residencia - the green ones!

Started by {*i*}, September 22, 2011, 19:07:05 PM

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Queen Clare Shirley

Yes Saffi, I renewed and applied for new residencias in Baza in September without any problem all they ask extra is a photo
ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


And residents in Almeria can definitely get it in Baza, Granada?


There is a lot of confusion which I do not understand.

PADRON. If you live here for less than 3 months in any 12 month period being on the Padron is optional.
More than 3 months it is a requirement.

This is a requirement if you live here for more than 6 months in any 12 month period.
This is renewable every 5 years.

Re newing the Padron.
If you do not have a Residencia or if you do not renew it when required, the Town Hall will be advised by the National Police to remove you from the Padron unless you renew it.
This is simply a check that you still live here, because people leave without informing the authorities.
This is the only reason you will need to renew your Padron. However you may be asked for an up to date copy by some officials.

If you do not have a Residencia you are not eligible for social service care.
If you have a Residencia you have the same rights as a Spanish Citizen to social services.

Queen Clare Shirley

I have come to the conclusion after many years here, that you believe what they say at the time and when you see new regulations or comments people you ring up and ask.

Every time the goal post is reached they move so for the time being Green certificate is your proof that you are a resident in Spain it has no identification value and thus a certified copy is sufficient to carry around with you and the day the new cards come out, about six months later then you go and get one but for the time being its permanent
ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


Being as some folk seem to think it must be carried in the car (or on ones person) I'm not sure a green piece of paper is going to last long enough to be permanent ?

       I know,  I know every one is going to tell be to get an authenticated copy at the town hall ..... whatever !

I look forward to the new / reintroduction of the card next year, or so they say. 
                       5 years / permanent ..... seems like a 'moving the goal posts' again to me #!?#!#


hi all having told you all in march i went to almeria to get my residencia and was told by the chap on the desk who gave me it that it lasted 5 years ,i have since given it to my spanish teacher (her father is in the guardia )and she has just told me that it is permenent and i will not have to renew , now i am confused although  i did find it odd that there is no expiry date .....still none the wiser


Quote from: Norm2 on September 26, 2011, 04:21:17 AM
>the period of time is acccumulative. I would recommend that you read the FO information. it should answer a number of queries that members have on a variety of topics. A reliable source I would think!
Yes a useful source of info but it  doesn't make clear whether period is consecutive or not - so thanks for your reply.
Malayan proverb - Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm.


 >the period of time is acccumulative. I would recommend that you read the FO information. it should answer a number of queries that members have on a variety of topics. A reliable source I would think!

The Sheriff ILLIA.

Instead of wondering  and asking   ' Is it necessary for this or that '  & receiving all kinds of conflicting replies - some right some wrong !

Why does not everyone just have a nice run out to Baza { after having got all the necessary papers }  and get one -  then while your there make a day of it by a trip out to Lake Negratin - Now is the time of the year you can have a BBQ again in the special areas they have up there.

Then if you need one for something urgent - you've got one - If you never need it - well it's just another of those bits of paper you keep in your Car along with the Insurance etc.
Fred Sheriff.

Tip of the Day for a long life  :-  Breathe In  - Breathe Out - repeat when necessary.


Quote from: Norm2 on September 25, 2011, 05:18:03 AM
The 3months referred to by the FO is the period of tme spent in Spain after which the Spanish Authorities require you to have a "residencia".

Is this necessarily 3 consecutive months that a Residencia doc is required ?  Or perhaps non-consecutive 3 months in a year like the  Non-Residents threshold of 6 months (not necessarily consecutive)  for Residential status for tax purposes?
Malayan proverb - Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm.


Well said Jimmybean. Empty vessels what.



So Barry and Toni you don't actually know of any "..... RELIABLE WEBSITES.... "  after all !!!

Barry and Toni only want us to accept the words typed by Clare Shirley and Gus-Lopez           WHY ???????
Why would any reader of this forum accept the typed words from two contributers but not the posts of other members.

WHY did Barry and Toni give us the instruction   ".....I suggest they look at reliable websites,...." when Barry and Toni don't know of any 'reliable websites' but would, instead have us take as gospel the words of their friends?

Well Barry and Toni I am going to continue to evaluate the contributions from all the kind members who give their knowledge and experiences, but in the light of this thread I will never give your posts too much credence.  



Quote from: Barry and Toni on September 24, 2011, 22:56:48 PM
What an interesting mish mash of misinformation. For anyone researching the topic of residencia, I suggest they look at reliable websites, rather than reading this bunch of ******. Clare Shirley excepted, (and Gus-Lopez!)

Does your mother know you're still up.

Regards  :tiphat:
British Born. English By The Grace Of God

The Sheriff ILLIA.

OOOOOh  very nasty Calot Shad - but o so true !!!
Fred Sheriff.

Tip of the Day for a long life  :-  Breathe In  - Breathe Out - repeat when necessary.


The 3months referred to by the FO is the period of tme spent in Spain after which the Spanish Authorities require you to have a "residencia".


Having found "...reliable websites..." it's a shame Barry and Toni have not shared them with us all, so that we don't continue to "...... reading this bunch of *****."
If something is not correct in the thread, I feel it would be far more helpful to the forum readers, if Barry and Tony would share their valuable knowledge rather than just telling us that it contains "....mish mash of misinformation."

Barry and Toni

What an interesting mish mash of misinformation. For anyone researching the topic of residencia, I suggest they look at reliable websites, rather than reading this bunch of ******. Clare Shirley excepted, (and Gus-Lopez!)


Norm2 when you say:
"Having looked on the ~British Foreign Office website under "Living in Spain" they confirm that the period is 3 months. Some very interesting info on this site about many aspects of life in Spain."

           I assume you mean Padron as       the Padron is 3 months
                                                          Residencia is 5 years 
                                                          NIE number is for life 

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life


 Having looked on the ~British Foreign Office website under "Living in Spain" they confirm that the period is 3months. Some very interesting info on this site about many aspects of life in Spain.


When we renewed ours at Almeria last year the guy said is was Permanent for 5 years ???



Quote from: The Sheriff  ILLIA. on September 23, 2011, 19:39:11 PM
Pompey Blue,

It's the Guardia who will  impose the big fine - if you give them a copy of your old small card instead of the new Certificate  - shops etc can please themselves if they accept it or want other proof.
My sentiments exactly Sheriff. I offer it with no malicious intent, only as a means of photographic identification.

Regards  :tiphat:

British Born. English By The Grace Of God


We also were given the old  ones back we have the new ones with the car documents  for the Guardia  etc but use the old one with checks its makes sense that they can see who you are  I have been challenged twice once in an hotel in Majorca and the second time in a Restaurant in  Tenerife  but all they did was ask if I knew it had expired

The Sheriff ILLIA.

Pompey Blue,

It's the Guardia who will  impose the big fine - if you give them a copy of your old small card instead of the new Certificate  - shops etc can please themselves if they accept it or want other proof.
Fred Sheriff.

Tip of the Day for a long life  :-  Breathe In  - Breathe Out - repeat when necessary.

Pompey Blue

Frankie @ 28. We copied ours too and in most places still works, BUT didn't work in Carrefours-Murcia. They insist on ORIGINALS only, passport, driving licence etc.
Man cannot live by bread alone, there should be a beverage involved.


Quote from: Clare Shirley on September 23, 2011, 10:34:17 AM
in theory if you live here more than 3 months at a time then you are a resident and thus should take residency, however some may not want to take that step.
Clare - I thought that the threshold was 6 months in any one year (consecutive or not) ??
Malayan proverb - Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm.


Sailor , keep it out of sight , the fine for using an expired residencia is BIG .


Quote from: Frankie on September 23, 2011, 08:13:31 AM
The sensible and clued up folk copied their old card and had them laminated before handing the really useful card over in exchange for the super duper A4 sheet!  Unfortunately, I wasn´t one of them.....  :head
I guess I must have been fortunate Frankie as when we renewed our card for the A4 thingy, the guy at Almeria handed mine and the wife's back to us so I continued using it and no one queried it even though it had expired.
Mind you though, now that we are back in the UK it is rather superfluous but when we return on holiday I shall keep it handy.

Regards   :tiphat:
British Born. English By The Grace Of God


Hi Shirley. We first had NIE numbers to purchase our villa (as a holiday home) in 2003. Since that date we have never spent more than a total of 3 months in Spain in any one year and therefore have never considered having a "residencia". We continue to use it s a holiday home although having recently retired - hooray - there is a risk that in 2012 we may be out for moe than 3months.

We are cautious by nature but also wish to comply fully to our obligations - not least for tax purposes. I think we shall have to look very closely at this issue over the next 6months or so. Running foul of any tax system (UK or Spain)is potentially a nightmare.


Queen Clare Shirley

I think Norm2 that they expire now when you apply for it, in theory if you live here more than 3 months at a time then you are a resident and thus should take residency, however some may not want to take that step.

I have been on the registry since 1992 I shall have to look and see what it says on my certificate

ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


As a non-resident with an NIE number - having read all these posts I'm a little confused if my NIE number will expire. Trying to keep up with the Spanish system is very difficult not least because the officials appear to give different answers to the same questions. It all depends upon who you ask and the to rely upon the answer does need a degree of blind faith! Just a suggestion but has anyone asked the UK Embassy for advice and a definitive answer? Or is that just adding more confusion.

And to go off topic slightly -sorry. This reminds me of the issue of documents one must carry in your car for Guardia inspection. Again the answer seems to depend upon whom you ask. Does anyone have a definitive answer on this issue as well? Perhaps the replies -if any- could come under a new topics of - Car Documents.


Gus-Lopez is right i had my first residencia ( plastic photo card ) in 2001 but i alowed it to lapse in 2006  and only renewed it last year and the date on my Green A4 one is 2001 so it is the date that it was first issued .


We were also told it last forever and there is no expiry date. Shall not renew unless told so officially...

The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you're finished. - Benjamin Franklin

Act  silly - it makes your brain cells giggle!

Queen Clare Shirley

legislation and rules in Spain change regularly and what was said in March can change in September and December could be all too different,

As for the green paper when the first people start needing a renewal for the green bit of paper we shall see, I will wait for the card to come out and go and renew whatever the time as I dont want the piece of paper
ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


Well there you go!! A simple question and I for one am totally confused with all the well intentioned answers. Maybe our deputy mayor Roger can enlighten us all with the correct information.
:head :head