Personal Information Abuse

Started by 6.57 Crew, August 18, 2010, 23:56:31 PM

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PM's are stored in the DB as clear text, not encrypted. Easy as pie to get hold of them, anyone with admin access could do it in 5 mins


Quote from: AndyH on August 20, 2010, 10:29:30 AM
Quote from: Anna123 on August 20, 2010, 10:04:42 AM
I think people should be aware that it does happen on some forums.

People can always look on the very bottom of the page to see what software is being used and then check whether it is sufficiently secure. Simple Machines is good. So is PHP. Nothing is 100% watertight against a really determined hacker, of course....but in both cases, a mod or admin cannot just click a button to read PM's.


Thanks Andy - this is completely correct.

My understanding is that the only way to read PM's on this forum is to access the underlying database and even then the PM's are encrypted. You would need to find some way of decrypting them anyway which would be hacking and not something we would even consider.

Also I can confirm 100% that the moderators of this forum DO NOT have database access.

I'm really upset that Nicki has resigned after all these years. But I can completely see why she has resigned. The insinuated abuse that the mods get on this forum is disgraceful. If you don't like the way this forum is run then just leave and use one of the other local forums please.

ILLI UK and ILLIA !! Best of both for me!!!


Quote from: Anna123 on August 20, 2010, 10:04:42 AM
I think people should be aware that it does happen on some forums.

People can always look on the very bottom of the page to see what software is being used and then check whether it is sufficiently secure. Simple Machines is good. So is PHP. Nothing is 100% watertight against a really determined hacker, of course....but in both cases, a mod or admin cannot just click a button to read PM's.



Nicki, as I have said before you have always come across as fair minded. I responded to a post asking if pms can be read, and I answered honestly.  I never suggested that the PMs on this forum were being read, I simply said that it has been done on a forum that I moderated on and I stood down because of it. People need to be aware that some people will stoop to this level, not every one ( I didnt) but I think people should be aware that it does happen on some forums.


Quote from: Andie on August 20, 2010, 09:24:56 AM
Nicki  :tiphat:
i have not suggested any dishonesty on this forum,on other forums i have sent "test pm,s" and thay clearly have been read by folks running the forum i know this as fact .

S   :tiphat:

But adding that to this discussion is saying that you don't trust any forums not to read them. It doesn't matter now Steve. What has been said now and before is enough for me to have had enough of moderating on here. And when I say people I know it doesn't just include yourself it includes others that have had a 'lets have a go at the mods' not thinking that it is upsetting.

Thanks for all that do support the mods, it is really appreciated, never think it isn't.


The ability of a moderator, admin, (or hacker) to read PM's is governed by the forum software in use.

This forum uses Simple Machines. There is *NO PROVIDED FACILITY* in that software that permits access to PM's by the forum owner, admin, or moderators. Does not exist. Period.

That is not to say it cannot be done (it can, by hacking into the main database) but that requires considerable computer knowledge. It is not easy. You would not even have to be a mod or admin to do it... but again, not something most people could do.



Nicki  :tiphat:
i have not suggested any dishonesty on this forum,on other forums i have sent "test pm,s" and thay clearly have been read by folks running the forum i know this as fact .

S   :tiphat:


What a shame, I have always known you to be fair on this forum, but can understand why you do not want to continue, hope you continue to post even without moderating it  :-*
Sharon Baldwin ( married to Colin Baldwin , Cool Solutions)


I am really very offended about what is being said about the PM system. I can't believe that even people I know would think I would stoop so low to that. Steve if any of you pms have got to public knowledge it is because the people you have sent them too have told everyone about them.

I have had enough of been slagged off by total strangers and even by people who know me   :(. When you talk about us horrible mods that includes me in that and sometimes you should think about what you are saying as it is very hurtful and upseting.

I get NO money from doing this, I get NO pleasure at the moment for doing this. Jason asked me to help him out 7 years ago and I excepted. I have plodded along trying to be fair but I now have had enough.

I have had all my family over having a lovely time but every day I pop in and its another criticism about us or accusation about something we have done. It has been ruined by some people who think it is clever and funny to say all these things.

It would be nice for some of you to think before you reply such hurtful comments.

Levante Radio

Hi Firstly I want to apologise to anybody who received the "Levante Newsletter" and it has upset them.
If you UN-SUBSCRIBE I will personally make sure you will receive no more local information emails!

Secondly I like to thank everybody who has emailed me from the forum to say "Good Luck" and "Chin Up" and are welcoming what we at Levante are trying to put together
as a true local hub for information and news.

Thirdly we would welcome any business on this forum some "Free" advertising on the station and our other outlets (PM me or email for details)

Lastly thank you for every body listening in yesterday, it was our best listener figure day of 26 at the peak and 54 in total of unique listeners, 80% from Spain.
We are open and honest with our listener figures and we will grow from here on in.

Kind Regards Steve King  


well im not for one moment suggesting any dis honesty on this forum,but certainly when i use any forum pm system i normally start the message by

Hi ----- (and mods  :wave ) and then type my message.

on a forum this year i had quite a bit of fun through the pm system with a bit of poltical rib tickling and the word soon got around off forum from people i personally know off forum abought the seid contents of the pm  :o

normally if its a private matter i just ask for an e mail and comunicate through,than that way its private between both partys ,the server,and the world goverments .   ;D

morning all   :wave  S

judi bk

Nicki is an honorable person but that isn't the point.  On this forum we CAN'T see pms


Quote from: nicki on August 19, 2010, 20:13:22 PM
QuoteHaving moderated a forum I can categorically say that pms can be read by Forum Management, never put anything personal in a pm save that for emails or on the phone!

And I can categorically say I have never been able to read ANY pms that members have sent to each other. It is impossible for me to do so.

Nicki I have no doubt that you are a very honorable person and that you would not stoop to reading PMs, I am just saying what I have moderated with people who did and is the reason that I no longer moderate on that particular forum. The facility to read PMs was in place and was abused. 


Having just returned from a hard days fishing, I've just spotted this thread.
I have always thought that all personal details were kept private on this forum including email address or am I wrong? unless you choose otherwise.
If you care, or don't, it should make no difference, all privacy should be respected. :tiphat:


Surely the simple answer is for those who are not happy with the way things are run.LEAVE.As someone often say's simples :tiphat: :tiphat:


QuoteHaving moderated a forum I can categorically say that pms can be read by Forum Management, never put anything personal in a pm save that for emails or on the phone!

And I can categorically say I have never been able to read ANY pms that members have sent to each other. It is impossible for me to do so.


Quote from: Scotty on August 19, 2010, 16:01:30 PM
Quote from: chelseaphil on August 19, 2010, 15:52:29 PM
Quote from: Scotty on August 19, 2010, 15:42:13 PM

Why would that be an issue, unless it was obscene or if someone was either advertising (and then pretending to be a satisfied customer) or slagging off a competitor?

That is EXACTLY what was happening

There's plenty of posters on here who actually advertise their own services, but pretend to be satisfied customers!  As in "XYZ is brilliant, my friends and I are really pleased with the service we received" 

This is VERY difficult to police and we are always on the alert for it.  Unless another member informs us that they know the person behind the pseudonym there is nothing we can do. Except lock the topic. The mods have got accused of being heavy handed on that front. So it is a no win situation.

They then forget themselves and a few months later let slip that actually THEY are the people who provide the service!

Surely that's also an issue for you, if having multiple id's are verboten?

Also how can you possibly differentiate between different people in one household who choose to open an account, and just one person who registers multiple names?

Not possible.

Yet an issue is made of it.

Is it true that private messages can be accessed by mods/forum admin?

Having moderated a forum I can categorically say that pms can be read by Forum Management, never put anything personal in a pm save that for emails or on the phone!


HURRAH!!!  Doggyworld rules OK?   :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



here we go again making mountains out of mole hills

some people on this forum have got too much time & not enough to do

we all get spam thats what anti spam & virus programs are for

use them move on & get a life 808 808 808

Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


We'll have some of that bobman  :crazy: :crazy:
The "angelic duo"


My word, what a paranoid bunch of folks inhabit this forum, I too am off to join doggyworld, it seems much calmer than this planet. :lol:

If you don't want anyone to know who you are, then why join forums in the first place? everyone should just chill out, if you don't have anything to hide why should it bother you if people have your e-mail address? and if you receive unwanted e-mails, then as has already been said just check the unsubscribe box - job done  - you won't receive any more  :tiphat:

mike challinor

Can't see what all the fuss is about - I am sure we have all received Spam emails and they must get the addresses from somewhere! Nothing to hide ??? then use your proper name and be upfront,. It is all this cloak and dagger stuff of psuedenyms that breeds this stuff.
Mike Challinor and proud of it..!!
Mike Challinor


Doggyworld???..........................I'm in....Man :clap:


Quote from: Geminis on August 19, 2010, 16:38:42 PM
Like the sound of "Doggy World" can we join too.... :lol:

Lets all go to Doggy World and Chill out!!

I will drink a nice 8 year old single malt and say peace to my fellow Doggies
and we will have levante Radio on our PCs hope they will play a bit of Hendrix for us !!  :lol:

BoB " love maaan" M  :clap:


Like the sound of "Doggy World" can we join too.... :lol:
The "angelic duo"


I think "Doggyworld" sounds like a very good place to be. Imagine, Doggy music, Doggy films, Doggy restaurants and for those who love, best not go there on a family forum...!! :lol: :whistle:


Quote from: Mercurian on August 19, 2010, 16:26:45 PM
Quote from: owdoggy on August 19, 2010, 16:06:48 PM
Aren't we being a tad paranoid here? Sensitive personal data is probably on more computers than you can shake a stick at so somebody getting your email address is hardly worth getting stressed out about.

Peace, luurve & calm!


Sometimes I think that people on this forum come from a different planet from me!  Can I join you on yours Doggy?   :lol:

Aye, nae bother....all is tranquillo & laid back on "Doggyworld" :lol:



Quote from: owdoggy on August 19, 2010, 16:06:48 PM
Aren't we being a tad paranoid here? Sensitive personal data is probably on more computers than you can shake a stick at so somebody getting your email address is hardly worth getting stressed out about.

Peace, luurve & calm!


Sometimes I think that people on this forum come from a different planet from me!  Can I join you on yours Doggy?   :lol:


I think Damien makes some very relevant points

Quick!  Check out our IP addresses to make sure we're not one and the same

Can't have members agreeing with each other on a forum


Well tkevin47 ILLIA if I knew the answer I wouldn't have posed the question. Would I? :head

The revealing of a pseudonym per se is irrelevent and of course different people have different reasons for using different names and providing nothing criminal is taking place it is of no concern of ours.

But for a person running an organisation where they have access to information about an individual which they then use to tie it into other information they have in their capacity as an administrator of another organisation which they then broadcast in a public forum the fact that these two individuals are one and the same is a serious breach of confidence and trust.

We don't know why they have different names and it isn't any of our business. But it is our business if the owner administrator is using their knowledge of a member of their forum to identify them, to the public, as members of another forum under a different name.

As to a pseudonym not being an invasion of a persons privacy. It can be if you know the identity of that person under one pseudonym who might for arguments sake just work for you, but not under their other pseudonym where they might criticising you, but as a result of the second pseudonym being published you now know they are one and the same so may be inclined to sack him!!

It may not be a breach of the Data Protection Act but it is certainly a breach of trust.


Let me get me old head around this?  :'(

You received an email from Levante Radio, to an email address which was there for all to see on another forum?

You have checked this forum and yes it was there for all too see, Steve has emailed to say that's where he got the said email address? 

What is the problem, this was the same several months ago when another member had a go about this sort of thing and was spouting lots and lots of Rubbish and conspiracy theories!
It came out his email was in his profile? Same story again!

Email is a great way to communicate and is GREEN now that's a great buzz word at the moment  :lol:

I too received said email and it does say email back to UN-subscribe?

I rest my case your honour, the Jungle Jury is out !!

My Email please don't use it

BoB :clap:


Aren't we being a tad paranoid here? Sensitive personal data is probably on more computers than you can shake a stick at so somebody getting your email address is hardly worth getting stressed out about.

Peace, luurve & calm!



Quote from: chelseaphil on August 19, 2010, 15:52:29 PM
Quote from: Scotty on August 19, 2010, 15:42:13 PM

Why would that be an issue, unless it was obscene or if someone was either advertising (and then pretending to be a satisfied customer) or slagging off a competitor?

That is EXACTLY what was happening

There's plenty of posters on here who actually advertise their own services, but pretend to be satisfied customers!  As in "XYZ is brilliant, my friends and I are really pleased with the service we received" 

This is VERY difficult to police and we are always on the alert for it.  Unless another member informs us that they know the person behind the pseudonym there is nothing we can do. Except lock the topic. The mods have got accused of being heavy handed on that front. So it is a no win situation.

They then forget themselves and a few months later let slip that actually THEY are the people who provide the service!

Surely that's also an issue for you, if having multiple id's are verboten?

Also how can you possibly differentiate between different people in one household who choose to open an account, and just one person who registers multiple names?

Not possible.

Yet an issue is made of it.

Is it true that private messages can be accessed by mods/forum admin?


Quote from: Scotty on August 19, 2010, 15:42:13 PM

Why would that be an issue, unless it was obscene or if someone was either advertising (and then pretending to be a satisfied customer) or slagging off a competitor?

That is EXACTLY what was happening

There's plenty of posters on here who actually advertise their own services, but pretend to be satisfied customers!  As in "XYZ is brilliant, my friends and I are really pleased with the service we received" 

This is VERY difficult to police and we are always on the alert for it.  Unless another member informs us that they know the person behind the pseudonym there is nothing we can do. Except lock the topic. The mods have got accused of being heavy handed on that front. So it is a no win situation.

They then forget themselves and a few months later let slip that actually THEY are the people who provide the service!

Surely that's also an issue for you, if having multiple id's are verboten?

Also how can you possibly differentiate between different people in one household who choose to open an account, and just one person who registers multiple names?

Not possible.


Quote from: chelseaphil on August 19, 2010, 11:56:25 AM
We and other forums all use IP addresses to filter out those people that are registering with multiple usernames. Unfortunately for us, the majority of members have the same IP address. But that makes it a little easier to filter those that are not on the common internet networks.  

Several people have recently been identified as setting up secondary usernames. Found out by checking IP addresses when they register. This was something that was suggested by several members last year when a well known builder from Cantoria kept registering on the forum with multiple names. We have simply continued with that practice.

Why would that be an issue, unless it was obscene or if someone was either advertising (and then pretending to be a satisfied customer) or slagging off a competitor?

There's plenty of posters on here who actually advertise their own services, but pretend to be satisfied customers!  As in "XYZ is brilliant, my friends and I are really pleased with the service we received"

They then forget themselves and a few months later let slip that actually THEY are the people who provide the service!

Surely that's also an issue for you, if having multiple id's are verboten?

Also how can you possibly differentiate between different people in one household who choose to open an account, and just one person who registers multiple names?