Film on tv.

Started by stean, April 06, 2017, 17:54:23 PM

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Quote from: stean on April 10, 2017, 09:01:27 AM
Hi Chisme, I am with arbo townhall internet and on wifi the speed is 15/16 meg. the tv is 3 meters away from the router. I can play filmon on my laptop and tablet with no probs. I turn every thing of, so just the smart tv is on and fimon is on the screen after clicking the flag then bbc 1 then nothing it wont play, I have noticed that the filmon logo which comes on prior to the program starts does not show. Anyway I have pushed and pressed all the buttons even changed the batteries in the remote but still it wont play. I thank you for your time though Chisme.

Quote from: felipe on April 10, 2017, 09:39:22 AM
Not sure, but does Filmon not use Adobe Flash as it viewer? If so it may well be that needs updating. Worth a try.

Yes, I got it totally wrong! I think Felipe has hit on the likely reason.

It's possible that Adobe Flash is no longer supporting your smart TV, or is yet to upgrade for your device.

Whatever the reason, you seem to have all the facilities still to watch Filmon, but you might have to modify your choice of source. With your internet speed, I do recommend using the Windows Filmon app: it seems to offer far better picture quality than is available through the normal browser connections to Filmon.



Not sure, but does Filmon not use Adobe Flash as it viewer? If so it may well be that needs updating. Worth a try.


Hi Chisme, I am with arbo townhall internet and on wifi the speed is 15/16 meg. the tv is 3 meters away from the router. I can play filmon on my laptop and tablet with no probs. I turn every thing of, so just the smart tv is on and fimon is on the screen after clicking the flag then bbc 1 then nothing it wont play, I have noticed that the filmon logo which comes on prior to the program starts does not show. Anyway I have pushed and pressed all the buttons even changed the batteries in the remote but still it wont play. I thank you for your time though Chisme.


Quote from: Chisme on April 07, 2017, 20:18:19 PM
Quote from: stean on April 07, 2017, 18:04:40 PM
I have just tried google search for filmon but still the same. Thanks anyway.

Your experience leads me to suspect that your broadband speed might be insufficient for video streaming?

What speed are you getting on your computer? Does Filmon work on your computer? Is your TV hardwired to your router? If it's connected by WiFi, is your TV located some distance away from your router?


You've gone very quiet!

You said previously that your internet connection was good, but had you checked it recently? You can check your broadband speed using Ideally check it first with a computer, or your TV, hardwired to your router (make sure all other internet demands are switched off to get a true reading). Then, without a wired connection, check your speed using WiFi on your computer, or TV, in different locations around the house.

You did say that you were getting Filmon on your smart TV for two years without any problems. If you are using a WiFi connection, did you recently then move your router or TV so that they were further apart, which could have caused a reduced signal problem?

Or your broadband supplier might have taken on more customers recently, or otherwise reduced your supply.

Or I might again be totally wrong!

But good luck anyway in your investigations...


Quote from: stean on April 07, 2017, 18:04:40 PM
I have just tried google search for filmon but still the same. Thanks anyway.

Your experience leads me to suspect that your broadband speed might be insufficient for video streaming?

What speed are you getting on your computer? Does Filmon work on your computer? Is your TV hardwired to your router? If it's connected by WiFi, is your TV located some distance away from your router?


I have just tried google search for filmon but still the same. Thanks anyway.


Quote from: stean on April 07, 2017, 16:30:03 PM
I have downloaded filmon through my smart tv browser (Bing) Forget the android box as I prefer to watch filmon on my smart tv. As I have said I click the flag then bbc1, it comes on screen but it will not play. WHY. 

I've no idea why it doesn't work. It could be: a registration problem; an advert conflict; a location issue: or some minor glitch! You just need to play around with all the switches and any adjustable parameters. It's unlikely to be something I'd be able to help with through descriptive online text. Perhaps someone with the similar equipment, who's had the same problem, can help. Otherwise I suggest you use your Android or a linked computer (the Microsoft store Filmon app is probably one of the best ways of viewing it). But you could try some further investigations if you're fixed on the idea of using the smart TV facilities.

I think Bing is a search engine within your TV's browser.

So I suggest you try getting Filmon on your computer using say the Windows 10 Microsoft Edge browser (which also uses Microsoft's Bing search engine): see if this fails to run in the same way as on your smart TV?

You could also look for a new browser on your smart TV. I think most TV's have the option of Google Chrome, which of course uses the Google search engine (which personally I always prefer): see if that gives you a working version of Filmon.

Just a few ideas... Good luck.


I have downloaded filmon through my smart tv browser (Bing) Forget the android box as I prefer to watch filmon on my smart tv. As I have said I click the flag then bbc1, it comes on screen but it will not play. WHY. 


Quote from: stean on April 07, 2017, 09:38:37 AM
Sorry. no it is filmon which is downloaded on my smart tv, the android box is fine. I have downloaded it again on the smart TV, but still the same. I click the flag then click say bbc1 it comes up on screen but it wont play. I hope I have explained it ok this time.

Unfortunately I still do not know how you've been accessing Filmon!

You say that the Android box is fine: but what does that mean?

  • Are you saying that you do not use your Android box to access Filmon?
  • Or, are you using your Android box for Filmon and you know that Filmon works on the Android box when it is connected to other TVs?

If the former is correct, then why not simply use the Android box for Filmon?

You say you've downloaded Filmon on your smart TV, but how are you doing this?

  • Are you using an app provided by your smart TV?
  • Or, are you accessing Filmon through your smart TV's browser?
  • Or, are you using some other AV source device connected to your TV?


Sorry. no it is filmon which is downloaded on my smart tv, the android box is fine. I have downloaded it again on the smart TV, but still the same. I click the flag then click say bbc1 it comes up on screen but it wont play. I hope I have explained it ok this time.


So are you actually accessing FilmonTV through your android box or is it the FilmonTV app on your smart tv?
My guess is that it is through your android box. If so
Videos ok
Addons ok
Highlight FilmonTV
Press menu button
Ensure video quality is set to low
Back out and see if it works

Regards Andy


Sorry maybe I should have said it has been ok for 2 years it is only now we have the problem. The internet connection is good, and the android box is fine, its just the prob with no picture on the tv.


It's possibly due to your TV being registered in Spain.

Presumably it's possible to re-register your TV to the UK (but that depends on the TV manufacturer), or you could set up your router with a UK VPN.

Alternatively you could get Filmon through your computer or tablet, and connect it, or cast the signal, to your TV.

Good luck.

PS Sorry, I misread your post. I had wrongly assumed that you were trying to get Filmon on your SMART TV! Obviously it has nothing to do with your TV! You're talking about an Android box! Please ignore my comments!


Film on tv on my smart tv wont play, I click the flag  then click bbc1 it comes up but wont play. no picture no sound, nothing. help please.