Diatomaceous earth/ Diatoms where to buy or any other ideas for woodlice.

Started by dave cockshaw, June 17, 2009, 15:37:21 PM

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dave cockshaw

OH thats sort of comforting to know its not just me then. People don't take me seriously when I say how many there are.
I have stopped sweeping until 11am as they are all dead then, I have been disposing of them in a carrier bag, just incase they are still alive or have little ones about to hatch.

I never really bothered about bugs but these take me to the edge of despair everyday, sweeping them up outside and cleaning up the mess and smell (yes smell) they leave when they die.

If anyone has any ideas, the spray etc work to kill them but dont stop them infesting the land and coming to my house to die.

I am still searching for the diatomaceous earth here so I don't have to get some shipped.....it's a natural product crushed diatoms that you can use in feed for animals and on their coats to prevent bugs/parasites etc, you can also put it on the land, its harmless to us and animals, just got to be careful not to breath it in and make sure you use food grade quality. It kills the bugs by cutting them, they dehydrate and it gets in their system.( or something like that) It also distracts others from the land as well.

I have asked around but it seems everyone just sells full on chemicals, maybe some organic farmers/gardeners  may know.....seems the humidity is really bringing them out. :head

I am going to get the gravel at the side of the house dug up and pave it so at least I can sweep them up as they are all mixed in with the gravel.......a bugging nightmare.


Well thank god for that...I thought it was only our house that was being targeted by these horrible creatures...I too sweep hundreds up a day...mainly dead as I use the 1 year spray and when they walk through it...zap...but I am on the verge of paranoia about them

dave cockshaw


Has anyone found anywhere that sells diatomaceous earth/Diatoms (food Grade) not swimming pool stuff.

I want to use it as a natural insecticide around my house........huge problem with woodlice, they make a beeline towards my house every morning from surrounding areas.

Want to try and not use too many chemicals as we have dogs and small child, also think that the farmers over use of pesticides around us is contributing to the problem.

There is no rotting wood around, they just like the shady side of my house and the gravel (which we will remove soon).

Fed up off sweeping hundreds up a day.

Any other ideas welcome.