro has always been right. Below you can find all the links to the Belgian newspapers that wrote about him (you can translate the texts into Dutch via Google Translate), but nowhere that he has been acquitted. Forgery of bank documents, purchases of luxury cars without deposit or money. He threatened me to drive my motorcycle into the ravine. I was also the man who had put all the links to the newspapers on his Facebook that someone had printed and pasted in Limaria. The newspapers never accused the articles of being false. In Sweden he can no longer enter because then he will go to jail. He's a real con artist. The last one on the left is in Swedish.


Don't let the truth get in the way of a good row..  :wink:


SO, where are the apologies for having a go against Pedro ! Also all his posts should be reinstated .


He does grupo xlamt inmobiliaria sociedad limitada. Company number 228438
Registered 11/05/2022

Goes with his bar
Grupo xlamt hosteleria sociedad limitada
Company number 18694
Registered 04/01/2022

You'll no doubt notice the xlamt/xl whatever in his companies.
Search xlamt consulting ab = just another one...
Bankruptcy completed 2022-08-25

Search Paula A Pauwaert Xavier,  and read all about the forgery of bank letters, embezzlement of hundreds of thousands, court cases,  how Sweden want to extradite him when they can catch up. Disappearance of high range BMW cars etc.

Don't say you weren't warned over a year ago. Lovely food, nice location, terrible people 🙄


Does this guy also have an estate agency company ??


Cheers all, yes he's done it before many times as I warned originally. Only a matter of time before he ripped off people in our area.

Sadly some of you didn't want to know and advise others. One poor guy from Los Hig. lent him 50k and only got 20k back.

When he saw Xavier Pauwaert in Mercadona  with a trolley full he said you can afford that but not to repay me? The reply was that if he asked for money again he'd burn his house down.

The GS office in Albox told him they could act for threatening behaviour but to  recover the debt was the court in H.Overa.

The girl that worked in the bar is owed a lot more than a weeks wage. Heard that it was thousands, which did make me wonder.

But he's a conman, by trade and experience.

Nice guy eh?

February, he registered the UK company,  word is Terry is just as bad and went to the UK weeks ago with a big bag of money.

The worry is now that the next incoming has the debts of the bar?


Disappointing news. We quite enjoyed the food. According to his fellow countrymen he has done this before. Apparently he's opening a bar in Estapona. Ah well. :embarrassed:
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Why do suppliers not insist on cash on delivery as can be seen in some bars in the village.
After the same happening to the old bar unique under previous owners and the Pineapple kitchen disaster it's become difficult to hand over a deposit for anything . It's made life difficult for bars/ restaurants taking bookings for Xmas and new year and all down to a few bent scammers.
I presume they have all legged it back home.
Hopefully a collection can be arranged for the staff left without wages. Hopefully they only got caught for one week's pay.


I guess we all owe Pedro an apology, he was right, we were wrong. TBF I personally have never had a bad meal or a bad experience in the bar, but it looks like he has royally shafted suppliers and staff and moved on. Lets hope he gets found out in his next venture and he's the one being ripped off.


I have had it confirmed that he is no longer running the bar. He has left owing thousands, including his staff. The locks have been changed. 


Save your petrol byrney, he's done one,  the place is empty and the many people he owes money to are camped outside including the poor girl that worked there, who is owed thousands we hear.

UK beware: xlt sardonyx limited


So, can we now get to saying that this is a much needed commodity in our area?

I wish them every success because the food, service, views are second to none round here.

I bet those of you living in Limaria are absolutely delighted!

So are we, and only a twenty minute drive from La Alfoquia.

Good luck, and forget the nasty comments.


I have removed all reference that PD posted, including those where used in a quote.


thing is

this section is a bar review

and not a" business operational review" or directors fiscal Approval/mercantile report

,we have been a couple of times ,nice drive out over the Arboleas rockys and nice tapas at affordable prices and its inland and 20 mins from the Arboleas /Albox down town capitals

any walkers,cyclist, moto cyclists ,classic car  of off road  moto bike types its a nice drop off for a wee,a beer and a bit of snap .   :afro:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Thank you Phil.
Why are people so nasty?


I have banned Pedro for 30 days. He clearly has a grudge against the owners of the bar.



You really have a bee in your bonnet with this don't you?

I don't have an axe to grind on this, no connection with the bar or owner. I just like the bar and food, never had an issue, but if you have something you think people should know, grow a pair and put up or shut up.


Quote from: byrney on August 01, 2022, 17:38:26 PM
So you weren't impressed then?
Thought Phil was surpressing your sort of nonsense?
We do not live in Limaria.
Have no connections to the bar.
Have no idea of any history.
Our view is it is a good honest bar.
The staff are totally friendly and attentive.
The food is great at a reasonable price.
Clearly Pedro has issues.
Advice. Don't go there. Simple.
And don't diss people's businesses without back up evidence.
And if you have that evidence, please provide it or shut up.

You tell em Byrns .  :grin: :grin:


Tut tut, Pedro, that’s not nice assuming they’ve done a runner already???


Quote from: byrney on August 01, 2022, 17:38:26 PM
So you weren't impressed then?
Thought Phil was surpressing your sort of nonsense?
We do not live in Limaria.
Have no connections to the bar.
Have no idea of any history.
Our view is it is a good honest bar.
The staff are totally friendly and attentive.
The food is great at a reasonable price.
Clearly Pedro has issues.
Advice. Don't go there. Simple.
And don't diss people's businesses without back up evidence.
And if you have that evidence, please provide it or shut up.

Well said.


So you weren't impressed then?
Thought Phil was surpressing your sort of nonsense?
We do not live in Limaria.
Have no connections to the bar.
Have no idea of any history.
Our view is it is a good honest bar.
The staff are totally friendly and attentive.
The food is great at a reasonable price.
Clearly Pedro has issues.
Advice. Don't go there. Simple.
And don't diss people's businesses without back up evidence.
And if you have that evidence, please provide it or shut up.


If you read the links provided Pedro could be justified in his concern due to the owners reported business history.



I do not like this at all. You seem to be implying that they are dishonest. If so, either produce hard evidence or stop your posts. I will not have a business that is providing great long awaited service to this valley.


Pedro.  I assume you have issues with the current owner.

If so, that should be between you and him and not on an open Forum.

The thread is about the positives of this excellent bar.

Please don't use the Forum to put down the bar.


Been there a few times now, foods been great, beer is ice cold and prices are good. Don't see what the fuss is, no one sets up a business not to make money. Good luck to him I say.


I wish the heat hadn't befuddled my brain as I haven't the foggiest what you're all talking about. Can somebody please release me and show me the light?   ::) ::) ::)
You can't always control who walks into your life...but you CAN control which window you throw them out of.


Quote from: Tetley on July 20, 2022, 20:17:39 PM
i wish i had gone for an Indian now wi all this spiritual upheaval and folks getting the chakras in a twist   :))

I did Tets, it was lovely too, a nice Madras :grin: :grin: