In the news...Albox

Started by Karen4, November 27, 2013, 05:37:01 AM

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Quote from: cantabrian on November 27, 2013, 17:54:43 PM
THIS last post Quotes an Advert on uk TV!! BUT, Also, NOT  all Expats Will need housing !!! AND IF they do !!??? GET RID OF THE *****  THAT IS TURNING UP !!! (houses for the GENUINE !!!)

The average brit moves 8 times in their live

Cantabrian you make it sound like Plagiarism but i assume you meant to say that the TV advert also quoted the same statistical information as Tandas .

keyser soze

"the daily mail didn't mention the fact that if all the expats came back to the UK they would need housing and possibly benefits "

If you return to the UK after being away for more than 6 months  you join the queue with all the other immigrants and take your chances accordingly. The chances of obtaining decent social housing is very slim or none and slim's left town.

King saint 76

Willie, just come over and rent, then you will have all the time you need to see what is for sale which is legal.
Don't forget that villas that people thought were legal have now become illegal.
Virtually anything that is newish (under 15 or so years ) is going to be considered a high risk.


Hi all,  I still haven't moved over yet and sent this article to Mario for a legal angle.  My heart goes out to anyone caught in this mess and hope the Government get their collective act together (fat chance I suppose) to move this to a fair and proper conclusion.

The reason I have replied is to find out are there appropriate checks and balances as far you Brits are concerned to stop it happening to new (me) buyers buying in a property in 2014.

pm's or open replies would be welcome.   :crazy:


THIS last post Quotes an Advert on uk TV!! BUT, Also, NOT  all Expats Will need housing !!! AND IF they do !!??? GET RID OF THE *****  THAT IS TURNING UP !!! (houses for the GENUINE !!!)


the daily mail didn't mention the fact that if all the expats came back to the UK they would need housing and possibly benefits and the Spanish economy needs the money they spend here but of course all the construction linked industries have lost out big time whilst we are all sitting in limbo.  The average brit moves 8 times in their live buying new furniture decorating and using all the linked trades but of course the Spanish buy and stay in a property for life usually and spend as little as possible. The local bars in Arboleas would lose out on takings if their english customers stopped coming in.


Quote from: jabba the cat on November 27, 2013, 13:57:16 PM
And dont forget the taxes 3% non residents retention tax.
21% capital gains tax.
Plusvalia tax what ever that is
Energy cert
Agency fees for selling usually 3% give or take
cost of any deeds not on escritura ie pool or garages / buildings
Cost of some one to do the  legal side
then dont forget the 8% the buyer has to pay plus all the notary fees/solicitors fees  
Dont forget the vat on some of these.
There may be more taxes /paperwork i not a expert but whichever way you look at it it does not encourage people to sell or buy here in Spain. :tiphat:

We were happy to pay the 8% purchase tax - what we are NOT happy about is the extra tax we've just been told we've got to pay on the Catestral value of our property which is 3 TIMES WHAT WE PAID FOR IT!!!!! - as IF the property is worth 3 times the purchase price !!! EVERYONE THINKING OF BUYING IN SPAIN - GET YOUR SOLICITOR TO CHECK THE CATESTRAL OFFICE'S VALUATION OF YOUR PROPERTY - you WILL end up paying THOUSANDS more in tax.


Quote from: Lorraine on November 27, 2013, 13:06:51 PM
I feel that Spain is being run by a playground gang who are nothing but bullies and thugs.

Certainly at the moment with Franco Rajoy & his " We'll use a Royal Decree " method of introducing legislation , so avoiding any debate & the possibility of some on his own side voting with the opposition.
I wonder whether he's related ?  ???

jabba the cat

And dont forget the taxes 3% non residents retention tax.
21% capital gains tax.
Plusvalia tax what ever that is
Energy cert
Agency fees for selling usually 3% give or take
cost of any deeds not on escritura ie pool or garages / buildings
Cost of some one to do the  legal side
then dont forget the 8% the buyer has to pay plus all the notary fees/solicitors fees  
Dont forget the vat on some of these.
There may be more taxes /paperwork im not a expert but whichever way you look at it it does not encourage people to sell or buy here in Spain. :tiphat:


The Daily Mail mentions Calle Nervion and the ridiculous situation there where one side of the street is due to be knocked down. As each side of the street was built by different builders, surely it is obvious that this is just a political decision and has nothing to do with planning or building laws. I agree with King Saint, I wouldn't advise anyone to buy in this area, or even in Spain at the moment. My mother bought an old house in Mojacar and even that has problems regarding the land belonging to the house she has bought, so whether it's a new property or an old house there are still multiple problems. I feel that Spain is being run by a playground gang who are nothing but bullies and thugs.

King saint 76

Well done the Daily Mail for exposing this to the masses, this news needs to go worldwide, not just the UK, the whole world needs to know what these barbarians have done to our pensioners, basically they have been robbed.
The Daily Mail has told the UK what we already know, but as said in the article some of us still want bury their heads in the sand and deny that it'll ever happen.
Duds how can the area of Arboleas be talked up, the demolitions are right on the door step....  it's a toxic area.
Nobody in their right mind would buy around here until there is a solution, the Belgiums and Dutch are not aware of the situation yet, they are acting like all of us did 10 years ago.
Shout it from the roof tops...  "This area should be avoided like the plague!!!!!!!!"
Somewhere there is a solution, but to resolve the matter someone has to accept the problems and take some of the blame, can't really imagine that happening very soon.


The problem is that bad news sells papers so they never report anything positive. Such a shame.


  its about time people started talking Arboleas up ............the fact that the local council just a few miles from Albox is fighting back to make all homes legal .....why don't they put that in their stupid paper !!!
we are so lucky to have Roger and the rest of the team fighting our corner

Talking Heads

More negative publicity !

Spain needs to look at the cause and effect more to promote people to the country!
But lots of Dutch, Belgians and Russians are coming, so they no longer need us Brits as much.

Steve  >:(
DJ to the Almeria Stars..............


Apparently spanish law is very diffrent to uk law,here the judge just rubber stamps the desicion a sort of functonary role,were as the uk law the judge normaly has guidelines.

all this is very bad,if you go on your backside at 25 as a young couple you can graft and pull it around and it normaly makes you stronger,this just finishes people when there in there twilight years.

morning citizens  :tiphat:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol

