Problem Familes !!!!!

Started by The Sheriff ILLIA., December 16, 2011, 07:27:20 AM

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I don't think that it's a case of looking down noses but a case of reality in an unfair world.    In both the UK and here in Spain there are certain social groups who demand their rights and live pretty well considering.   If you don't have a decent role model to show you that it's the norm for a father/and or mother to get up and go to work to earn  money to eat/buy things then what do you expect.   All they have to do is line up for a piece of paper to be stamped and money appears in their account.   They can all sit around chatting about how unfair it all is whilst those working or trying to find a job don't have time to sit down and actually think about it or else they'll go under.     'Feral' children are the produce and therefore it does affect us all when we fear for our safety on the streets or even in our own homes.    Own homes being something you have to pay for, and often really suffer to pay for, not getting from the Gov. at a pittance of a rental for them to be handed down generation after generation (which i've seen happening here and over in the UK).  I know the other side of the argument is that if 'Brits' don't take this financial help then 'immigrants' will but that's just wrong trying to right a wrong. 

But then again life is unfair, what can we do?  I was chatting to my husband today saying that if politicians were taken to the town square and pelted with rotten tomatoes every time they made a bad decision then maybe they'd actually think about their actions.   They are comfortable in their own little bubbles and those in the middle feel the effects.

Every time I watch documentaries on Spanish tv about abandoned towns where only a few old Spaniards are living it makes me wonder why Brits don't all move into these towns, repopulate them and put up a wall against the outside world......     I would if only we could sell our flat.....


keyser soze

Well said Saint

These slacktivists really do make me chuckle

King saint 76

Phil I don't think that because someone has a sky dish they are paying a subscription, some areas cannot recieve a terrestrial signal and the area may not be covered by cable  so a satalite dish would be their only option.
Fred, the tv producers look for this type of family (lots of kids, big telly, etc...etc..) to get people like you talking about it, thats how the tv ratings work.

Once again people are looking down their noses at people less well off than theirselves......  yet another thread to be overrun by the snob element of this area.
I'd say that if any of us were offered the benefits these people get from the government we would accept, so the people in question are not to blame, government is, so write to downing street if you are that bothered.


I drove through a run down housing estate in Glastonbury the other week.  Almost every house had a SKY dish outside it.  Yet another estate where people own their houses, maybe one in 4 had one. That says it all.


I was brought up on the idea that if you wanted something and couldnt afford it then you saved for it until you could
Nowdays many think they are entitled to everythig Now, even if this means breaking in and taking it.
We live in a very selfish world and I cant see a solution to it. Certainly throwing money out to help problem families wont help.

The Sheriff ILLIA.

It was announced yesterday that the Government is to allocate £ 484 Million to help Problem Families or Families with problems  !

You can bet your sweet life that OAP's who are having trouble keeping themselves warm & fed properly will NOT be included on this list -

it showed one of these families  last night - well at least the Mother and 4 kids - saying how very hard it was to feed them properly & manage on the money she was receiving - they did have though what looked like a 52" Telly !!!!!!! Obviously not one obtained from the local charity shop.
Fred Sheriff.

Tip of the Day for a long life  :-  Breathe In  - Breathe Out - repeat when necessary.