arboleas post office

Started by ghostrider1611, April 25, 2013, 18:23:51 PM

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I didn't recieve any mail for a month then last week I had it all turn up at once not sure why but letting you know my experience with Arb post office.



Quote from: cougar on April 30, 2013, 21:13:31 PM
Who said it was Juan's fault?

it's somejuans fault !  :lol:


Who said it was Juan's fault?


Quote from: Grumpy Gringo on April 30, 2013, 19:16:16 PM
...A little bit less carping about a man who is trying his best to do a difficult job and few more thank you's might not go amiss!!!! :tiphat: :tiphat:
And, from what I've seen in the post office, maybe a vague attempt at speaking Spanish would help. It doesn't have to be perfect. Mine isn't.

A pleasant and helpful man in my opinion, trying to make the best of the situation.

sandy b

In the ten and a half years that we have been here I have found Juan very helpful and very pleasant.  If someone puts the wrong address on our mail he always gets it us.  I think it's awful the way  some people are putting him down.

Grumpy Gringo

In fairness to Juan he has to go to Huercal Overa, before opening up, to collect the mail and then get back and sort it before we can have it put in our buzons. In addition he has actually re-addressed several letters that have been addressed to our house so that they ended up in my mail box rather than being sent back. A little bit less carping about a man who is trying his best to do a difficult job and few more thank you's might not go amiss!!!! :tiphat: :tiphat:


I have had 2 problems with parcels from the UK. The first was water damage, the second was a missing item of no value to any thief. Both occurred at Gatwick before onward flight to Spain, and were resolved by the originators who filed claims against the Post Office UK. I recently had a parcel arrive in 3 days from the USA. So contact the PO in the UK and see what they have to say.



We did, but we still have not recieved a parcel I sent out in January


I spoke to juan yesterday he said if anyone as a problem , please speak to him .


The thing is folks with the best will in the world,poor old postie,s Job has gone from  200 mail boxes and 1500 folks in a small village post office to post  boxes all over the shop,folks with 3 addresses ( the brits did the re addressing  ;) ) and 1000,s more folks to deal with.

in the uk you would probably have a building twice the size with abought 8 staff and a shop stewards meeting with mangment on a daily basis because of increased workload.

have a nice day  :tiphat:  ( were on fronts ways & water pipes today working in association with Arboleas TH  public works division   :handshake  :) )
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Unlike some  British villages the size of Arboleas we DO have:

A Post Office (Where I have never had a problem in 8 years)
At least one excellent GP who speaks English and a Health Service that actually works
Some of the best motorways in the world, none of which are like the M25

Go figure!
From Normam


They probably did make you an offer Hawkeye and the letter's been lost in the post :lol:


Lets face it whatever else we think of Arboleas we have:

The worst Post Office in the World, eg loads of missing post, restricted opening and deliveries.
The worst Medical Centre in the World eg only one chair in consulting room!
The worst roads in the World (for a developed country)

I still intend to spend the rest of my liffe here though, so I can live with it. Unless of course someone offered me what I paid for my house! v(

Lesley and Pete

Must admit I've not had a problem with Correos in Arboleas in 7 years, even though we only get direct deliveries to the buzones in our barriada once a week.  Juan has always been polite & friendly.  We occassionally get mail for other people in our buzon, but given the area he has to cover with his deliveries, they are not a major problem.  Infact we regularly got mis-delivered mail in the UK to both our home and business addresses, so here is nowhere near as bad. I use a variety of mailing options depending on what I need to get to me........  regular mail, Offex, private courier, etc etc. 



The Arboleas postmaster is only a part-time job, I know he has asked for extra staff in the past and been refused.Why not open a post box at Albox which is open for longer hours ?


That's not a very nice thing to say Beemer if you aren't happy use another service. there are plenty of private post boxes for rent....

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


ive said it before and ill repeat myself   the arboleas post office service is abysmal  ive had collection notices in my buzon  and  tried to collect  them in the timescale  on the notification  and guess what they were returned even before the  time had expired  

Edited for abusive language. please refrain from using such language even with ****


Sally, this might not be a problem with the Spanish postal system but the way certain Government Departments send their mail (eg via Malta).


Sally b , have you brought it to the attention of the post office?????


I've been waiting 2 weeks for a letter from a UK govt. dept. so I know it's correctly addressed, think thjey deliver as and when they feel like it.


Quote from: doreen1 on April 25, 2013, 18:27:03 PM
Never had a problem and have had several signed for parcels sent to us since we moved here.

+1  -  never a problem...

But obviously this could happen due to workload or misaddressing. Get them to send it again identically and see what happens?


Never had a problem and have had several signed for parcels sent to us since we moved here.


has anyone else had problems recieving there mail     ive been waiting for a document for my motorbike for two weeks

been looking in our postbox every day nothing   ive just had an email from the company its been returned stating not signed for ive not had a notice from the post office

in our mailbox and the company have our correct adress including the po box no   this isnt the first time this has happened
