
Started by rt21, August 28, 2015, 12:08:12 PM

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Pagan,  well behaved children are one of the joys of life. Unruly , undisciplined  and out of control children are an absolute nightmare.   :head


Obviously the airline knows the " rules " and should allocate the seats when the booking is made and then allocate other seats accordingly. Any other way of dealing with this is just a means of obtaining farther monies from the booking. As for  sparkle Mike although I don't travel with kids, when I  fly I hope you are on the ferry, I think children are one of the joys of life.


It is time that some modern parents accept that their children are their  responsibility, not anybody elses. If you wish to fly on a budget airline, check the small print. Regardless of the rules that say young children should sit next to a parent,  the practicalities are that if you don't pre-pay for your seats, and you don't arrive earlier enough at check in to secure two or more seats together, then tough. That's life. Get over it.


OOOOOOOOh Mike you're soooooooooooooo hard. :whistle:
Nibbler :lol:



as a seat paying passenger it would pi** me off beyond belief
if I were ask to move because of a parent either playing the system at worse or
being as thick as short plank & oblivious to the possibility that they would not be able
to sit with their child to be charitable

Kick em off the plane & make them wait until they are able to have or pay for
the seating arrangement that they desire

They wouldn't do it again.


Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


mooshca if the airlines know the rules and still ask people to pay for seat then they are the ones breaking the rules!! Not the parent as your family member and the airline know only to well.


I personally think if you are a parent and flying with young children or child YOU should take the responsibility  where YOUR child sits . If this means paying extra for pre booking the seat then be it. If not then at least turn up early at the check in desk.  A child is the parents or guardians responsibility not a stranger's.  


Difficult one for the airline. If the cabin crew had asked a passenger who had pre-paid for  their seat and was sitting next to the mother to move, and they refused, what do the cabin crew do then ?  Wait until a considerate passenger offers to swap, obviously.


Quote from: swithin on August 28, 2015, 16:49:23 PM
Aviation rules say that a parent and with a young child cannot be seated appart regardless of whether a seat was purchased or not! The same rules say children cannot occupy emergency exit seat either. The cabin crew are fully aware of the rules and should have acted accordingly. Just for the record I am not a parent so no axe to grind jus stating the rules.

Well, in that case it was surely the fault of the person at the desk who allocated separate seats, not the air crew.  If there were no seats together when she got to the front of the queue then she should have be told this so she could decide whether to fly or not.  It's not the air crew's job to find them seats together if there aren't any left.
You can't always control who walks into your life...but you CAN control which window you throw them out of.


Quote from: 6.57 Crew on August 28, 2015, 15:21:18 PM
Unsympathetic people on here
Does nobody on here care about the child

We have grand children and are very caring about children. I think you are missing the point, where was this mother caring about HER OWN CHILD when SHE booked their flights. Every one knows that economy airlines state to ensure families sit together they are advised to pre book seats. Our family make sure our CHILDREN seats are pre booked and we all sit together if we can do it why can't others. To add to this, one of our offspring is cabin crew and states that some parents know these are the airline rules but some ( not all) deliberately  choose not to pay the extra cost hoping it will cause problems so others will give up their seats to oblige with NO extra cost to them


This thread has reminded me of how bad my day will be tomorrow, flying from Luton to Montpelier with Easyjet. Bank holiday weekend, last week of school holidays. Plane is sure to be full up.   :crazy: :crazy: :D
But don't worry folks, we have pre-paid for our seats.  :lol:


Aviation rules say that a parent and with a young child cannot be seated appart regardless of whether a seat was purchased or not! The same rules say children cannot occupy emergency exit seat either. The cabin crew are fully aware of the rules and should have acted accordingly. Just for the record I am not a parent so no axe to grind jus stating the rules.


I know a couple of people who genuinely need a wheelchair and have to use them every day. They would not be amused by people who pretend they need one to get preferential treatment at the airport. The pretenders should be ashamed of themselves.  Or are you winding us all up Crew . ?  :crazy:   ???  


 i had a flight where there were a few 18 stone plus tatooed... God & God,esses  on the,Pxss,drinking there 3 quid ethonol laced Cheapi booze ..........the flight attendent ,of Eatern EU  origin repremanded them for drinking there own............

then on touch down,this TIT  jumps out of his seat to unload the over head,and the Cab crew were streight on the intercome...........sit down Sir,or we will have you arrested !

he seemed to grasp that.....

and this was 4 days after the German Wings flight went down........ :-X
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I've been known to dangle my worm a few times JOJO. :whistle:
Nibbler :tiphat:


Me thinks that someone is casting a line here, and it looks like the fishing is good  :redcard:


Nice one Tets  :clap: :clap: :clap:


Tetley :clap: :clap: :lol:
Crew, JB :yawn:
Nibbler :tiphat:


I totally agree with you crew there is so many sad people on here ,got nothing better to do than moan god help them .and Ryanair should no better .no more to be said.



i Luv Ryan air and the "people watching experience"...........wether it been the Great Gate Rush,the over head bag rush, or the Fat couple whom shouldent really be eating the crap in the trolly........or the Pxssed up dicks whom actually belive there funny.........wile attempting to exit the plane..... as soon as the front wheel touches the landing strip !

i feel sorry for the girls & boys cabin staff......  having to put up with some of" our" ............................country folk.


as for parents with totts ,there a lot less touble than the" grown ups "..... in my RA humble ops.... :handshake
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol

6.57 Crew

If it's there take it nibbs


Quote from: 6.57 Crew on August 28, 2015, 15:53:34 PM
Actually i am no better than this mother you are all running down.
When myself and my wife fly we always use a wheelchair to avoid mixing with the plebs.
We have a pre booked seat for free and get preferential treatment.
It's good to see the looks on everyones faces when we are ushered to the front of the queue


Well done that what I like to see opertunisam

:clap: :clap:


Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


So crew you're that couple from the channel 5 program. the one's who want everything but don't want to pay.
Nibbler :tiphat:

6.57 Crew

Actually i am no better than this mother you are all running down.
When myself and my wife fly we always use a wheelchair to avoid mixing with the plebs.
We have a pre booked seat for free and get preferential treatment.
It's good to see the looks on everyones faces when we are ushered to the front of the queue


Byrney , you are a very bad boy and I am sending you to sit in the naughty corner.  :rofl:

Again, I agree with your comments Sparkie.  :clap:
" Hell is other peoples children " , especially on a budget airline during the school holidays .  :lol:

I have no sympathy with this mother. She guessed correctly that a passenger would swap seats, and obviously did not care about inconveniencing other people.


 :handshake Mike.

Clearly you don't know me Crew, just like I thankfully don't know you.  However, you criticise me for making judgements about someone I  don't know, yet do exactly the same yourself.  Hmmm - pot calling the kettle methinks.


Quote from: byrney on August 28, 2015, 15:28:11 PM
As you, and everyone else on here knows Crew, I am a truly nasty person.

don't be modest your a truly despicable person

I aspire to be like you


Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men

6.57 Crew

Don't know a thing about you Bryny.
Only your comments on this thread

Nice one Spaky.
True to form


As you, and everyone else on here knows Crew, I am a truly nasty person.



As far as I'm concerned there should be 1st, 2nd & people with children classes on planes

The people with kids, especially your screaming, kicking the back of the seat, wingding, being sick one's should sit on the wings.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men

6.57 Crew

What a nasty person you must be bryny
What do you know of the mother's personal circumstances
Until you know that don't throw stones


Not true Crew. From the comments so far i believe we all think that it is atrocious that a child and it's mother should be separated on a flight.

I am sure the "old people" to whom you refer (suppose I'm one of them now), have far more concern about the situation than the callous, cheapskate of a mother who chose not to ensure that they sat together by not selecting her seats.

6.57 Crew

Unsympathetic people on here
Does nobody on here care about the child


Quote from: 6.57 Crew on August 28, 2015, 15:10:53 PM
Old people not caring about a young child

:head :head :head :head
What on earth are you talking about?  It's the mother who obviously didn't care enough about her child being alongside her and thought she'd play the sympathy card and get away with it.  Let's hope she learnt a lesson from this.
You can't always control who walks into your life...but you CAN control which window you throw them out of.

6.57 Crew

Old people not caring about a young child