Dog/cat food

Started by minettjean, August 16, 2015, 17:33:18 PM

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If your dogs are eating a superior food such as  James Wellbeloved, steer clear of supermarket foods, which are mostly very poor quality.

I would also personally steer clear of the food at the vets as it's pricey for the quality - some popular named brands are actually not that great do have Wellbeloved - worth emailing them and asking for the particular variety you want, they are very helpful indeed

Also, is a site worth a look

If I were you, I'd go for Acana - introduce it gradually over 7 days to avoid tummy upsets

If you want a breakdown of what's actually in the food you buy, there are a couple of useful sites like allaboutdogfood or dogfoodadvisor etc.


We moved over here almost a year ago with our cat who has Hills Prescription T/D Dried Food. Our vets can order it in for us and the price is no worse than in UK. So, maybe ask the vet you sign up with to order in the food you want. If you want a recommendation for a vet, we use Nexo Almanzora, Albox, Pepe and Maika are the vets, Sam the receptionist. They all speak English. They are fantastic!!!


Is there not a good pet shop in Albox?If so  where is it?...not the  one on the side street off Lepanto..I know that one


I agree, i get all my animals food from them, fast delivery and free over €39, and they sell everything you could possibly want for your pets.


There are a number of large suppliers of pet food products and accessories, several of which do James Wellbeloved. If you  'James Wellbeloved para gatos y perros' you will get a good selection.  Best companies I have found for price are zooplus and bitiba, or medic animal and petmeds.  There is a delivery charge or free delivery with minimum order, but prices still tend to work out better than the local shops.  There are also pet shops in Albox and Olula del Rio who may stock these.


Order from here in Spain free delivery, they have a vast range of quality food.


I don't know about dogs but there isn't a great selection for cats. The vets do prescription food such as Royal Canin, the Mercadona doesn't do a lot at all, their own, whiskas and felix but just the basic ones and Gourmet gold. Pet shops have a few dry and wet but not a lot. Carrefour does a few more, they do Gourmet Pearl and Sheba and Purina dry, Brekkies and Friskies (go cat).
So not a great choice really. You can order from but not as much choice as the UK



I am moving over very soon with two dogs and a cat.I am wondering what food to feed them as they are on James Wellbeloved in the uk.Where is the best place to go for a selection and is there any food that resembles that in the uk ?