
Started by benjaminbennett, September 10, 2013, 18:18:22 PM

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Quote from: hartcjhart on September 13, 2013, 09:06:04 AM

and that is the main thing, they are one level above animals,life is nothing to them,

Steady on ! One level BELOW animals , yes.

Quote from: King saint 76 on September 13, 2013, 09:36:37 AM
Still has not been removed, maybe racism is acceptable on here

Unfortunately the majority of those terms are not racist. Offensive yes , but that is normally the intention.

King saint 76

Still has not been removed, maybe racism is acceptable on here


I know a good test to see if the term Removed is offensive  ;D Just walk down Green Street in E7 and call out  you will find out that it is quite offensive, even to the local native population, it's something you just don't say, think what you like, but don't say it ;D :tiphat:


Just seen this and fell of the chair laughing Go down the high street of any northern town on a Saturday night about "chucking out time" and see how civilised we are

In Sharia Law alcohol and intoxicating drugs are forbidden . okay stoning to death,chopping hands off,killing your children if they dont marry who you want them too,marrying or raping children because that what it is neede I go on.but do not drink or take drugs.

King saint 76

Quote from: keyser soze on September 13, 2013, 09:04:24 AM

if we accept ethnic slurs like those expressed by the mountain moron cantabrain, then when do we draw the line as to what is unacceptable :

e.g     spick, dago, wop, mick, w*g, n*igger, spade, honky, cheese-eating surrender monkey, uphill gardener, chink, goyim, pikey, cracker,

etc etc

ad nauseum

Good grief, me and you singing from the same hymn sheet  :o


Quote from: mercab on September 13, 2013, 08:49:04 AM
Quote from: castawaysuk on September 12, 2013, 19:30:52 PM
All I can say Saint is that the admin are being a bit slow on the uptake as there are racist comments from him on another post that have been there for days! Absolutely disgusting! X
You find the term raghead disgusting how do you feel about what this child must have gone through I find the term raghead mild to what I would call that culture.They are still living in the dark ages and are no better than animals.
and that is the main thing, they are one level above animals,life is nothing to them,

keyser soze


if we accept ethnic slurs like those expressed by the mountain moron cantabrain, then when do we draw the line as to what is unacceptable :

e.g     spick, dago, wop, mick, w*g, n*igger, spade, honky, cheese-eating surrender monkey, uphill gardener, chink, goyim, pikey, cracker,

etc etc

ad nauseum


Quote from: Peter and Frances on September 13, 2013, 08:39:45 AM
Keyser Soze
It's not just northern streets which have a problem at pub / club chucking out time it happenes down south if fact all over the U.K
On the point of of the young girl whose marrage to man five times her age it is nothing but PAEDOPHILLA and nothing will change if we all bury our heads in the ground and ignore this type of un natural behavior, and people who take out FATWA against people who would try and stop this practice should defiantly be looked at very very closley as they smack of  PAEDOPHILLA to me who would want to marry very young children if they weren't.

Ah see you have fallen into the 'Judge by our standards' there is no such thing as paedophillia in the yemen and some other arabic countries so to them it is not un-natural

and of course they will take out a fatwa on anyone that is trying to intefere/corrupt with their LEGAL way of life

do we not in the UK get angry about the EU commision bringing in laws/changes to our accepted way of life

you can thank all the liberal thinking people for the problem,we have more laws on the statute book now than ever to combat 'anti social' behaviour,BUT , what are the consequences,? a fine, a warning , a tag?, what a load of crap,there must be a deterrent to stop people offending and community service is not it.

King saint 76

What has happened here is truly disgusting, but using racist words ain't going to change anything.
If you do not think the word "raghead" is offensive, try greeting muslims entering entering any mosque.

Very easy to be a keyboard warrior.


Quote from: castawaysuk on September 12, 2013, 19:30:52 PM
All I can say Saint is that the admin are being a bit slow on the uptake as there are racist comments from him on another post that have been there for days! Absolutely disgusting! X
You find the term raghead disgusting how do you feel about what this child must have gone through I find the term raghead mild to what I would call that culture.They are still living in the dark ages and are no better than animals.

Peter and Frances

Keyser Soze
It's not just northern streets which have a problem at pub / club chucking out time it happenes down south if fact all over the U.K
On the point of of the young girl whose marrage to man five times her age it is nothing but PAEDOPHILLA and nothing will change if we all bury our heads in the ground and ignore this type of un natural behavior, and people who take out FATWA against people who would try and stop this practice should defiantly be looked at very very closley as they smack of  PAEDOPHILLA to me who would want to marry very young children if they weren't.


Quote from: castawaysuk on September 12, 2013, 19:30:52 PM
All I can say Saint is that the admin are being a bit slow on the uptake as there are racist comments from him on another post that have been there for days! Absolutely disgusting! X
why is it disgusting??

He/she is entitled to free speach,

are you a (removed) It is an offensive remark that is uncalled for.
if not then how are you able to be offended/disgusted at something that is not aimed at you

King saint 76

The mods will remove the racist remark as soon as they see it castawaysuk, he has a way with words does our Cantabrian.


Glad theres no racists on here JEEEEEZ!!!!! Im sure we all have our opinions but that one is a bit too much for me!!


MY Daughter has never fancied a (removed) IF She chose to go down that road it would not be my problem !!!


Quote from: hartcjhart on September 12, 2013, 00:00:00 AM
Quote from: keyser soze on September 11, 2013, 09:18:18 AM

In Sharia Law alcohol and intoxicating drugs are forbidden

Ahh now you see, I am a southerner.

yes sharia law does outlaw drink and drugs as with the whole muslim faith BUT they still partake

Yes they do. lots of them !


Quote from: DaveL on September 12, 2013, 08:15:49 AM
There is a fair bit of evidence that indicates that the American native Indian tribes were more civilised and ordered than the "civilised" white man that tried to remove them from the land they had lived on for centuries. To force such a civilised culture on a worldwide basis will only repeat the bloodshed of the American experience, but on a far greater scale.

I have yet to hear of any peaceful way forward. The factions talked about here probably look at the equal rights of women in the "west" with the same revulsion expressed here. But do we have the right to impose change? We can vent the anger, but nothing will change. If you remember the girl shot by the Taliban and treated in the UK, that can have a greater effect than shouting and shooting in changing the culture of those peoples. And do not forget, husbands and wives are being killed by their spouses on a regular basis in our civilised world!

Food for thought?

I do not support any form of violence to any other person anywhere, in case you think I am sympathetic to the "husband" in this case. I would quite happily see him hang by his proverbials for the desicration of another human being, but it is not my decision to make.DaveL

well said sir, especially the highlighted part


There is a fair bit of evidence that indicates that the American native Indian tribes were more civilised and ordered than the "civilised" white man that tried to remove them from the land they had lived on for centuries. To force such a civilised culture on a worldwide basis will only repeat the bloodshed of the American experience, but on a far greater scale.

I have yet to hear of any peaceful way forward. The factions talked about here probably look at the equal rights of women in the "west" with the same revulsion expressed here. But do we have the right to impose change? We can vent the anger, but nothing will change. If you remember the girl shot by the Taliban and treated in the UK, that can have a greater effect than shouting and shooting in changing the culture of those peoples. And do not forget, husbands and wives are being killed by their spouses on a regular basis in our civilised world!

Food for thought?

I do not support any form of violence to any other person anywhere, in case you think I am sympathetic to the "husband" in this case. I would quite happily see him hang by his proverbials for the desicration of another human being, but it is not my decision to make.



Quote from: keyser soze on September 11, 2013, 09:18:18 AM

"why oh why do people try to judge other societies by our civilised ways"

Whilst I usually agree with you, on this occasion I think " you are 'aving a larf"

civilised ways  :rofl:

Go down the high street of any northern town on a Saturday night about "chucking out time" and see how civilised we are

In Sharia Law alcohol and intoxicating drugs are forbidden

Ahh now you see, I am a southerner.

yes sharia law does outlaw drink and drugs as with the whole muslim faith BUT they still partake

keyser soze


"why oh why do people try to judge other societies by our civilised ways"

Whilst I usually agree with you, on this occasion I think " you are 'aving a larf"

civilised ways  :rofl:

Go down the high street of any northern town on a Saturday night about "chucking out time" and see how civilised we are

In Sharia Law alcohol and intoxicating drugs are forbidden


Quote from: NormanM on September 11, 2013, 07:39:47 AM
If it was your daughter, Cantabrian, would you still be saying the same thing?Or, as usual, do you simply want to get attention from being contentious?
if he was a yemeni he would probably have got a couple of goats and a camel for arranging it,
why oh why do people try to judge other societies by our civilised ways,these people are not like us and never will be like us,and the sooner we realise and accept that fact the sooner hopefully our governments will stop poking their noses in, like libya,afgahnistan/iraq etc etc


If it was your daughter, Cantabrian, would you still be saying the same thing?

Or, as usual, do you simply want to get attention from being contentious?
From Normam


The Kite runner and a Thousand splendid suns also give an insite into marriage in the middle east.


Quote from: Babyboomer on September 10, 2013, 19:47:13 PM
Quote from: cantabrian on September 10, 2013, 19:00:22 PM

Come on Cantabrian - it may be life as you see it but even in uncivilised cultures this is a breach of anyone's human rights..
It appears in some cultures women are inferior but this does not in anyway permit such conduct. It is long overdue that
women should get equal treatment
and maybe the sentencing of the 4 rapists in India will provide a signal to their culture
thats exactly what cantabrian means(I think) there are no human rights and women are second class citizens in that culture,as for women getting equal treatment dream on,the yemen are light years behind the culture of MINUTE change in india


i read a truly moving book called Princess by Jean Sasson. It is a true story about a Saudi Arabian princess and how women are treated in her country. If you get a chance to read it please do, you'll be shocked at what still goes on in this day and age.


Ah, cultural differences are a wonderful thing aren't they?  It's working wonderfully in the UK

Thanks Tony


What is even more disgusting is that "the powers that be" have issued a fatwa against anyone who protests against the practice of child brides. Unbelievable.


Quote from: cantabrian on September 10, 2013, 19:00:22 PM

Come on Cantabrian - it may be life as you see it but even in uncivilised cultures this is a breach of anyone's human rights..
It appears in some cultures women are inferior but this does not in anyway permit such conduct. It is long overdue that
women should get equal treatment and maybe the sentencing of the 4 rapists in India will provide a signal to their culture
Mark Drew email:mark1drew at gmail.com El Prado, Arboleas.



Unfortunately, it is part of their "culture". As a mother, I can never understand how another mother could allow her 8 year old daughter to be married, what ever the age of the bridegroom. It is nothing less than  paedophilia and  demonstrates the very wide gap between  their culture and ours. It also demonstrates their lack of concern and respect for women.  :head


A 8 year old Yemeni  girl has died of terrible internal injuries caused by her husband!!! who is 5 times older than her!!!. What would you like to see happen to him??
I personally think castration with no anaesthetic would be a start