Started by Beachcomber_Bar_Mojacar, February 23, 2012, 10:58:46 AM

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I did ask about other areas and he said he is almost certain it is not a problem on the Costa Del Sol but from Almeria North (He mentioned Alicante) there is also a problem, John.


I'm pleased to say a representative from the pet food manufacturers/Mercadona came to find me this morning and after a very interesting meeting I can confirm they are taking this very serious as we all know now I think. Tests are being done on the foods and he promises to let me know the results asap.


Quote from: tijolian on February 25, 2012, 08:05:32 AM
I use the cat food and give my 2 dogs a little of that every morning...is there a problem with the cat food too....

As far as I'm aware the cat food has also been taken off the shelves too, maybe a precaution only but? John.


I use the cat food and give my 2 dogs a little of that every morning...is there a problem with the cat food too....


Reading all your posts has got me very concerned. We had a cat visiting our work shop for a long time, he'd come of the morning stay all day and night - never miss a day just dissappear to do his 'cat things' for a short while and then be back.
At first we gave him scraps, but as the weeks turned into months got him his own bowl and cat food from the Mercadona. He only had two foil tray worth and now haven't seen him for a couple of weeks - It just makes us wonder if he's just moved on or has this food done something???????


Hi, this is very worrying, my dogs were having the dry mixer compy food, and my little stray dog has been weeing more than normal. so will stop straight away, does anyone know if it is also linked to the dry food or at present is it the wet food?

hope all the dogs being treated get better very soon x



I also believe the Costa Almeria News "Richard Torne" <editor@canews.es> is also running a story on this, I'm sure he would also like to hear from any of you, John.


Quote from: Beachcomber_Bar_Mojacar on February 24, 2012, 20:36:40 PM
Quote from: Beachcomber_Bar_Mojacar on February 24, 2012, 18:26:25 PM
Email sent claiming my vets fees back, John.

Emailed me back and said to ring 900500103, maybe they don't want anything in print, John.

Same here :(


Thank you Moderator A,  the comments by Cantabrian did upset me and I know that in the great scheme of things the death of one small cat seems trivial,  BUT I saw her being born and have had the  pleasure of her wacky ways for eight years.  This last week I have watched my nother three cats looking for her and crying.  Juan was so kind and compassionate, let me take my time, even though the waiting room was full. I could not wish for a more kind and caring person in charge of my animals.  I hope no one else has to go through the kind of week I have just had.

Casa Montes

I've only just picked up on this thread!

All my cats have been brought up on Mercadona tinned food and biscuits, a couple of years ago I changed the biscuits to Friskies but stayed with their tins, when they changed to the cartons a few months ago my 2, 7 year old cats & little dog, (brought up with the same food) all refused to eat it!! Rather than keep throwing wasted food away, after weeks I changed their wet meat to a British brand. I kept saying to hubby that something had changed with it.

Hoping that all animals affected make a full recovery and that mine are Ok.

The purpose of our life is happiness: The Dalai Lama

Don't look down on people unless you are helping them up.

Dog Lady

Thanks Felipe but do not understand how this got through if I am doing something wrong So I will post my comment re the pet food problem here and if it arrives perhaps you can transfer it please

Although in view of recent posts this does not add a great deal when we went into Mercadona Albox at lunchtime Charlie the English assistant was removing the cartons and said that although the red ones were thought to be the problem they were removing them all as a precaution

However most of our small dogs who have been having the yellow cartons have exhibited the symptoms of excessive drinking and weeing which suggests that the problem could be in the coating on the inside of the cartons as presumably the various recipes have separate production runs unless of course there has been a generic fault in the production system

We are hoping that none of our many dogs has a problem but our thoughts go out to all owners who have suffered in varying degrees



That is expensive food. When we had a problem at begining of the month we used Mercadona chicken quaters mixed with rice and plain youghurt. Costs less than dog food.


This is a really horrible situation. Deepest sympathies to anyone who has lost a beloved pet. The best thing we can all do is get the word out to anyone who has purchased this and not used it yet. It could save lives and a lot of misery. It is at least encouraging to see them take this seriously and get it off sale so quickly. Too late for some, sadly.


According to the data on the forum you have not posted anything since about 10-30 this morning until this posting. Maybe something you may be doing wrong somehow. Phil

Dog Lady

I have sent two posts re the Mercadona pet food problem in the last few hours but neither has appeared on the thread or my record of posts It may be a problem with my PC but could you please let me know if you are aware from your end of any other reason




Quote from: Beachcomber_Bar_Mojacar on February 24, 2012, 18:26:25 PM
Email sent claiming my vets fees back, John.

Emailed me back and said to ring 900500103, maybe they don't want anything in print, John.


Our dogs have had the same problems of drinking copiously and wanting to go out to wee all times of the day and night, also throwing up all the time.  We took the worst one to the vet on 15 February.  He  put her on a drip and took  blood test. She was also given antibiotics and some other pills to settle her stomach.  

She was kept in over night and we had a bill of €157 plus we had to put her on very expensive food Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal low fat food. This costs €13 per 1.5 kg pack and €70 per large pack.  

The vet said it was pancreatitis and he will take another blood test in a couple of weeks.

Very grateful to Beachcomber for raising this problem.  We will be emailing Mercadona and asking about their dry food which is the same make. So sorry for the people who have lost their pets.  It´s devastating for them.

(Joan Lesley Sabine)

jill cockfield

As far as we are aware it is the wet food in the cartons. The problem could be either the food itself or the new packaging, it used to be in a tin. It sounds as though your dog has a different problem. You should consult your vet.


thankyou all so much for the information. my question is our dog has been fed on the compy dried biscuits for a couple years now no problem, but the last few days he has not been well and messing. just chatted with a friend who has exactly the same situation. anyone know if it is coincidence or does the dried food have the same problem? at the moment i have removed his food and he shall be cooked for :) but will quite happily go buy another brand if the dried food is the same.

cheers dave n susie


Email sent claiming my vets fees back, John.


Just been to Mercadona at Puerto Ray and all traces of the dog and cat food in the cartons have been removed from the shelves thank goodness.  The message must be getting through to the powers that be at Mercadona.

The cartons have been replaced by tins.



Sent this email to them tonight and had a response within 3 minutes!
I have been made aware of a problem with your Compy cat and dog food.

We have been feeding this to our two dogs for years and noticed that the packaging changed recently. We had noticed that our dogs were drinking much more water and urinating more. Even during the middle of the night they have wanted to go out to urinate. We went to England in the begining of January and fed them on English tinned food and the problem ceased immeadiately! Back here in Spain and the doges were put back on your dog food and the problem has started again.

As we are retailers ourselves (in Albox ) we started asking our customers if they had noticed any problems with their pets. Without exception each and every customer who has been feeding their pets with your food has noticed exactly the same symptoms, some having serious outcomes either expensive vetinary treatment for kidneys problems and in some cases death of the pet!

I look forward to your respònse.

Colin Cockfield

They have said they are removing the product with immeadiate effect whilst  they carry out investigations... May I suggest anyone that has had a problem with their pet after feeding them this food should email them and get it registered the address is



Quote from: cantabrian on February 24, 2012, 16:27:06 PM
MEANWHILE  ---- a 5 yr old boy dies of a cardiac arrest,and maybe many others ,but it appears it is the end of the world concerning pet food!!! Merco changed the food from the tins as they make a better profit in the packets (look at the weight!) :head

Cantabrian, I thought some of your posts on other threads were bad but this one just about sums you up.  A callous individual who cares about no one apart from yourself. You really are a thoughtless excuse for a human being.


Quote from: cantabrian on February 24, 2012, 16:27:06 PM
MEANWHILE  ---- a 5 yr old boy dies of a cardiac arrest,and maybe many others ,but it appears it is the end of the world concerning pet food!!! Merco changed the food from the tins as they make a better profit in the packets (look at the weight!) :head

Everyone has their own concerns in the world.
Mine at the moment is organising my darling mother's funeral from 1600 miles away.
It doesn't mean that we have to be unsympathetic to other people, and their concerns and troubles.
I have reposted this on my Facebook, along side the funeral arrangements.
Have a heart.


The original post made by this 'member' has been deleted. (It can be seen in quotes on other posts). This is not a course of action the moderating team really wish to take, however a senseless unsympathetic post made on a serious subject was uncalled for unnecessary and an insult to pet owners.

If the information is correct and valued pets have died or are in danger because of this product then letting people know of it is extremely important and exactly what this forum should be used for.

Moderator 'A'


Please can you tell me ,does this  include Compy Tuna and Rice tinned cat food.  My cat was put to sleep last week.  Symptoms sound the same.  Too late for autopsy, but would like to know for peace of mind.


My 4 cats won't eat the carton food either....thank goodness!


My friend was visited by 5 people this afternoon and believes it was 3 from Mercadona and 2 from the manufacturing company. Although they are not admitting anything or offering to pay vets fees they have promised to take the offending food!!! off the shelves of all Mercadonas by midnight tonight, John.


Be it the food or toxics from the packaging both are inter-related and doesn´t alter the facts that something about this product is making dogs ill and possibly worse still dying.

Unless my GSD was exhumed I will never know if this product was the cause because it all happened to fast,  especially as my 3 smaller mongrel dogs apart from peeing and drinking more whilst being fed on it again last week, show no other side effects fortunately. So to help with this double whammy of grieving am hoping that she did not die in vain and it will be sorted and the cause explained without delay..


I don't want to start any scaremongering here but I hope it is the food that is the problem and not the packaging if you see where I'm coming from!!!


Have just returned  the unused bricks  of Trozos to the Mercadona in Lorca and all the stock had been changed back to the tins.

Just to make sure the message got across  I did tell the cashier I believed there was a problem with this particular product

However do believe they are taking this problem seriously now which goes some way to making me hope my beloved pal didn´t die in vain especially if
when resolved the company admit what the problem was.


My friend went into Mercadona Albox this morning and spoke to the manager (via a young man who was doing the interpreting) about this problem because her dog has been being sick and drinking copious amounts of water for the last two weeks. Her dog has been eating the small Compy square packs (pate). The Manager refunded the money for the packs she returned, and also promised to have a lab. test on these small packs. He has got her phone number if and when  there is anything to report.



Rang that telephone number this morning and spoke with a Mercadona representative (it was a female). They took all the details about my dog's illness and vetinary care and also details about the food (luckily I still had some in the cupboard - this was the pate not the trozo). They then asked me to take it into my local store so it could be sent off for testing; and also stated they would be forwarding my details to the company who actually make the meat and that they might be in contact.

The store manager in Huercal-Overa was very good about it, she had obviously been informed by telephone I was coming in, she took the food back and gave me a complete refund (even for the part used pack). I was disappointed to see the meat was still for sale on the shelves though!!!!!


I rang to speak to Chris Johnson but a Spanish lady answered the telephone, I left my number and Chris returned my call  in less than 15 minute.  He asked for all the details in respect of her problems, how long she had been on the food, the dates her fits took place, her age and the bar code from the food carton, also which vet I would be using for her blood test.  Keep trying the number, perhaps I was just lucky


Thanks John have just checked and it can be read. I have added a link to this thread on FB.