Brits Leaving

Started by Red, August 30, 2018, 07:38:48 AM

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Spain is not for everyone. But for most it is. What is interesting is that those that have left still cannot leave totally, why else would they be posting on a Spanish expat forum. There must be a reason.

Well said Felipe, I too often wonder why this is.

So, come on all you ex Spain posters and shed some light on the question, why do you still post on a Spanish ex pat forum?


thing is there are pro,s and cons for both countrys,i go to uk regular and its the cost, fuel,beer,council tax is a poss take ect and if yer in some inner city shxt hole surrounded by gang warfare and shop lifters its deffinatly going to be a diffrent uk to the Dales

a lot of folks now keep small places in both countrys and enjoy both spain and uk.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Felipe , we are not part of the ratrace because we are retired ,  we live in South Wales and not in a particularly rural area , yes we come across the occasional traffic queue but obviously not during rush hour as we don't have to travel to work . As I say Spain is not for everyone and neither is the Spanish way of life so we all make our choices , we are happy to be back , sincerely , and I would never criticise anyone who enjoys Spanish life so no one should criticise us who have returned to the UK or try to make out that we are not happy with our choice.


We live in a quiet rural Spanish back water, so things are much cheaper and there are no traffic problems.

Certainly things such as eating out are more expensive in the Spanish cities than they are here.
However over 25 years I have spent a lot of time in many parts of Spain, small towns and large cities.
I have just returned from a long visit to the UK, visiting family in many areas.
One thing I will say is that everyone in the UK seemed very polite and helpful, given that my wife is in a wheel chair.
I found exactly the same in Spain and France.

However the one thing which you cannot deny about the UK is the horrendous congestion everywhere.
Motorways with massive tail backs, even when they now use the hard shoulder.
Difficult to park.
Yes it is the same in Madrid, Sevilla etc, but the big difference I have found in the big Spanish cities is that everything is very laid back and relaxed.

The other two big negatives about the UK
The weather is unpredictable.
The price of a bottle of wine in a restaurant, when you get it as part of a menu del dia in Arboleas, although not in Madrid I accept. But a few weeks ago I had a Sunday lunch in a Spanish restaurant on the beach at a busy resort in Valencia, and the bottle of wine was a few euros.

As for Brexit (everything returns to that!!) ... everyone I met in the UK seemed to accept that the referendum decision has created a mess, and no-one really knew what they were voting for.


I cannot believe that most people move to Spain just for the weather. They move here to aim for a better quality of of life. Slower pace, cheaper living etc. The weather is a bonus and down the list not at the top. I moved here from a quiet Somerset town not a busy city. Sure, I worked in Bristol but lived 20 miles from the city. So in a way I saw both sides, the busy and quiet.

The only negatives I can think of have been overcome by accepting they are down to differences in culture and laws. Obtaining anything legal such as Spanish driving licenses, the banking system, opening hours of shops. The illegal housing market from years ago is another matter altogether.


I have lived here for 13 years and would never go back to the UK.
The exchange rate dropped once before but we survived.
live life to the full. Worrying wont change a thing


Everywhere has it's problems, most people who come to Spain, move from a busy area to a quieter area,  how can you then compare.
Madrid is busy as is London, etc.
Also  people mainly move for weather,  Spain wins or why else would you move, house prices, how many people could afford similar in the UK, and money goes further.
But still lots of people could make the choice but don't.
It's a different culture and way of life, you have to get used to, obviously some can't and move back.

Most people on this sort of thread only post positives, even Felipe and Roger will have some negatives to living in Spain.


Quote from: Lynden on August 31, 2018, 08:20:05 AM
Quote from: GEman on August 30, 2018, 20:19:55 PM
Quote from: felipe on August 30, 2018, 09:54:43 AM
Absolute rubbish. I know of only one couple that went back and that was a year ago. And that had nothing to do with brexit but a health issue. They now regret it and want to come back. They hate it over there. And that has nothing to do with migrants and more on the cost of living, the rat race, traffic congestion and many other things. And that is in deepest Somerset in Taunton!! So it is more hype by a brexit paper to try to prove their point.

I read elsewhere that these figures are based on town hall padrons that have been recently updated to remove all those expats that have die or returned to the UK over the last 10 years! So yes that would give the impression of truck loads returning. But not all ion the last year or two. Idiots.
I have to disagree with you felipe , we lived in Arboleas for 3-4 years , we came back nearly 9 years ago , I went back to work for a few years which i had no problem with , we recently sold our house in Arboleas  we have our own house here now .
I was the one who didn't like living in Spain for a number of reasons which I won't go into because probably the things I didn't like are liked by many of you who live there . We made a trip back there for the first time during the sale of the villa and my wife who enjoyed living in Spain said straight away that she could not live there now .
We both enjoy our life here now , don't find it too expensive and are not involved in any rat race . As I pointed out recently on here , Spain is not for everyone and certainly not for me.I would also point out that on our road approx. 25% of the people who were living there while we were there have returned to the UK .
Just because Felipe knows of just one couple going back only shows he doesn’t have all the facts. 3 couples from our road also returned in the last 18 months. Various reasons. They do miss some aspects of their lives in Spain but felt the time was right to return. There are others on the verge too. Mainly because of the lack of facilities for older folk. If you can no longer drive life can get more difficult. There’s no right or wrong in this and no reason to become defensive about your choices. Those who proclaim the U.K. is finished etc are just being ignorant and childish.

What a ridiculous thing to say. Just because I only gave one example of someone in the last year does not mean that I do not know of others that have gone back, including my own daughter and grandson. Whom now regrets it but needs to stay. So you know 3 couples. That is not exactly a lot either is it? So when it comes to generalisations we now have to have a minimum of examples to put forward? Do me a favour and let´s have a decent discussion if there is to be one. Another family I know left but came back within 6 months as they hated it back in England. They regretted the expense in moving to and from and are far happier here than there. Especially the children who hated the school in England.
I know an awful lot of people here, not just those living in our road. When I say that I only know of one couple in the last year I mean it. Just because there have been three in your road does not mean that I do not know what is going on. Of course people go back for other reasons, mainly because they do not like it here or for health. But there are plenty coming here to replace them.
GeMan, you must be living in a rural area and not to be part of the rat race. No matter where you live, other than in very rural areas, the traffic is horrendous. The shopping centres are full of people rushing around barely a smile to be seen. And before anyone says how do I know I have been back recently and seen it for myself. In fact I see it every time I go back. And that has been to the south west, midlands and south London. It is the same in each place.
Spain is not for everyone. But for most it is. What is interesting is that those that have left still cannot leave totally, why else would they be posting on a Spanish expat forum. There must be a reason.


Quote from: webejamin on August 31, 2018, 09:02:59 AM
Strange thing is, I don't see any posts running Spain down. Yes, people post about bad and good experiences, but I don't think there's any that put Spain down. I've never seen posts knocking anyone for choosing Spain to live in either.
Weird innit!!!

I constantly see post knocking the UK though.

you will do Jams....its Xd.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Strange thing is, I don't see any posts running Spain down. Yes, people post about bad and good experiences, but I don't think there's any that put Spain down. I've never seen posts knocking anyone for choosing Spain to live in either.
Weird innit!!!

I constantly see post knocking the UK though.


Lynden I agree with you, but on the other hand it is also incorrect when people put down Spain. As zilnor has said, it's your choice. We've made ours. We had a fantastic life in Wales, but for various reasons have decided to retire in Spain.
Wherever you are just respect other people's choices.
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Quote from: GEman on August 30, 2018, 20:19:55 PM
Quote from: felipe on August 30, 2018, 09:54:43 AM
Absolute rubbish. I know of only one couple that went back and that was a year ago. And that had nothing to do with brexit but a health issue. They now regret it and want to come back. They hate it over there. And that has nothing to do with migrants and more on the cost of living, the rat race, traffic congestion and many other things. And that is in deepest Somerset in Taunton!! So it is more hype by a brexit paper to try to prove their point.

I read elsewhere that these figures are based on town hall padrons that have been recently updated to remove all those expats that have die or returned to the UK over the last 10 years! So yes that would give the impression of truck loads returning. But not all ion the last year or two. Idiots.
I have to disagree with you felipe , we lived in Arboleas for 3-4 years , we came back nearly 9 years ago , I went back to work for a few years which i had no problem with , we recently sold our house in Arboleas  we have our own house here now .
I was the one who didn't like living in Spain for a number of reasons which I won't go into because probably the things I didn't like are liked by many of you who live there . We made a trip back there for the first time during the sale of the villa and my wife who enjoyed living in Spain said straight away that she could not live there now .
We both enjoy our life here now , don't find it too expensive and are not involved in any rat race . As I pointed out recently on here , Spain is not for everyone and certainly not for me.I would also point out that on our road approx. 25% of the people who were living there while we were there have returned to the UK .
Just because Felipe knows of just one couple going back only shows he doesn't have all the facts. 3 couples from our road also returned in the last 18 months. Various reasons. They do miss some aspects of their lives in Spain but felt the time was right to return. There are others on the verge too. Mainly because of the lack of facilities for older folk. If you can no longer drive life can get more difficult. There's no right or wrong in this and no reason to become defensive about your choices. Those who proclaim the U.K. is finished etc are just being ignorant and childish.


Quote from: Amanda Oakley on August 30, 2018, 21:42:02 PM
Based on my business experience, I am seeing the following;

Expats of a "certain" age selling in order to return to UK for health / family reasons...... natural "progression" in most cases, ie. those that moved here 10/15 years ago at pensionable age (or close) and now hitting a point in life that leaves a little uncertainty if you are in a Foreign Country and an area with fairly limited resources if you do not have "family" around" to support you..... language barriers and need for family around is an understandable concern........
In this same "group", I have also seem a number of people who are wanting to spend the rest of their lives here, but want to be in a Town so do not depend on driving etc. in order to "manage" comfortably"....
In the first "group", I am seeing a move back to a very basic quality of life in a lot of cases .............

However, the "buyers" IMHO over the last 2 years, have changed a lot........ not so many of a true pensionable age, but those who have made a decision (I think following Brexit), to make the move sooner rather than later ..... good pensions and more considered buyers ????

Please do not shoot me down as this is an honest view of what I am seeing, primarily, in the Arboleas and Zurgena areas ..... Will also add that I hope I have not caused any type of offence as I am not wanting to "label" anyone.....

Regards to all

i recon thats on the money,a few folks that we set out with early 2000 have gone back once thay hit there late 70,s,,job is what it is as people head towards there last ITV,S  they want family around them and a system they understand.

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol

Amanda Oakley

Based on my business experience, I am seeing the following;

Expats of a "certain" age selling in order to return to UK for health / family reasons...... natural "progression" in most cases, ie. those that moved here 10/15 years ago at pensionable age (or close) and now hitting a point in life that leaves a little uncertainty if you are in a Foreign Country and an area with fairly limited resources if you do not have "family" around" to support you..... language barriers and need for family around is an understandable concern........
In this same "group", I have also seem a number of people who are wanting to spend the rest of their lives here, but want to be in a Town so do not depend on driving etc. in order to "manage" comfortably"....
In the first "group", I am seeing a move back to a very basic quality of life in a lot of cases .............

However, the "buyers" IMHO over the last 2 years, have changed a lot........ not so many of a true pensionable age, but those who have made a decision (I think following Brexit), to make the move sooner rather than later ..... good pensions and more considered buyers ????

Please do not shoot me down as this is an honest view of what I am seeing, primarily, in the Arboleas and Zurgena areas ..... Will also add that I hope I have not caused any type of offence as I am not wanting to "label" anyone.....

Regards to all
Amanda Oakley
ALO Services (Zurgena)
Conveyancing and General Legal Services
Tel 950 449179 / 667 994682


I think there has been a big change in the last few years of the type of Brits that are coming to live in Spain,now it seems to be more older people with a bit of coin where as a few years ago it seemed to be people with old vans buying up cortijos and spending their life in work clothes , or becoming estate agents.


Quote from: felipe on August 30, 2018, 09:54:43 AM
Absolute rubbish. I know of only one couple that went back and that was a year ago. And that had nothing to do with brexit but a health issue. They now regret it and want to come back. They hate it over there. And that has nothing to do with migrants and more on the cost of living, the rat race, traffic congestion and many other things. And that is in deepest Somerset in Taunton!! So it is more hype by a brexit paper to try to prove their point.

I read elsewhere that these figures are based on town hall padrons that have been recently updated to remove all those expats that have die or returned to the UK over the last 10 years! So yes that would give the impression of truck loads returning. But not all ion the last year or two. Idiots.
I have to disagree with you felipe , we lived in Arboleas for 3-4 years , we came back nearly 9 years ago , I went back to work for a few years which i had no problem with , we recently sold our house in Arboleas  we have our own house here now .
I was the one who didn't like living in Spain for a number of reasons which I won't go into because probably the things I didn't like are liked by many of you who live there . We made a trip back there for the first time during the sale of the villa and my wife who enjoyed living in Spain said straight away that she could not live there now .
We both enjoy our life here now , don't find it too expensive and are not involved in any rat race . As I pointed out recently on here , Spain is not for everyone and certainly not for me.I would also point out that on our road approx. 25% of the people who were living there while we were there have returned to the UK .



Life was good for me in the seven years I lived near Partaloa, for all the obvious reasons. Since returning to England, life has also been good.
I have a very positive attitude to life and make the most of it, wherever I am and whatever I do. Life is too short to be negative and nowhere is perfect.


I wonder what Maggie would have thought about it all, i donĀ“t think she would have agreed with this bodged up deal, we/I wanted out but still have one foot in, (The Grave).


Quote from: lorrydriver on August 30, 2018, 15:53:30 PM
Would be very interesting to see a survey on all those that left and wish they had not.

most of ems still  on ere...tell in us how crap our lifes Spain......bless   :laugh:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Would be very interesting to see a survey on all those that left and wish they had not.


No problem there sandralos, it's already full to bursting, so a few 100,000 more won't matter. 8)


If we all go back there will be no where to live, and the UK would be full to bursting.  8)


Ok Roger, you're happy, but you're a happy remainer !!


The remainers will be happy that the UK is only leaving in name not in reality.
Some of the leavers are having second thoughts, and most have lost interest because they can't remember why they voted.
The only ones who will be angry are those who wanted to break all ties with the EU.
Her problem is that this is probably a majority of the Tory party members, but not the voters.


Haven't agreed the deal yet,
Remember they will have to keep the leave voters happy, being the majority, May will want to improve her popularity for the next general election.
But how to upset the whole country, unhappy remainers, unhappy leavers, what a wonderful job the politicians have done !!


Phil is correct, the figures are based on Town Hall Padrons.
And I can say with authority that most Padrons are being revised to remove people who left or died over the past 10 years.
In the case of Arboleas this is around 10% of the British on the Padron.

Anyway, we now know that there will be a deal.
They are just leaving it to the civil servants to tie up the loose ends.

Of course we can also see clearly that it is not a deal the strong Brexiteers thought they were voting for.
The UK will be a sort of associate member of the EU, have free trade but having to follow EU regulations.
Of course it will be presented in the normal political double talk, but in effect the UK will become a second class member of the EU.


Quote from: felipe on August 30, 2018, 09:54:43 AM
Absolute rubbish. I know of only one couple that went back and that was a year ago. And that had nothing to do with brexit but a health issue. They now regret it and want to come back. They hate it over there. And that has nothing to do with migrants and more on the cost of living, the rat race, traffic congestion and many other things. And that is in deepest Somerset in Taunton!! So it is more hype by a brexit paper to try to prove their point.

I read elsewhere that these figures are based on town hall padrons that have been recently updated to remove all those expats that have die or returned to the UK over the last 10 years! So yes that would give the impression of truck loads returning. But not all ion the last year or two. Idiots.

Glad you agree that the papers are wrong Felipe, cant believe all you read in them ?


Phil, as Mark Twain once said, there are lies, damned lies and statistics.


Absolute rubbish. I know of only one couple that went back and that was a year ago. And that had nothing to do with brexit but a health issue. They now regret it and want to come back. They hate it over there. And that has nothing to do with migrants and more on the cost of living, the rat race, traffic congestion and many other things. And that is in deepest Somerset in Taunton!! So it is more hype by a brexit paper to try to prove their point.

I read elsewhere that these figures are based on town hall padrons that have been recently updated to remove all those expats that have die or returned to the UK over the last 10 years! So yes that would give the impression of truck loads returning. But not all ion the last year or two. Idiots.


All those CRAZY pensioners returning to the UK for health reasons  ??


Anyone returning to the home land must be crazy. The country is finished.


I was back in Scotland in June and I can assure it is much more expensive there than it is here so I will be staying put even if the Euro drops further we stuck it out a few years back when the pound/ Euro was almost at parity.
After yesterdays statement from Barnier I am sure a deal will be done and the exchange rate will recover


Having just returned from the UK after two weeks hols. I can definitely say I won't be one of them!!


Must be correct, it's in the papers ??