Bitorrent problem

Started by 1991chrismith, April 26, 2015, 08:26:18 AM

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no need to now as they have all started to download. In fact all have finished.


Send me a private with your details so I can check.




Dont know if it helps but were with AOL and using uTorrent and Piraebay i just downloaded a couple of episodes of US mini series , very quick without any problems , you could try using it and if it dose work for you then its not likely to be yor internet supplier blocking your usual Bit Torrent downloader . Some of these sites i do know are not operating at the moment due to court orders however i dont know which ones are effected .

You could also try accessing them through a VPN .
If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours .


Did you resolve the problem? Was ii blocked by the town hall service?


If had the same with extratorrent


Anyone using Bittorrent or BitLord? These were working fine until Friday and able to download all my favourite US TV programmes. Now I cannot download any of them. Tried two computers and both the same so it looks like the ability has been blocked. Using the Town Hall internet. Anyone else got similar issues?