Residencia renewal... apparently not ??

Started by cheekyseranos, February 15, 2012, 15:13:16 PM

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The Sheriff ILLIA.

Mrs Jarrick,

As a resident of Andalucia your allowance for Inheritance Tax purposes is € 140,000     as a non-resident   or someone who has let their residency lapse your  allowance for IT  drops dramatically  &  will be only €16,400  and probably a very large Tax Bill ?????

That is why you should be certain to renew it - if it is necessary to do so !!!!!!!
Fred Sheriff.

Tip of the Day for a long life  :-  Breathe In  - Breathe Out - repeat when necessary.


When we renewed ours in Almeria we were told it was forever and didn't need renewing!   ???


When we renewed ours in Almeria we were told that we MUST go back and renew them after 5 years.
Also the blue sheet that we were given along with the green residency sheet, DOES have the date on the official stamp that they stamped it with.
If your not meant to have midnight snacks, why do they put a light in fridges?
                        Pete. Oliver.

Mrs Jarick


If it does need renewing and you dont,just make sure it dosent effect your IHT allowances coz you will get your leg lifted big style without the allowances.

Also residency could be worth renewing,just in case Camron does have an EU referndem and the uk folks decide to leave the EU  although highly un like,ly it may help if we all had to apply for perenant residency from outside of the EU.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol

Mrs Jarick

We were told by that you do not need to renew the paper ones as they are for life. I for one am not going to bother to renew just hold onto it and see. 
Mrs Jarick


It is very difficult to keep up with the changes and different rules here
and I remembered reading mixed replies in:

     residencia - the green ones!
     « on: September 22, 2011, 19:07:05 PM »

I often wonder if it is all worth it !

The Sheriff ILLIA.

That's the problem with going into a different Province to the one you reside in for your Residencia - either the first one or a re-renewal  - go to the office in Almeria Province.

As all provinces have different rates for the Pensions they pay to retired people - it is not a universal figure as in the UK - why should you expect the rules for Residencia to be the same.
Fred Sheriff.

Tip of the Day for a long life  :-  Breathe In  - Breathe Out - repeat when necessary.


I have no idea what the situation is either as when we renewed both mine and the wifes last year in Almeria we were also told that the paper ones had to be renewed after 5 years , when we remarked that they had no date we were told that is does not matter the system has the dates . I think its another case of depends who you speak to what the information will be , officials dont always know , you would expect them to but the reality is they dont , some do others dont and some just tell you what they think , come across this problem so many times and when you late refer to the information you were given by someone else who should have known all you get is a sharp well they were wrong . Both our old residencias were the plastic photo cards , my wifes had a couple of months until it expired however mine was 3 years out of date and i didnt hear anything and it didnt cause any problems , both were renewed in exactly the same way at the same time , we were actually sat next to each other on adjoining desks .

Queen Clare Shirley

I stated the same fact that there was no need to renew, the new cards Emma are the same as the green piece of paper, but in mini with one side in plastic the other normal which means they are not protected so arent worth the paper they are printed on (the man in baza office words not mine)

I think that it may be different from province to province
ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


But the National Police Official in Almeria Extranjeros Office told me very clearly that it is renewable every 5 years, which I questioned and he confirmed.

It is also a FACT that if it is not renewed after 5 years the local Town Hall receives a letter from the National Police instructing us to remove the name from the Padron unless the Padron is renewed.
The Town Hall sends out letters to those people affected (although given problems with mail we cannot guarantee they are received).


I was told the sameby my solicitor.  Because there is no end date on it there is no need to renew. 
If you don't have anything nice to say - take a nap.


there was talk before about the cards coming back, do they issue cards now or is it still the paper ones?


Presumably you had already paid the fee by the time you found that out , guess you didn't get it back , still you expected to pay it anyway so no harm done .


Hi there,

Not long got back from Baza oficina de extraneros located in c/ alhonda, round from the police station.  Waited for what seemed like an age for the guy to come off his brekky, and peep in front of me, only to be told that the form I have does NOT need renewing, EVER.... I have the green A4 sheet of paper, we were so shocked I had to ask him twice all the gear ready and didn't need it, so glad i didn't go for extra photos too....

Has this been anyone elses experience?????

Ay up cocker, what's occuring? Life's Lush ain't it