
Started by PhilCJ, July 15, 2022, 21:36:59 PM

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Thanks for the reply Sue, I'm already a member of a few of them but ill rember to ask on there in future, seems a little more populated then here. For anyone that might be interested I managed to track down a great Vivero in Vera, Viveros Alonso Galera. Outstanding collection, outdoor and indoor plants and even managed to find one of the plants I was looking for.


Hi, worth joining the Spanish Gardening Facebook group, there will be people on there that know where to get anything.


Hi all,

Looking for recommendations for Viveros that stock more unusual, rare or uncommon plants or private growers etc..  I've visited a few around Almeria, Vera and Albox and although great for your typical Mediterranean plants I'm looking to add in some non natives to spice things up a little. South American, South African or Australian natives as an example, Grevilleas, Proteas, Globe mallows, anything typically pollinator friendly. I had quite a collection back in the UK, temperate, sub-tropical and tropical perrenials, bulb plants and shrubs, it seemed a lot easier to get hold of specific vairities and cultivars. However unless I just buy seed online, mature plants seem difficult to get hold of and the postal service isn't too reliable, any help would be really appreciated.

Also incredibly addicted to Lantana so I'm looking for the more unusual colours and cultivars such as "Lemon zest" and "Cherry Sunrise" to mix in amongst my collection.
