Brexit deal.

Started by Dunedin, November 03, 2020, 12:13:45 PM

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Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Quote from: Johnny73 on December 20, 2020, 10:34:04 AM
Is that the same Mirror that you once said was fish and chip paper Lynden ??🍟🍟
Is that   what you are reduced to now.?? 
Oh , have a nice day .😊
No that was the Guardian Johnny....I mention the Mirror as it’s reading age suits you.
I like LMJ’S reference to Animal Farm. Orwell foretold the rise of the EU with that book. Re read it you will be surprised at how it mirrors the corruption of modern day Brussels.


Is that the same Mirror that you once said was fish and chip paper Lynden ??🍟🍟
Is that   what you are reduced to now.?? 
Oh , have a nice day .😊


On Gibraltar,
The latest news is that talks are well advanced to include Gibraltar onto the EU border control with immigration controls being carried out under EU rules at Gibraltar airport and at the seaport.


Latest polls from that bastion of left wing socialism The Mirror......if the referendum was re run today the vote would be the same....well I never. Where are all those leavers who would now vote remain you’ve all been bleating about? That’s right they don’t exist.
Could be that there are some, but more remainers have seen the EU in its true colours. There’s hope for some of you yet.
Animal Farm part of O level Eng Lit back in the day. Perhaps LMJ and Johnny are like Boxer.


Quote from: MAZ4929 on December 20, 2020, 09:21:27 AM
Quote from: lmj52 on December 20, 2020, 08:33:21 AM
I think Johnny’s post, and my previous post about Animal farm is far above some Brexit people’s level. :grin:

You're entitled to your incorrect opinion  :grin:

It’s an opinion, so how can it be incorrect?:laugh: :laugh:
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Quote from: lmj52 on December 20, 2020, 08:33:21 AM
I think Johnny’s post, and my previous post about Animal farm is far above some Brexit people’s level. :grin:

You're entitled to your incorrect opinion  :grin:
What is important is not only to attain victory for democracy, it is to retain democracy.
Nelson Mandela.


I think Johnny’s post, and my previous post about Animal farm is far above some Brexit people’s level. :grin:
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


That’s a nice story Johnny. Perhaps a little above your reading age but well done.  :grin:


Just finished a late film and saw Lynden bedtime story.😊😊
Sounds like the UK is the grasshopper and  the Ants are the EU  in this classic tale..
Just a laugh for Xmas before any one gets excited.zzzz

****This is another tale from Aesop’s Fables, and talks about the importance of hard work and planning for the future. The story tells of a grasshopper that spends the summer singing and idling away his time. Meanwhile, his neighbours, a colony of ants, work hard throughout the summer to store food for the winter. The grasshopper laughs at the ants and tells them that they should enjoy the summer. The ants tell the grasshopper that he should store food for the winter or he will starve when everything is frozen. When winter comes, the ants are in their nest, resting and surviving on the food that they stored. The grasshopper comes to their door, hungry and cold. He begs the ants for food and says he realised the error of his ways. The ants share their food with him and make him promise to work hard, next summer, to gather and store food.**

Sleep tight 🌛🌛


I suppose it shows how successful Gibraltar has become. I’ve only been there once, and the area next to Gib has to be one of the most unattractive places in Spain.
Anyway back to Brexit deals.
We should all learn from history. De Gaulle knew the UK would not work within a tightly controlled EEA. That’s why he vetoed it. He constantly warned British politicians that due to our culture, ties to the Commonwealth, our far reaching global interests and our Western ties to the USA, that a closely regulated Continental regime would be a disaster for the UK economy. How prophetic.
Macron clearly understands this. He knows that the UK will re establish those ties and leave the EU far behind. That’s why he hopes to tie the UK to a deal that leaves us hamstrung.
It was right then and Ted Heath failed the UK. It’s more true now than ever before.
Boris had better not fail. Walk away.


Some border information.

New look Gibraltar border crossing ahead of Brexit

The Interior Ministry has set aside four million euros to adapt the border crossing between Gibraltar and Spain for both pedestrians and vehicles to the new, post-Brexit regulations that will come into force on January 1st.

Five separate projects are under way as a matter of urgency, some of which are due to be completed this month.

The most expensive is a 2,250,000 euro infrastructure project to control the entry and exit of both people and vehicles, including new watchtowers at the border post in La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz).

Public moneyto the tune of 1,638,560 euros is also being spent on automatic border control equipment, TV monitors, and communication / telecommunication equipment.

The work has to be carried out to adapt the Gibraltar border crossing - considered the smallest frontier post in the world - to the change in circumstances once the extended Brexit period comes to an end and the UK finally leaves the European Union on January 1st 2021.

Despite its diminutive size, more than 15,000 people (10,000 of them Spaniards) use the crossing to get from Spain to the ‘Rock’ every day for work. Some 200 lorries, carrying supplies for the British colony, also make the crossing every day.

Many of the 32,000 inhabitants of Gibraltar make regular use of the border crossing to go shopping, to use the leisure facilities in the local towns or to visit friends and family.
Source: Think Spain
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


When people talk of rules and regulations and the fishing industry, it reminds me of a time with 2 mates having a bite to eat at Garucha Harbour as the fishing boats were unloading their catches. A mate made a statement which is still very true when comparing the UK to the EU countries. 
"The trouble we have today is that here in Spain they have around 500 trawlers fishing and 20 inspectors, but in the UK we have 20 trawlers and 500 inspectors."

Old Pedro

It is difficult to put a figure of that one Felipe outside of 200 billion on Brexit. The government will resist disclosing where it has all gone to, even with a gentle nudge from all the lawsuits flying around at the moment.


The figure of 200billion does not include the billions paid out to the Tory mates club during covid.

Old Pedro

Felipe that really is a staggering amount, some of it could have been avoided, the 10 billion planning for PPE (they did get notification a few years ago) and the amount that has lined some of their pockets. Brexit really did divided the nation and it divided some families on the vote . One family I know, the husband owned a fish farm so his vote was to leave and his wife was a remainer. The fisheries is a sticking point and still part of the discussions.There will be the transitional period to sort out, but we should know by the end of this weekend according to Barnier. In the "final few hours" as he described it the French still want to cast their rods into British waters and he will change the wording once again, with Mr.Johnson asking Barnier and co. to "seal" a deal. The tabloids missed that punchline!

Either way not since the Spanish Armada , will we still fewer trees around at the start of the year and beyond as we will all have to deal with the ton of paperwork and red tape that will surely follow.

With Covid in place many of us will be pleased to know Mr.Cameron cannot travel to his property in Costa Rica, instead remaining in Notting Hill or maybe he is in the Cotswolds. It is ironic that the Brexit vote was in his manifesto and after an elected government each manifesto is reviewed in time shall we say! He said he never had any regrets about holding the referendum, but did say he would stay on in government after we all knew the result, he legged it three month later. Will we buy his book for a stocking filler?..."our survey says"

Not long now.


Reminds me of Animal Farm.

“ four legs good two legs bad”

The situational irony in the piece is that the animals took over the farm so they could run it themselves. They didn't like the way they were being treated by the humans, but in the end they end up exactly like them.

Sound familiar?  :grin:
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Just imagine what over £200billion could have been used for over the last 4 years. Instead of spending it on brexit. Police, NHS and schools. You know the things that are crucial to a happy society. Things that have been poorly run for more than 10 years. Money that could have secured jobs in all three instead dessimating them.


Quote from: felipe on December 19, 2020, 08:52:10 AM
I keep reading that brexit is the best deal. Please explain how. I have not seen any report that agrees.

Phil it is a religion you just have to .....believe

unlike the business world that is shipping out jobs & funds re registering staff in Ireland ect young kid went to  register for the bar in September was told he had to get done by December or Game over  8 years work down the shxter .....because of his loss of EU Citizenship.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I keep reading that brexit is the best deal. Please explain how. I have not seen any report that agrees.


Quote from: Lynden on December 19, 2020, 08:39:40 AM
Interesting times Tets. No deal is the best deal for the UK, but we are all wise enough to know that fudge is on the menu.

no deal is a disaster for the uk workforce and some sectors of the EU Workforce , these politicians and super mouths earn enough money and privilege to get there shxt together all sides and save and increase jobs and living standards  ......and in the un likely event that there isnt a deal we can expect to see a very Isolated and fractured UK engaged in a cold trade war with the EU and at ods with the Irish Catholic president of the free world.....uncle Joe
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Interesting times Tets. No deal is the best deal for the UK, but we are all wise enough to know that fudge is on the menu.


Be calm dears there is going to be a is the troth & Bubble for both sides and takes the spotlight for France & UK away from domestic issues to Focus on that Orrible EU and that orrible UK 

Macron must be rubbing his hand with Glee  :shocked:

as all the high Viz folks will be down the docks waiting to search trucks from UK.....and shout at anything British .

anyway a deal is on its way and  will be done in some shape to trade as there is to much money involved  as this is still a JIT & Scotland Brexit ie a sort of Bannorkburn re run with car & manufacturing JIT parts with the Scots looking to change there feature coarse as opposed to the hardships brought on by Brexit and an out of touch English Run Island  Federal state as opposed to an EU Superstrate.

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Not just the French  fishermen who are worried about the upcoming mess.
And then a comical ban on the Truckers Ham Sarnie. What next ??
Its all going spiffingly  😊. God help us.


Trouble is Rod who will they or the barmy Macron or the EU. Probably all three.



We always try to laugh with you LMJ....... :grin:


Ah well, it was a laugh weren't it :))  back to square one, out out :))  could even be out out out :)) 
Glad to be in on the fun lmj, yers make me happy :)) :))  fanks fer dat :))


[quote author=webejamin link=topic=133371.msg751718#msg751718 date=
:)) :)) :))  To the contrary Johnny me boy :)) :))  it's a great bit of hilarity  :)) :))  I love remainers jokes :)) :))
More of em if you please :)) :))

Leavers make me laugh everyday :laugh:
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


 Night Tets, have a good un.  :grin:
Hopes dashed again for a deal......after finally accepting the UK’s right to determine fishing quotas, the EU wanted a clause in the’ve got to love em for trying.....if the UK quotas are below what the EU thinks are fair then they can retaliate on other unspecified tariffs ..I almost fell off me perch laughing....and now Macron has Covid after allegedly breaking distancing rules...poor beggar  :grin:


Quote from: webejamin on December 18, 2020, 19:51:58 PM
Yeah :))  it's great sport innit :))  I'm really glad them remainers are finally gettin to have a laugh about fings now anyway :)) :))

you two just keep paying pensions & meds then  will all be chuckling for years  this end  .  :laugh:  beets looking at brexi blocked wagins  Dears   on them 20   :tongue:

Night all  :wink: x
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Yeah :))  it's great sport innit :))  I'm really glad them remainers are finally gettin to have a laugh about fings now anyway :)) :))


Mickey Flanagan says it’s OUT OUT  :grin:


Fing is Lynden :))  one fing they ain't findin funny is when yer ask em, are we in the EU? Or are we out of the EU? Like it said on the bit of paper we all, (well, some of us) voted wiv :))  all they can say is "yeahbut, is that out out, or just out?" It certainly ain't in, or even in in innit :))