Independence for Scotland

Started by webejamin, February 14, 2014, 15:13:58 PM

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Bad show Richard!!! Bad show. No need for anything like that, you have my support, we can do without such posters :tiphat:


Quote from: rt21 on February 26, 2014, 15:14:34 PM
I wouldn't normally dream of making public any private messages that anyone sends me. However, I am going to make an exception and publish one that Oneflewoverthecuckoosnest sent to me so that all posters can judge the person for what he is.


If you have something to say to me come and say it to face you spineless *******  worm of a man. Stalking my posts you sad **** .  off and die."


That is disgraceful.

Juan Sheet

Politics or Religion. If you allow the threads to run, you should be aware that these subjects are bound to stir up feelings.
Countries go to war for these reasons - why not Forums?
No offence Felippe, but IMO - gone on far too long.

Three Blind Mice


I wouldn't normally dream of making public any private messages that anyone sends me. However, I am going to make an exception and publish one that Oneflewoverthecuckoosnest sent to me so that all posters can judge the person for what he is.


If you have something to say to me come and say it to face you spineless *******  worm of a man. Stalking my posts you sad **** .  off and die."


Three Blind Mice

Quote from: webejamin on February 26, 2014, 09:19:00 AM
Quote from: Three Blind Mice on February 24, 2014, 00:00:55 AM

You tell me then why Westminster is so desperate for a No vote then, serious question, if we are a lost cause, a nation that sponges of england, why would they be wanting to derail the yes campaign ?


Aye, maybes I do need a hug  :luv:

Still, I would rather take a chance that my weans, and their weans are going it alone, in an independant country, than be under the rule of this shower.

I do believe we have a lot in common TBM  :handshake ;D

Aye, we probably do :handshake


I suggest you lock it then Felippe. No point in a discussion with limits and boundaries. Yes it is something I feel very strongly about, like the abuse of animals in the community, but there is, for me, little point is a 'message board' that doesn't allow discussion or every thread to be hijacked by the same old bores and stalkers.


I was going to suggest a forum referendum to bring it to a conclusion felipe, but I just wonder if it would serve any purpose at all other than to nail the topic? :tiphat: 


I do not want to do this but if one or two people cannot post sensibly then I am afraid I will have to lock the topic.  All this nonsense about stalking is just that - nonsense. 
Cuckoo has clearly vented his beliefs somewhat strongly.  Possibly too strong.  Enough is enough.  Your point has been made and most if not all do not agree with you that the English would vote the Scots out. It appears to be a one man campaign against the Scots.  That or you are on a deliberate wind up campaign.


Quote from: Three Blind Mice on February 24, 2014, 00:00:55 AM

You tell me then why Westminster is so desperate for a No vote then, serious question, if we are a lost cause, a nation that sponges of england, why would they be wanting to derail the yes campaign ?


Aye, maybes I do need a hug  :luv:

Still, I would rather take a chance that my weans, and their weans are going it alone, in an independant country, than be under the rule of this shower.

I do believe we have a lot in common TBM  :handshake ;D



I should just ignore his posts because he deliberately goes out of his way to antagonise people.


Three Blind Mice

Quote from: OneFlewOverTheCuckoosNest on February 24, 2014, 00:37:58 AM

To answer your question it is a curious course Westminster takes. They dare not invite the English to vote because Scotland would be thrown out of the Union immediately. So it also begs the Question why has Salmon face not invited the whole UK to participate in his little jolly vote? It would uncertainly produce the result he desires. So why has he not invited th whole UK to vote, and excluded Scots living and working south of the border? Because he is a cretin.

Oh and here's some facts re Stirling. Salmond was arrogant enough to reject Stirling and go cap in hand to the Euro, until the Spanish told him to get to the back of the queue, fact. He then came back with his tail between his legs claiming A) to have a plan and B) that Stirling was sovereign. He's a charlatan without the brains of his forefathers. He has no claim on the currency of the UK, the same UK he seeks to be independent from. What a grade A a$$ole. No plan. No currency. No bank. No idea. And he leads the 'Scot.'

As I have said, the English have every right to and must demand a Vote after September to remove Scotland from the Union if they fail to pull the trigger themselves. And it must happen. Absolutely must happen, the English must not be denied the opportunity to build a contemporary, forward thinking Union without Scotland that drags us all down. The English have the absolute right to vote on Union, unequal free University places and prescriptions. We have no obligation to carry the Scot come October regardless of the outcome of their vote. I would sooner see Argentina in the Union than the imbiciles and berks of Scotland. We have a greater Military allegiance with the old foe France than Scotland.

I say Vote for him. We all want rid. Once and for all. I want a Yes Vote. Go forth. Out of the EU and OUT of the UK. Why on earth should my childrens taxation fund colostomy bags north of the border whilst the NHS cant look after them? Scotland out of the Union. We both want the same thing. Get rid. Be gone. Go forth. End of.

Is that the best you can muster?

I agree that Salmond is a cretin, but he is IMO, the shrewdest politico on the go these days, he has got to where he is cos he can rag doll his oppo, he may well not be a eton kinda boy that the media suck up to, but he would blow all your english mp's out of the water.

Plan A, B C, it matters not a jot, scotland has not a hope in hell of divorce from you, and I will be on bended knees that you push through a vote to expel us, then I will go to my grave a happy man.

It will be your downfall, that pleases me big time.

And to quote another poster, you are a sad racist barsteward  :tiphat:

Have a nice day


Senior Villain,
Excellent posting  :clap:
I  had a Scottish grandmother, London grandfather,  Lancashire father and London Mother, so I am a good mixture of North and South !!  :wave


Quote from: rt21 on February 24, 2014, 22:39:53 PM
Quote from: MELEE on February 24, 2014, 22:33:47 PM
Oh byrney you said you wouldn't tell  ;)


You have to watch Byrney - He is too loose with his tongue  :D


Thanks Richard - but I know :o :o :o :lol:


No comment Richard.  It might be used against me... :whistle:


Senior Villian, as a Scott married to an Englishmen I so heartily agree with your post. By the way my very favourite people are the Irish, after the Scott's of course.



Quote from: MELEE on February 24, 2014, 22:33:47 PM
Oh byrney you said you wouldn't tell  ;)


You have to watch Byrney - He is too loose with his tongue  :D



Oh byrney you said you wouldn't tell  ;)



 ;DCorrrr blimy ;D ;D I ope old burney aint readin this ;D he'll get all worked up :o he might want a hug as well :o :romance:


Quote from: webejamin on February 24, 2014, 20:54:28 PM
Come on Melee, what about that hug :-* ;D ;D

ANYTIME Webe - but in private please  :romance:

Senior Villain

As an Englishman with a paternal grandmother from Scotland and a paternal grandfather from Eire and maternal grandparents from England I know I am a bit of a mongrel but hope that the Scots vote no for a break away from the Union.  I believe we as a individual groups of nationalities united within the UK union have achieved so much over the years and could do even more.

All nations have people and achievements to be proud of and hold up as examples of our individual success which I believe we all benefit from.  

As an Englishman if I were allowed to vote on this matter I would without hesitation vote to keep the union intact. Just my views and humble opinion.

Regards   :tiphat:



Come on Melee, what about that hug :-* ;D ;D


In my opinion, there are enough sensible voters in Scotland to see that also Karen.
Relatives I have spoken to who live in Scotland all say he doesn't have that much support. Although I don't think the Scots would have enjoyed Mr Cameron's visit today with his followers.



I still think Salmond is wrong - unity is strength and division is weakness. Romantic idea, perhaps, but weak, all the same.


It's only coz I'm good looking and got loadsamoney innit ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :-*


Your such a hussey Karen.... :romance:




Well I think we should all have a great big forum hug ;D well, not the blokes like, just me and the girls ;D :-* :-* come on then Mmmmmmmmmm Aaaahhh that's nice ;D Mmmmmmm that's really nice  :o whoops :o sorry bout that ;D ;D ;D phew :-* that's better ;D ;D ;D


Here we go AGAIN !! The racist bit!!!! ARE we not ALL grown ups on this forum?? WHY cannot a remark be posted without someone WHINING !!!????


Come on folks let's keep it civil. The trouble is that it started as a decent debate, then just because of one stupid post that was a bit OTT everyone that followed up with anything remotely anti Scotland were deemed as being racist.  This then caused much of the bad banter.


Good man yourself Melee, though I wouldn't have guessed it from your name. I will make sure Doreen knows to wind her neck in now, I'm sure she'll listen to me...yeah right! After all, as the saying goes, you can't live in Rome and fight with the Pope.   :lol:


Karen I can assure you I am V E R Y calm, perhaps you could pass your advice on to Doreen :tiphat:


Come ladies your not children anymore  :rofl:

Why do people go off on one?


Calm down Melee, it's not that big a deal, really. There are more important things to worry about than Scotland, like dogs, for example.
Anyway, back to the main topic - an independent Scotland. I still think that our destiny and strength is to be united. Don't they say "divide and conquer"?
Alex Salmond could turn into Robert Mugabe very quickly and confiscate all the land owned by the English - that would free up vast tracts!