pavements in los carrascos

Started by Richard Betteridge, April 06, 2016, 09:54:05 AM

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What an excellent idea, I will gladly do the first 2 hour shift. We must keep the sign in its present position whatever it takes.


I think it is very inconsiderate for the town hall to move such a beautiful sign that has been in it's present position for so many years. This calls for drastic action by the residents of Los Carrascos. Perhaps we might be able to organise a shift system of volunteers who are prepared to chain themselves to the  sign for a couple of hours a day. 

There must of course be a restriction on dog walkers, they must not let their dogs "pee" on the post whilst a resident is chained to it!

Lets get together and stand chained for our rights :sun: :sun: :sun:


The Spanish family seem unperturbed by the tragic news concerning the re-positioning of the Los Carrascos sign, indeed they are throwing a party outside their place with loud music and a barbecue at the moment to celebrate its re-location 200 metres further towards the start of the village.


Going off topic onto politics. Not interested in hearsay or scaremongering.
I'm just looking forward to the new sign positioned down my way.


Quote from: Greggers on April 07, 2016, 13:22:03 PM
Do you honestly think the Spanish will kick us out ! come on get real.

deppends on the current  laws and new agrements been made  ,have a read upstairs on the brexit thread ,most of the veiws are there.

my" real veiw  " is  IF  its an OUT its the begining of the end for EU fedral,and it could get very Shxty wich could effect ex pats at the sharp end more than it will effect settled UK Brits in the mother land,( till intrest rates rise to protect the pound )

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Do you honestly think the Spanish will kick us out ! come on get real.


Quote from: Greggers on April 07, 2016, 12:42:59 PM
Tetley, why, what is happening before the 24th June ?

The UK  referndum......wich if its an OUT  could remove all Brit  rights to reside in an EU  country,leaving Brits up......shxt creek !

its not all negative tho,yer will get 24 months to pack and find a home in the UK or apply for Visa,s / Spanish citizen ship ,in the worst case.......

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Tetley, why, what is happening before the 24th June ?


Quote from: Lynden on April 07, 2016, 09:49:32 AM
Thank you for your wise words Roger. The stateless residents also include Calle Tortola, Calle Perdiz, Garrion and Alondra.
These residents feel neglected and just want to be included within the Los Carrascos massive.
I'm sure those who are reluctant to have the sign moved because it helps direct their relatives will see the bigger picture come referendum time.

Tetley please check your auto correct as a politicians erection is way off topic in this thread  :lol:

we all might be x ing statless by the 24 june..... :))
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I've devised a brilliant system that works every time when directing visitors to my villa.
I give them the name of the road and the number and name of my villa. Simple, but seems to work every time !
Failing that perhaps erect a sign saying for instance 'Richard lives here'


Thank you for your wise words Roger. The stateless residents also include Calle Tortola, Calle Perdiz, Garrion and Alondra.
These residents feel neglected and just want to be included within the Los Carrascos massive.
I'm sure those who are reluctant to have the sign moved because it helps direct their relatives will see the bigger picture come referendum time.

Tetley please check your auto correct as a politicians erection is way off topic in this thread  :lol:


We fully understand that the location of the Los Carrascos sign is a serious issue which is causing many people sleepless nights.
We have debated whether to hold a referendum on the subject, but we cannot agree who should be entitled to vote, just the residents of Los Carrascos or everyone passing through the village.
In the end we feel we must address the serious concerns of the residents of Calle Paloma who at the present time are stateless. Their homes are before the Los Carrascos sign, leaving them in no-man's land.
We are trying to get them connected to electric meters, but no-one knows where they are.

Queen Clare Shirley

its by my mums house, Im sure she will be devastased to lose it as its how we guide visitors in from you know, the foreign lands!! there is a Spanish family next door Im sure they will be gutted too its going!!
ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


Quote from: Lynden on April 07, 2016, 08:53:43 AM
Tetkey and Owdoggy have given me an excellent idea.
Los Garcias is indeed very posh where Roger lives having had all their pavements done to a very high standard. To ensure Los Carrascos receive the same standard I propose a toll booth at either end of the village.
Tolls would be charged to all non residents passing through to enable improvements to be made  :lol:

just get a Lost Carascoss Podemos councillors standing at the next erections   :lol:

mind you... UKIP  might work as well,probably get loads of local votes........... :))
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Tetkey and Owdoggy have given me an excellent idea.
Los Garcias is indeed very posh where Roger lives having had all their pavements done to a very high standard. To ensure Los Carrascos receive the same standard I propose a toll booth at either end of the village.
Tolls would be charged to all non residents passing through to enable improvements to be made  :lol:


Maybe the sign that has generated so much affection can stay where it is and new signs erected at the either end of Los Carrascos:

so no one has any doubt as to where they actually are. :tiphat:



Il just be glad when yer get yer pavments finished, as the" lost Carascoss works" are now a bit of an eye saw on the ride upto the " los Garcias posh......area ( were Mayor Rog Lives   :lol: )

same as the all  new  Lost Carascoss tip,seems a shame to open it and get it mucky...  :))

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Greggers, that's a relief. With slower traffic and new signage the approach to the village will become a local tourist draw.
I would imagine that the owner of the home on the bend recently damaged by a lunatic motorist will welcome the change. With everyone slowing down to take in the magnificence of the signage his wall can be repaired and be safe for the future.
The new Los Carrascos sign will need to be very large to compete with the Almeria Homes sign. How about a different approach........the new sign should read Welcome to Los Carrascos.....sponsored by Almeria Homes. :clap:


Lynden, there is no need to worry, apparently the 30km/h sign is staying, but being moved 12 metres nearer to the bins so that the traffic coming into the village is slowed sufficiently before the new Los Carrascos sign to improve the enjoyment and many benefits the sign has to offer.
I just hope that the transition is made smoothly and quickly without causing any more upset and heartache.


Thanks Lynden. Perhaps the new Almeria homes sign could be moved to replace the re-located Los Carrascos sign.
That way everyone wins.
The folks who own the villa right by the new Los Carrascos sign proposed location have now had their place re-valued and are asking 20k more because of its close proximity to the village sign when it is moved.
There are always winners and losers. Unfortunately for Richard he is a loser in this instance.


If the 30km/h sign is removed, we will have motorists speeding through the village.  ::) As an act of conciliation I propose a large speed hump as a new feature to replace the old Los Carrascos sign. That way those who feel deprived or upset will have a new feature to admire.  rofl
Sorry to hear you are leaving Greggers.


I Believe the Spanish family are made of stronger stuff and seem unaffected by the tragic news.
My wife and I are moving back to the UK because of the upset caused by the re-location of the village sign.
I have just heard that the 30km/h sign is also under threat


My wife and I are devastated at the proposed move of the Los Carrascos village sign. Having enjoyed its presence for many years, we are seriously considering relocating next to its new position.
I'm aware that the Samaritans have been inundated with calls from those many folks affected.
Please join Richard's crusade to keep the sign where it is.........
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I thought that a Spanish family lived right by it....?.

Richard Betteridge

whats it to do with you anyway where do you live,we live right by it :sadvio: :sadvio: :sadvio: :sadvio:



What are the ' many reasons ' why you and many other people like the sign where it is ?

Richard Betteridge

Hello Roger,
                 when are we going to get our pavements done,and what year are they to be finished,also we are told that the sign which says LOS CARRASCOS is to be moved from its present place to 200 metres up the road at the start of the village,it has been in its present place for many years now,and people like it there for many reasons my wife and myself will be sad to see it go

                                   THAKYOU Richard Betteridge :sun: :sun: :sun: