Anybody here seen Tetley?

Started by webejamin, June 15, 2013, 09:06:55 AM

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Fank gawd fer dat, I fawt ees dun a runna! ;D


Quote from: webejamin on July 13, 2013, 12:25:15 PM
:'( I've got a bad bad feelin, Tetley aint here any more. He seems to have gone again :o anyone else notice? or could I be wrong about that?

He's in the UK webejamin enjoying all this beautiful weather.

Can't say I really blame him can you  :D



 :'( I've got a bad bad feelin, Tetley aint here any more. He seems to have gone again :o anyone else notice? or could I be wrong about that?


When I was involved in motorbike racing, Castrol R was my perfume, and WD40 with a splash of tonic was quite acceptable, with a slice of lemon of course !!  :lol:


Quote from: Seth Pittham on July 12, 2013, 22:10:48 PM
This thread has been going on for some time, but after a short appearance in Albox, seen sporting dark sunglasses and a kaftan, I can lay all rumours to rest and let you know what Tetley has been up to.
As a result of his slightly risqué background, Tetley, 2 months ago, was seconded by the Met' Police as an under cover operative working in London's West End, Soho division. His task, should he have accepted it, was to infiltrate a state of the art 3D film production company making movies for the "Adult" market. The Met' Police had contracted me to supply and fit the latest state of the art camera and audio surveillance equipment about Tetley's person, in order to gain the evidence required for prosecution. I can tell you now, this was not an attractive contract. All I can say is thank god for Marigold gloves. I got through 20 pairs.
Unfortunately, as it would seem, his cover was broken and after being forced to drink a massive amount of motorbike gearbox oil and WD40 by the film crew, he "jumped ship" so to speak. Before his equipment ran out of power (cameras and microphones that is), I received a coded message from Tetley that he had a small part in one of the movies. In his defence, he did say it was cold that day.
Once I have censored the recordings that I received, I will pop them on the 'net.


Seth Pittham

This thread has been going on for some time, but after a short appearance in Albox, seen sporting dark sunglasses and a kaftan, I can lay all rumours to rest and let you know what Tetley has been up to.
As a result of his slightly risqué background, Tetley, 2 months ago, was seconded by the Met' Police as an under cover operative working in London's West End, Soho division. His task, should he have accepted it, was to infiltrate a state of the art 3D film production company making movies for the "Adult" market. The Met' Police had contracted me to supply and fit the latest state of the art camera and audio surveillance equipment about Tetley's person, in order to gain the evidence required for prosecution. I can tell you now, this was not an attractive contract. All I can say is thank god for Marigold gloves. I got through 20 pairs.
Unfortunately, as it would seem, his cover was broken and after being forced to drink a massive amount of motorbike gearbox oil and WD40 by the film crew, he "jumped ship" so to speak. Before his equipment ran out of power (cameras and microphones that is), I received a coded message from Tetley that he had a small part in one of the movies. In his defence, he did say it was cold that day.
Once I have censored the recordings that I received, I will pop them on the 'net.
Seth Pittham
Owner of Zeta Services. Avenida 19 de Octubre 18 bajo Zurgena 04650
Tlf 950634477 mob 666826886
Here to advise, call whenever you want. We all get stuck from time to time. Costs you nothing to talk.


Mmmmmm get you CB, trolling on the forum now are we?  :-* Mmmmmm :-* getting hard up are we? :-* Huh no trade your way? :-* Mmmm


Nice to see yer posting once again laddie............

And by the way Byrney, that sounds fun, room for a small one.. :o :o :crazy: :crazy:

The 3 rings of marriage...........engagement ring, wedding ring & suffering!!
You only need 2 words to keep a marriage happy......Yes dear....


Thank heavens you are back!  Cantabrian can stand down from his mountain pass watches and saint 76 has been on full Ryanair alert  at the airports - so I bet he's glad to finish his watch too. Poor old webejamin went awol for a while on a full Tetley search and although many sightings of you have been reported  from places as varied as Hull nut and bolt works and various fashion emporiums on the Kings Road, rumours have been rife as to your actual whereabouts. I think that in future and in the interests of the mental health of forum members who have been very stressed out these last few weeks it would only be fair of you to give advance warnings of absence from the Forum. I understand that a person of your calibre has to travel incognito, but a little consideration would not perhaps be amiss? ;)
Malayan proverb - Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm.


Welcome home Tetley.

Thanks for switching the lights back on.  Summer´s here at last!!!  Time for frolicking in the fields with gay abandon....



Welcome back to Arbiland Tetley, you just don't know what a lather the good peeps of this Town have got themselves worked up into with your disappearance !   :whistle:

Woden   :tiphat:


Glad you are back with us Tetley, its been a lonely and cheerless few weeks without you!!! xx


Well folks after a few weeks undercover in the motherland,it seems that the UK  is bust... but its hard work trying to find an over 10 year old plus motor on the road,or a diy store not full of punters unlike here.

Everywere you go people are spending... but small shops are boarded up as small traders tell local councils to stick there extra bin man charges and commercial rates where the sun dosent shine and  retreat to nett trade in sted.

The latest buzz is the uk police service & security services  whom are expexted not  to be so mutch undercover and to not listen in to weed out the potential nastys or misguides & brainwashed whom may wish to harm the decent family in the street.

Then we have the banks whom apparently are withdrawing from property & land loans as its now seen as to high risk / over valued and instead lending money to capital plant theory

So all in all a mixed bag with loads of political smoke & mirrows to keep the work force bambuzelled  wile the UK  wealth rolls on even with a 1,2 trill over draft.

intresting times   :tiphat:

ps word on the streets.... intrest rates up soon.... labour back in from 2015 as the torys and libs imploud.....the scotts vote to stay in the uk and Alex Salmond contracts Simon Cowells hairdresser to performe a tweeky  ;D
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: byrney on June 27, 2013, 07:47:31 AM
And obviously your clock needs resetting to Spanish time Tetley - 04-18 - what sort of time´s that?

Anyway, good to here from you fella.

Enjoy oil change and new gaskets.

Take care.


:alien: :alien: :wave


Come on folks let´s not get too over-excited.

He has said that he will up date us next week, so we still have a few days to steer rudderless though these stormy waters.....

Wilf and Moira

Yay! Welcome back young sir.  :wave 8) :clap: :clap:
Always maintain the Status Quo!!


There you are! there is a God ;D Welcome back Tetley :tiphat:


Ah Lazarus has risen again,
Missed you loads, welcome back.


And obviously your clock needs resetting to Spanish time Tetley - 04-18 - what sort of time´s that?

Anyway, good to here from you fella.

Enjoy oil change and new gaskets.

Take care.




the force grows stronger


Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


AT LAST!!!!! welcome back Tetley, we have really missed you........ :D


on silent running at the mo..... plus nerve centre fuel rod change overs  :o  8) ..... will up date next week..... jesus & Mohamid and the Dalie luvs yer all ... TTFN   :)    :tiphat:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Er, hem, Whiskey if you don't mind, and er, as me father always said "make it a half'en :tiphat:


Correct Doreen.  May I suggest whisky?


At your age Webjamin that could be serious, you need to take something for it :D


I've got a feeling in me water. ;D 


I wouldn't be surprised it Tetley is forming an "old labour" party, just like after the war, when everything was looking up in the 40/50s. Eeh bah goom, them was t days ;D ooh aye ;D
Come on Tetley, we'll all vote for you :drinks: ;D 


He's probably briefing the clown Cameron as we speak Byrney and pointing out the error of his ways !  I can see him now in No 10 in a pair of black work trousers wiv braces and a big black belt and brass buckle wearing a collarless shirt and his best work flat cap poking old Cammy in the chest wiv the threaded end of a 1" x 6" BSW bolt from his odd's & s*ds bucket. 

Oh what a Hero our very own Tea Bagz is and are there no lengths to which he won't go to put the job right !

Good Lad Tetley !

Woden :tiphat:


NINETY-TWO postings for Tetley.  Nearly as many as when his hero Maggie died.....

He´ll be so proud  :clap:



Quote from: bobthelook on June 25, 2013, 10:11:55 AM
Tetley is also well known for his incredible fashion styling - he regularly travels in search of the latest gear. I believe that he has travelled south from 'ull and has safely negotiated the border controls at Watford and is now searching along Kings Road and Carnaby Street shops. Maybe some of you suvverners can get relatives to look out for him?  Did you know that they have even written a song about him?   ;)
Well, I think I saw him today, trolling up the Kings road in a pair of red tight pants, a green flowery top  :o and knee length boots, he looked a treat. Everybody was looking at him, he was such a fine sight to see ;D
I don't get up there much these days, it seems to have changed a lot since I was last there.


Quote from: gus-lopez on June 25, 2013, 10:11:11 AM
Quote from: Big Bad John on June 25, 2013, 09:42:40 AM
:police: Who the devil is this Tetley??????  ???

:o :o :o   :dig:
He's a cross between Mahatma Ghandi , Mother Teresa , Aun San Suu Kyi, with the wisdom of Solomon ,the knowledge of Einstein & the talent of I.K. Brunel crossed with Joseph Bazelgette.
He normally deigns to post regularly to us peasants who wait to scrap for the crumbs of his pearls of wisdom.
The fact that he hasn't, & for somewhile , is like the sun not rising. ++=

:'( :'(

A wonderful and perfect comparison Gus



Tetley was back in the day a product of the Mrs T Entrepreneur's get on your bike generation !  A man who dragged himself up by his own clog straps he say's.  And now a financial and political Guru who keeps a weather eye on matters financial and political for us mere mortals here in Espana !  And being a true Son of Yorkshire is not afraid to express an opinion for the greater benefit for all. I think if he had stayed in the UK he would have been Prime Minister by now and sorted everything out !!!!!!!

You can always tell a Yorkshire man you know, not a lot but you can always tell him.  'Cos they come from the County that all others aspire too and wish that it were their own !

So Tetley say's anyway ! :whistle:

Woden  :tiphat:


Tetley is also well known for his incredible fashion styling - he regularly travels in search of the latest gear. I believe that he has travelled south from 'ull and has safely negotiated the border controls at Watford and is now searching along Kings Road and Carnaby Street shops. Maybe some of you suvverners can get relatives to look out for him?  Did you know that they have even written a song about him?   ;)
Malayan proverb - Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm.


Quote from: Big Bad John on June 25, 2013, 09:42:40 AM
:police: Who the devil is this Tetley??????  ???

:o :o :o   :dig:
He's a cross between Mahatma Ghandi , Mother Teresa , Aun San Suu Kyi, with the wisdom of Solomon ,the knowledge of Einstein & the talent of I.K. Brunel crossed with Joseph Bazelgette.
He normally deigns to post regularly to us peasants who wait to scrap for the crumbs of his pearls of wisdom.
The fact that he hasn't, & for somewhile , is like the sun not rising. ++=

:'( :'(