Types of Gas Bottles > Butano/Propano

Started by DLMcN, May 24, 2024, 17:46:09 PM

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Quote from: steveconway24 on May 26, 2024, 20:29:37 PM.... >

I would still like to see the thread you saw online saying Repsol are getting rid of them, just to pass on to the Repsol rep.

Yes, it was in Arboleas Life. On 4th April in that FaceBook site, Alan Pearce posted: "Repsol gas man delivered to me today. Only the blue top light weight gas bottles available. The man told me the heavy bottles are being stopped".


Possibly then, they don't want to stock the standard 12.5's as they have a regulated price?
Charge what you want for blue tops.
I'm not a regular at the shop you mention,  so just a guess on my part.

I would still like to see the thread you saw online saying Repsol are getting rid of them, just to pass on to the Repsol rep.


Kristina [who is fluent in English and Spanish] was standing by the crates of bottles outside, when she pointed out to me that they did not have any normal Butano in stock. And I could see that this was true. Maria [probably Number Three in the company after Domingo and Ana] confirmed that they would not be receiving more.


No offence, possibly a mis translation?


Quote from: steveconway24 on May 26, 2024, 18:18:57 PMSorry, just spoke to the Repsol agent in our area, I asked the question about 12.5kg butano being phased out. She laughed and asked what I was smoking. :laugh:

So it is a puzzle >
Why did FontArboleas not have any normal Butano bottles for sale on Friday? [only the blue, lightweight ones]... and
Why did FontArboleas tell me that Repsol had stopped supplying the normal ones?


Agree with Steve , they will never be phased out , so many people use bottle gas ,cheaper the better !


Sorry, just spoke to the Repsol agent in our area, I asked the question about 12.5kg butano being phased out. She laughed and asked what I was smoking. :laugh:


Quote from: Not_Asking_Much on May 26, 2024, 17:22:04 PMIn this Forum, we have already been told that the 'normal' [heavier] bottles of Butano have now been phased out.

Where is the original thread please?

Sorry, I cannot find it... It was just an act of recalling that somebody, somewhere, had commented that the driver of the gas delivery lorry had told him that the 'normal' [heavier] bottles of Butano were being discontinued. Maybe it was in 'Arboleas Life', or 'Arboleas Perla del Valle'.

But locating that^ post won't add anything important. The bottom line is that > Yes, they have now been phased out by REPSOL.

David Mc


In this Forum, we have already been told that the 'normal' [heavier] bottles of Butano have now been phased out.

Where is the original thread please?


We use butane on the hob, and Propano on both our Junker boilers. Never had a problem
'tis better to remain silent and appear an idiot than to open your mouth and forever remove all doubt! (translation from Ancient Wisdom of Confucius)


I've only used butane for my BBQ. 12.5 kg bottle, was 17.50€ yesterday.
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


We have used Propane for many years on all appliances including a mobile heater the regulator is the same , be careful about the regulators as there is one with a gold top which has a higher gas flow .


Be good, to know if propane can be used on junkers boilers 


Many thanks to both of you. So I'll probably contact Repsol on Monday for an independent opinion.

It will actually be a few weeks before we need to switch the kitchen geyser over to new bottles.


I normally use butane on the gas hob, propane on the bbq.
But, I have used propane on the hob without any issues when the butane bottle went and I didn't have a spare.
Propane is cheaper, but like Tets says, check if your appliance can safely use either.


 defiantly check that your appliances are suitable  to burn propane

I use propane for heating and cutting steel ,it burns hotter  than standard butane 

they use propane   on the big fiesta  paella burners .
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


In this Forum, we have already been told that the 'normal' [heavier] bottles of Butano have now been phased out.

[Normal] Propano bottles, on the other hand, are for sale. Kristina [in FontArboleas] remarked to me that these tended to be the preferred choice in Bars and Restaurants - regarded as more suitable for larger areas? In any event, both she and María [who also works there] confirmed that there would be absolutely no problem in using Propano in a private house. They did have some available there [not many, admittedly], so - with 'fingers crossed' - I purchased some, and will see how it goes.

Those Propano bottles were 15 euros each. Today's FontArboleas price for one of the newer [blue, lighter weight] Butano bottles, is 20 euros.