Started by :)123, April 30, 2014, 19:06:31 PM

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Leo is still looking for a home to love and care for him, he really does deserve it after the horrible ordeal he has been through his original owner had him chained up in his building yard and when the company went bust he did a runner and left poor leo & his companion (a female boxer dog) chained up in the yard left for dead which is where my friend rescued him from but he's scared of her horses so she can't keep him!  He's such a lovely soft dog who is in serious need of some tlc, I hope someone can home him! X


Here are some pictures of him, i hope someone can give him a home !


My friend has a pure breed german sheperd male about 4 years old, he has a lovely temperement is very obedient and gets on well with other dogs but my friend has horses and he's scared of them and barks at them so she has to get rid of him if anyone is interested or would like to come and see him please call me on :662079603