Embroidery Hoop/Ring....... Found one now!!!!

Started by loulou, December 12, 2012, 05:43:38 AM

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I have found one now thank you. I got it from APSA in Albox.



Loulou Albox have got a great little 'everything' shop. Its down the side street as you are walking down from the postie 3rd left. Tiny little shop stuffed with everything................ bras, knickers, ribbon, threads etc.


Stevesso (thinks thats how its spelt) was selling some on here for Age Concern, Arboleas a short time ago,dont know if they sold theme all as they had a few, worth trying price was very good.

:wave :wave


I am looking for the hoop thing to do some embroidery, does anyone have one they do not want or know where I could get one please.

Many thanks
