residencia - the green ones!

Started by {*i*}, September 22, 2011, 19:07:05 PM

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Hiya hate to add fuel to the fire but I went to almeria in march to get my residencia and was told by the man on the desk it only last 5 years ,and no there is no expiry date ....... :tiphat:

Queen Clare Shirley

nope just walk in and yes you can do a NIE but it expires
ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


So now I am confused. 

We live in Almeria but Baza is in Granada province?  Yet as residents of Almeria we can renew or obtain our green residencias in Baza in Granada- is that correct?

If yes then How do you book for the appointment in Baza then please as Almeria takes forever.

Can you do NIE numbers from new in Baza as well?


Quote from: derbydec on September 22, 2011, 19:31:17 PM
on your green piece of paper mercurian just above your name (about halfway down) you'll see the date. sadly it's in Spanish and some people might not recognise what it is/means but it says ", desde el the date" not literally "the date" but whatever day you went there.... if you can't translate what they printed repost it and we'll let you know  :tiphat:

You've 5 years from then to renew or go through it all again  :head

The "date " that you point out that it is from is nonsense. That date is not the date that you went there ,UNLESS it's your initial registration.The date that should be on there , & which is on mine , is the date that you were first registered on the Registro central de Extranjeros. When I renewed mine in 2008 the date on mine is 2003. The date I received the first Tarjeta. Once you have been registered for 5 years & renew as a 'residente comunitario con carácter permanante' ( assuming that you ticked the right box ) & are inscribed on the register ,  there is no need to register ever again. That's the law , regardless of what the muppets tell you.


Thanks for all the posts and Claire for keeping us up to date. Don't you just love spain and the pen pushers LOL, i can't wait to see what they will come out with next (i just hope i haven't got to go back down to almeria again and spend the day in goverment offices) much rather go shopping!

Dear derbydec, i'm not wishing to be or sound rude, but can i please ask where you have obtained your information regarding the 5 year rule on the green forms?



beverley man

hola, we had the green paper shrunk to credit size then lamminated  just fit into the wallet no prob. :lol:
beverley man

Queen Clare Shirley

Frankie this is Spain, they change their minds at the drop of the hat, or the sip of a coffee

Learnt the hard way I now ring up and ask before I do anything.

ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


on your green piece of paper mercurian just above your name (about halfway down) you'll see the date. sadly it's in Spanish and some people might not recognise what it is/means but it says ", desde el the date" not literally "the date" but whatever day you went there.... if you can't translate what they printed repost it and we'll let you know  :tiphat:

You've 5 years from then to renew or go through it all again  :head


Queen Clare Shirley

I reiterate

The very nice lady in Baza started PARA SIEMPRE,  for the certificate (for ever), I asked her about the cards, they are in the planning stages and were originally stated to be released in December but for now they are uncertain , they are considering the photo. This was confirmed on the 15/9/2011
ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


I just knew someone would say that!!  The card had a renewal date - fine, the certificate has no renewal date so I don't intend to renew it.  To be honest, I can't even remember when I got it!


The green residencia A4 size paper replaced the plastic card. It lasts for 5 years and then you need to renew it.

People / Authorities have been complaining about the longevity of a A5 piece of paper when you are supposed to carry it around, therefore rumours are afoot that the card will be re-introduced.  In the meantime the 5 year rule still applies.

Queen Clare Shirley


Your NIE is your numero de identificación extranjero and this is always the same, it is used primarily for tax purposes so that all purchases made by you, IE cars, houses and also working can be logged against your name. They now expire as they are only required for things as buying houses, car and you should always go for the residencia if you live here, go to school here and work here

a resident certificate uses your NIE as a means of registering your status as resident in Spain this goes for your bank account, tax purposes and work.

As there is no date I have always presumed that you didnt need to renew it, and this was confirmed by the girl at Baza office who said it was PARA SIEMPRE for ever (15/09/2011), however there is plans to re introduce the card albeit without a picture but as yet there is no date for the release.

By far Baza is the easiest place to get it done at the moment.

Hope this helps
ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


That is certainly my understanding of it Annie, but no doubt someone will come on and tell us different!!   :lol:


Last year, we obtained the green residencia paper forms. Prior to this we had the finger print ID cards which if i can remember lasted 5 years? On the green ones it has no end date, but having read past topics about these new forms, i was on the understanding that they would still expire within so many years.

Today, my daughter needed to fill in a form and was asked when her NIE expired? we couldn't understand this question as i have always thought that an NIE was a number you always had for life and was different from residencia. I am now told that at some point within the past, however many years, the residencia and NIE became one and would expire, however now it appears (if you have the GREEN ONE) they are still as one and will not! So (and if you have managed to keep up with my ramblings) my understanding is if you now have the Green Residencia piece of paper, you have it now for life and no longer need to worry about going up to Almeria with a tree of paper?

can anyone else confirm this?

Many Thanks, Annie x